It’s annoying that both NFL games today are being played in domes. I like my football with mud, rain, and snow. It looks like the Jets are going to come up short. They had a good run. I’d like to root for the Saints just to support New Orleans, but I just can’t do it. I’ll be cheering for the Vikings. A Favre-Manning matchup in the Super Bowl would be pretty kewl.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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And you really want to hear all the idiot announcers and their man-crushes the next two weeks?
About 11 minutes of actual playing time per game. no wonder it’s so boring.
Go Vikings!!
Sorry the Jets couldn’t pull it off. They had a great first half, but Manning figured out the defense and they were done.
We just had a interview on TV where the TV personality asked Favre why he patted team mates asses and how it started. !!!!!!!
Oh yes, a Favre-Manning matchup would be terrific.
I hope you are aware that asking for such an inane situation directly connects with why politics are covered in America the way they are.
It’s very important to just smack, but not cup, the butt.
They could have opened the top of the Indy stadium. Don’t know why they didn’t.
Crowd noise!!!
yeah COLTS!!
I hate Manning and the Colts with the fire of a thousand suns.
I agree. Manning and his brothers always struck me as the type that, in high school, beat up and all around picked on those weaker than them. Kids that grew up entitled.
I could not figure on who I wanted to win. Who could live with a Jets win with all the NY wankery from the media that would go along with it. Yet a Manning win gives us …… Manning.
Bitter dregs in the bottom of that cup no matter which way it goes.
this should have been the Meteorite Bowl. As in – the stadium got hit by one.
Two words: Drew Brees.
Also, there is a sign in the Superdome that says, “Favre on the ground, Favre on the ground, it’s lookin’ like the Saints are Super Bowl bound.”
It’s easier to make book if you don’t have to worry about the vagaries of weather and field conditions. If only the players could be inorganic robots.
that was a money kick, right there. Congrats to N’awlins.
Aints & Dolts!
As a Saints fan, obviously, it was a good game for us, but I wish I was in NOLA now. It was obvious that everyone today was playing hard, but the Saints have been playing hard all season, and it just seemed that all season, no one gave the Saints any respect for the games they were playing. Mostly everyone here in DFW chalked it up to a fluke, especially after the Cowboys beat the Saints.
Win or lose, at least maybe now they will get some, but not for a few days, seeing how much the announcers on Fox, ESPN, etc were all looking like they had lost a loved one. They obviously all liked the story that woulda been told if Favre and the Viking had made it.
But I understand, that celebration will have to wait, until we see how things shake out with Favre. What do ya’ll think Favre’s gonna do?
The story in NOLA of cours isn’t about Favre, but about, about a team, a quaterback, a coach, a franchise, a city that even 4 years later needed a little magic. I went home for New Year’s and believe me when I tell ya NOLA needed this!
Anyway, Good game Vikings, and Geaux Saints!!!
Your dreaming if you think NO will ever get a smattering of the respect an east coast team would. Not going to happen.
I’m thinking that the Saints this season had the opposite experience that the Cowboy had. What I mean is based on the Saints history, no one really believe that the Sains had what it took even while there were winning. The Cowboys cause of their champioship history was given more of a chance even after defeat after defeat. To me it’s a leasson that history is in the past, it’s what you do right now that gonna matter tomorrow.
Anyway, good night ya’ll.
Hey , Rex Ryan! Yes YOU, fat boy!
signed – a Patriots fan.
The proper course for rooting during the NY/Colts game was to root for the Colts, so that their eventual fall in the Super Bowl will be that much sweeter. Besides, who could stand a NY team in the Super Bowl?
As for Minn/New Orleans, who could have predicted that Brett would choke up another one on the last play of regulation?