“The tea party movement is dead. The one I was familiar with anyway. Judson Phillips held it down and Sarah Palin drove a stake right through its heart live last night on C-Span in front of an unsuspecting audience.” – Kleinheider at the Nashville Post.
Interesting article. Don’t know the author, but the comments are interesting and somewhat frightening.
The whole movement is somewhat frightening. Really, the reaction to Obama that was fueled at first by Hillary and then by Sarah is more than somewhat frightening.
Lumping her in with Palin is doltish. Fortunately, the president doesn’t share your opinion of her.
Hillary unleashed a beast.
I have to agree. While there may be a very few that might get caught up in this, by and large–no. Those idiots would have been crazed over her the same way they were crazed over her husband.
I swear to God though–what makes this different is that this was not solely a meeting of “teh crazy”–it was a Klan rally. And I will firmly and forever blame John McCain. AFAIC, he can rot in hell.
Parts of Palin’s speech were being played on the BBC overnight, as well as on ABC News, letting her lie without correction.
Whether or not the teabag movement is dead, the bigger question is why news outlets around the world allow someone to lie about basic tenets of the law like the constitutional right to an attorney.
No, this is not an Onion article:
this might be politically incorrect, and a little rough, but if white America for whatever reason votes for Sarah Palin (or any other teabagger candidate) in 2012, then they deserve what they get! The reason I say “white America” is because if a significant portion of African Americans (or other ethnic minorities,that are aware of the blatant bigotry displayed by these teabaggers) voted for Sarah Palin and her lot, I’ll eat my hat. Hell, I would say that even the smarter GOP’ers
wouldn’t vote for her! But I can actually imagine that a real majority of “angry middle-classed” white America would!
So I say fine, do it ya fools. Ya deserve it. If people are dumb enough to buy the S*&t that Sarah Palin is selling, then fine, and listening to some of the “conservatives” in this country they are buying it, I think they deserve her and her stupidity, and the ridicule of the world that will ensue.
I country deserves better than Sarah “palm reader” Palin
things to look forward to under President Palin:
a. the war on Iran, that her handlers tell her needs to happen
b. Oh, and the overthrowing of Roe v Wade, cause the abortion is murder…doncha know (wink…)
c. oh, and let’s forget about any sort of world diplomacy. President Palin will be a laughingstock all around the globe! Let’s just hope that in reaction to the ridicule, President Palin doesn’t become so upset that she decides to bomb France… ya know those Frenchies think too much of themselves…doncha know (wink…)
Here’s the thing, when kerry lost and Gore lost some people mentioned low turnout of African Americans, young people, etc. In the case of Obama’s election, the turnout was better.
No matter what, white people are the majority. No candidate can win with only minority votes…there is just not enough of us…period. The winning candidate can have all the minority vote possible, but they also needs a good portion of the majority to win comfortably.
All I’m saying is a Sarah Palin win can be placed squarely on the hands of the majority (white) population. If she wins, it’s because the majority of white voters voted for palin and against Obama (or voted for a 3rd party). I am a minority, and the people I speak to daily are Obama voters through and through, and baring some catastrophic occurences, they will vote for Obama come 2012. Can the same be said for the majority of white Americans? Right now the CW says no.
I know it far in advance, but I’m saying is don’t blame us for a Palin/GOP win this time!
They wouldn’t overthrow Roe v Wade – that’s their bread and butter, how they GOTV. they’ll just continue to whittle it down, crumbs for their base.
Very interesting article. Won’t this takeover of the teaparty movement by GOP media corporatism (in search of a candidate for 2012) defang or scatter the movement? last summer I heard some of the right wing radio rants against Bush – seemed to me there was more emotion towards Bush, a hatred of betrayal by Bush than their rejection of Obama.
Very interesting. Those commenters are largely in denial.
But what has emerged is really dangerous.
Bob In Pacifica writes above:
The biggest question is why “news outlets around the world”…which really means “news outlets in multinational corporation-dominated countries around the world”…willingly cooperated in hyping the pus coming out of mouth the post-Nixon Republican (War) Party.
And the answer is that the mainstream media do whatever the corporations tell them to do.
Why do the corporations acquiesce to this shit?
Because they think that it will be good for business.
How can we get them to stop supporting (in point of fact, promoting) the vast right wing conspiracy?
Convince them that it is not good for their business.
And how do we do that?
With a good dose of CORPORATESTRIKE!!! thrown in.
Corporations are, as our lovely Supreme Court has so recently reaffirmed for us, living entities with certain rights as the US Constitution is currently being interpreted by those dinosaurs-of-the-recent-past appointed Supreme Court (In)justices.
And as we should u all nderstand by now…on the plentiful evidence of the last 50+ years… corporate entities have a very short world-view. They really do, of practical necessity. They have to show a profit or they lose. It’s that simple. Several quarterly losses and they (plus the corporal asses [and assets} of their corporate bosses) are on the firing line. Several years? UH oh!!! It’s hostile takeover time by a more rugged…more successful in a short-term sense…corporate entity.
Kinda like wild animals in the jungle. There is always a new alpha male threatening the boss, and it’s survival of the fittest 24/7.
So…they hustle like a motherfucker to get over on a day-tio-day, week-to-week and month-to-month basis.
Pollute the environment for hundreds of years to come if not longer?
Kill uncounted millions with tobacco, bad pharma products and bad food?
OK if it means the survival of the company for another quarter.
And on and on it goes, in an ever-expanding downward spiral.
That’s the way it works, folks.
This Palin/Cheney/Ratpublicanization of the Tea Party?
It’s just another expansion of that downward zoom.
Bet on it.
And how do they get away with this month after month and year after year? Why…they hypnotize people with pretty pictures, with (white) bread and circuses.
The only role we have in this tragic farce is as consumers as far as they are concerned. That’s it. Consumers to be sold their product so that they can show a profit at the next quarterly check.
OK…that’s he way it is.
What an we do about it? Besides shedding massive quantities of blood in the streets that will go for naught as they take advantage of the chance to thin the already hard-to-manage herd?
All of it.
All of it without which we can survive, anyway. Which would be enough to drive them to desperate positions in less than a year if done by large enough numbers of us. Say 10 or 20 million middle class consumers for starters. Say a nuber equivalenent to the population of the NewYork/New jersey/Connecticut tristate area? Bet on it. Panic in the boardrooms of the world.
(How many people voted for Barack Obama in 2008? 69,456,897? Hmmmmm…)
First of all…stop buying their media shit, an act which would scare them to death because that is their major control tool right now and would also present the further benefit of beginning to lift the media-driven scales from our own eyes as well.
Then…cut down on buying anything that is made by any companies that sponsor right-wing media.
There’s a good idea!!!
Lemme ask y’all a question. Dedicated leftinesses that you all are.
hy haven’t you fucking done this already!!!???
Answer…”Why…the Superbowl’s on!!! Cain’t miss THAT!!!”
And then there’s Jersey Shore, and the wonderful (non)reality shows, and those great late night comics, and sports, and the news, and….
Yer outta there.
That’s why.
I’m gonna tell you smething, peple.
I am the most dangerous man in America right now.
Not Dick Cheney.
Not whoever is the baddest cat on the Superbowl field today or whoever won the latest suprrhyped mixed martial arts heavyweight fight.
Because I have already fucking done this, and I have survived…prospered, even…to tell the tale.
Try it.
You be bettah off.
Step away from your televisions and your middle class lives with your brains in the air.
It can be done.
Bet on that as well.
Any day now.
Aaaaaany day now.
I’m waiting….
Tap tap tap, tick tick tick…
I’m waiiiiting…
Later…but please, not too much later…
AG, you gotta do an episode of Jersey Shore, for research purposes if nothing else. It’s about the crassest bullshit possible, which is precisely why it is informative. It’s not the story, it’s the product.
I once did a detailed deconstruction for dKosuring the pie-fight days of the execrable remake of “Gilligan’s Island”.
It was the single most disgusting thing I ever stood still for.
That experience would be like reading James Joyce compared to what is up on “Jersey Shore”.
Not a chance.
I won’t even swim there, let alone allow it to pollute my beautiful mind. (Thanx and a tip of the AG hat to [Yo’] Mama Babawa Bush for that one.)
Not a chance, thanks anyway.
Not a chance.
Toxic content.
Bet on it.
I’ll say it again.
Step away from the TV with your brains in the air.
You be bettah off.
Much better.
totally toxic content. So toxic that you should take a peek to see how bad it’s gotten.
I’m halfway tempted to agree with go ahead and let them elect her, except I live her too. I don’t know if anyone saw the article in the New York Times this week about the French “Tea Party” movement in the 50’s, but the author can kind of paralleled it with the American movement. It was all anger and kick the bums out, etc., but once they had achieved some power they didn’t have any solutions which is exactly like this movement. Populist rage is a very driving force, but once they have to articulate their solutions, I’m betting droves of them will fall off. Only the ardent will remain, which I admit, will be quite a few.
Why is everybody talking about “go ahead and elect her?” I take this editorial to mean that she’s in the process of losing a good chunk of her (already far less numerous than one might suppose from the amount of media hype she gets, including on the left side of Blogistan) supporters.