You know, if someone is standing at a podium and talking way over your head, they’re not necessarily lecturing you. I know you guys majored in Business Administration and thought English and Philosophy were for queers, but a basic familiarity with logic, grammar, and usage isn’t reserved for just liberal arts professors, you freaking goons.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I watched the event this morning live (only by chance) and thought “Wow, Mr. President. Good on you.” But I didn’t think it was all that big a deal, really. It just made sense.
Then MSNBC made a day out of it. Chris Matthews made his show mostly about it and Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow both gave up their time slots in order to do a two-hour special where they dissected every exchange from the event and even allowed Tweety to join in with the commentary. Whoa.
Was it really that big a deal? Maybe our Dems in congress will grow some gonads after seeing this. We can only hope.
Pass The Damn Bill
I saw some of the MSNBC coverage after watching it live. It was a nice pick-me-up after last week’s MA loss, for sure.
To be fair, while not for “queers,” philosophy departments can have a tendency to have an unusually high (even by college standards) percentage of odd people, in my experience. Once we got beyond the basic concept of a valid argument, which took him about three class periods to explain for some reason, my professor just sort of wandered off babbling to himself.
Not that there’s anything wrong with any of that. We need philosophy. After all, someone’s gotta make poli sci majors look marketable without the need of entering the right-wing freak show the low-level econ professors put on.
Don’t blame it on philosophy, blame it on bad philosophy and bad philosophy teachers.
Generally, when someone calls you on your BS, it takes on the feel of a lecture…
He’s really uppity, isn’t he?
I pr4efer someone who talks over my head than someone who talks at me. LOL
That all depends on whether you’re capable of reaching above your head, catching the conversation, and climbing up to its level. That’s sometimes not so easy as it might sound, y’know?
Common politician’s failure. Queen Victoria hated Gladstone because “He speaks to me as if I were a public meeting’.”
As long as Fox keeps quoting Sarah Palin, what’s the problem. Democrats can’t afford to lose her on the bet that she gets the Republican nomination for president in 2012. As a loser, she’s a Democratic asset.
That uppity negro lecturing to us again, and this time he does it without a teleprompter.
Funniest part (Jim/ Jeb from TX aside) when Obama responded to the content of the rep. so-called health care proposal some guy (forgot who) was waving around and which Obama had read. At that moment, for a second, I tried to imagine what would have been the look on Chimpy Bush’s face if, say Barney Frank was asking him a question and holding a text of some bill. deer in the headlights comes to mind.
Business administration? Hell, Obama could explain it in crayon and most of them still wouldn’t get it. Upton Sinclair’s quote about never understanding something if you get paid not to understand it comes to mind.
This post kicks ass Boo.
I’m sorry, we’re surprised by squealing from the knuckle-head chorus at Fox? It was amusing to flip back and forth between the MSNBC nerds getting all geeked up about it, and on Fox O’Reilly and Beck smarmily locking eyes over the table, each thinking “I’m so much more important than you”.
It exposed the fact that not only to Republicans speak in talking points, they think in talking points. Take that away and they are lost, sputtering, and trying to filibuster their talking points.
It’s a shame that Evan Bayh has made sure that Mike Pence will take his seat this year. And that Blanche Lincoln and Harry Reid have sealed their fate. We are fated to see more, not less, of these Republican doofuses.
Nah, Pence has decided to stay where he is.
Not that Senator Bland is much better.
H/T to Thomas over at Blue Indiana
Thanks for the update. I missed it.
Does that mean that Republican Evan Bayh (Sen-Wellpoint) is assured of re-election?
Unless something strange happens it looks as if Bayh is it. Of the 4 announced opponents so far , none comes close to being a heavy hitter. I suppose the most well known is loose cannon, former IN-8 congresscritter John Hostettler of “I forgot there was a pistol in my
pocketbriefcase” fame.From Wiki:
Also, Bayh is sitting on a cool 12 million+ and can TV spot to his handlers hearts’ content. Its a damn shame he didn’t turn out more like his father. I had the privilege of campaigning with Birch in the 2006 election for my own congressman and he’s a joy to hang out with and watch.
More importantly: The idiocy of the American public, and attendant hatred for anything that smacks of intelligence is the only reason “lecture” can be used as a pejorative.
Elected officials are only mirrors, or distillations of the general public.