The right is so fired up that they actually have five Tea Party candidates vying for the nomination in Virginia’s Fifth Congressional District. While that division might present a problem to actually winning the Charlottesville seat, it’s indicative of a very high overall energy level that can be seen here in Pennsylvania, too. I can’t remember the last time the DSCC or DCCC announced a viable recruit, but the Republicans are rolling them out on a regular basis. The only thing they’re lacking is money, and the Supreme Court took care of that problem last week when they allowed corporate sponsorship of our democracy. So, yeah, we’re going to get hammered in the midterms regardless of what Obama does because we’ve allowed the results to get “baked in,” so to speak, and right-wing judges did the rest.
I think there will be a generalized anti-incumbent mood in November, though, that could make seemingly safe Republicans vulnerable. Since the DCCC seems to be focused almost entirely on defense, one thing that progressives could do is help fund some long-shot campaigns that are flying below the radar.
Since the president’s inauguration John McCain has been on:
In addition to McCain, Jim DeMint, Mitch McConnell, Orrin Hatch, Richard Shelby, Newt Gingrich, John Boner, Pat Buchannan, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Dick Army, Sean Hannity, Eric Cantor, Joe Lieberman, Liz and Dick Cheney, Mitt, Rudy and a whole slew of republicans and right wingers appear on these shows or have their own (all white, of course) to bash President Obama with nary a comment in his defense from the so-called progressives and liberals.
Incessantly. Day after day.
Every day we see the faces of very bloated republicans who have obstructed the President since day one on network and cable TV where they are allowed to say any outrageous thing they choose.
These excuses for journalist don’t hide the fact that their goal is also to undermine the President and try to discredit him. How else can you describe what passes for journalist on CBC, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, (except for KO, RM, and ES), CNBC and FOX? The reason Giuliani made that comment about “no terrorist attacks against this country under the Bush administration” is BECAUSE HE KNEW THAT STEPHONOLOPUS WOULD ALLOW HIM TO GET AWAY WITH IT.
NBC’s “The Matthews Show” with David Brooks, Savannah Guthrie, Clarence Page and Kathleen Parker will discuss “White Flight: Why Have Working Class Whites Abandoned Obama”? and “Can Dems Neutralize the Throw-the-Bums-Out Attitude by November? YES: 4 NO: 8”.
I expect nothing better from the republicans and the white tv gasbags, but I am totally disgusted by the so-called black scholars and intellectuals who would drive over their own children to do their song-and-dance for the white boys. Just to bash the President.
These reprobates were silent during the past eight years when this country was being driven into ground but now they suddenly want to have discussions about race or want the President to create a task force to discuss race. Frankly, I don’t give a d***. And when I decide that I want to discuss race, it won’t be a discussion conducted by these poor excuses for black men and it certainly won’t be from Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. These people are asking for a task force to study race only because they think they can wrangle a spot on that task force. They ought to be spending their time trying to develop some plans of their own on how to help the black community. Then actually find a black community where they can implement those plans. But we know that this won’t happen because you can’t develope any plans when all you have is hot air.
And where is the black media? The black bloggers? The black websites? They are no better than the white boys and are sometimes even worst.
Like George Lopez says: “Why you crying?”. Leave off the complaining, pimp the best, f*ck the rest.
That is part of the reason I am excited to be working for Brian Gordon. I like a good race and it is time for Gerlach to go.
That’s the first time I’ve heard of Gordon .. and I live in the district
He just decided to run in mid-December. He is a lower Merion Township commissioner with a strong record on environmental issues. His formal announcement is planned for this Sunday and we have started going to more events.
If you want to know more, drop me an e-mail at josh at
Amen to helping some long-shot progressives. And don’t forget an incumbent or two who has pleased you with their courage.
There are signs that Illinois could turn Purple this year. The top two candidates foe Governor have thrown so much mud that it’s hard to see either surviving the general election. I use “mud” advisedly, the situation more resembles primitive primates slinging dung. A general anti-incumbent atmosphere could turnover the General Assembly and Senate, too. Chicago will stay Democratic so I say “Purple” rather than Red, but the collar counties and downstate are likely to go Red and the Governorship and Senate are up for grabs. The Republicans are so energized by getting the Kennedy Seat, what do you think they will do to get the Obama Seat?
From our local paper here in Charlotteville:
5th District GOP hopefuls would defund EPA, cut taxes, undo Obama’s work
Perriello is toast.
The VDPA is useless.
The VADP is on the useless side; what a difference changing from Howard Dean to Tim Kaine at DNC has made.
I wouldn’t write Perriello off yet. Strangely enough he gets some respect in the southern part of his district, just over the line from NC. There’s a Jessecrat “I don’t always agree with him but I know where he stands” dynamic going on — in Dems favor this time. And there is not an effective opponent yet.
Fortunately, it is a long time before November.
The Tea Party folks are having problems in Tom Periello’s district because Perriello has not been running scared. During his town hall meetings, he was given high points by people who disagreed with him for (1) explaining his stand on health care in terms of his principles, (2) taking a strong stand, and (3) spending the time to answer his constituents questions. He was also one of the House members who set ground rules for his town hall meetings.
If folks are in too much of an anti-incumbent mood, he might lose but not to a Tea Party candidate. Virgil Goode, who he defeated narrowly in 2008 has already announced that he will not be seeking a rematch.
The Tea Party folks failed to have a night-time rally when the owner of the property they were going to meet on backed out because of the Tea Party folks’ tone about Obama.
Pennsylvania progressives should be working their tails off for Joe Sestak in his primary challenge to Snarlin’ Arlen Specter.