The right is so fired up that they actually have five Tea Party candidates vying for the nomination in Virginia’s Fifth Congressional District. While that division might present a problem to actually winning the Charlottesville seat, it’s indicative of a very high overall energy level that can be seen here in Pennsylvania, too. I can’t remember the last time the DSCC or DCCC announced a viable recruit, but the Republicans are rolling them out on a regular basis. The only thing they’re lacking is money, and the Supreme Court took care of that problem last week when they allowed corporate sponsorship of our democracy. So, yeah, we’re going to get hammered in the midterms regardless of what Obama does because we’ve allowed the results to get “baked in,” so to speak, and right-wing judges did the rest.

I think there will be a generalized anti-incumbent mood in November, though, that could make seemingly safe Republicans vulnerable. Since the DCCC seems to be focused almost entirely on defense, one thing that progressives could do is help fund some long-shot campaigns that are flying below the radar.