This is why every Democratic blogger in the known universe advises their readers not to donate to the DSCC, DCCC, or DNC, and only to donate directly to individual candidates. If I send money to the DSCC and they use that money to help Ben Nelson, then I’ve just effed myself in the a, have I not?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Well, that’s the difficult part though.
Ben Nelson has voted with the Dems on a number of issues. It’s tough knowing where to draw the line. I wouldn’t give money to him, but if he loses, do you think someone more progressive, or regressive, will get his seat? I don’t have any fantasies that it would be the former. And that’s why the party funds people like that. And you know that, of course.
For my money, the entire point of having Ben Nelson in the Senate is so that he can can the procedural votes we need. He’s never going to be a good vote on any issue where he’s the deciding vote, but at least he can help you procedurally. But he’s not even willing to do that half the time. He makes us look weak and foolish, which is worse than anything a Republican can do. The party has no choice but to spend the bulk of their money defending the most vulnerable members, who, by definition, tend to be Blue Doggish.
Which isn’t an answer to my question. I’m quite serious. Is there someone better? Would a Republican take that seat if we don’t fund Nelson? Is it better to have 1/2 a republican than a whole one in that seat?
I’m really asking. I don’t pretend to know the answers.
It’s a tough call, mostly because of the Villagers involved.
Everyone–barring a select few–thought with a 60-vote majority Democrats would be able to get the procedural votes they needed.
Reality check: that hasn’t happened, and the Village seems content with believing that with 60 votes, Democrats need to stop blaming Republicans. In a sense, they’re correct, but in another, there’s no reason in our form of government that there should be such stringent party-line voting; it’s even worse than the ’90’s.
So, is he useful half of the time? Maybe, but he taints the rest of us with:
a. His sweetheart deals
b. His being allowing the Village to frame the narrative
c. He provides cover for other chicken weakling Democrats
d. He gives incentive to other chicken weakling Democrats
I’d say that overall, especially given the fact that Obama won an electoral vote from the states, we’d be better off primarying him or allowing him to lose.
Agreed. Even a primary that ends with a Rep winning the seat would do more good than harm in the longer term. At least a lesson will be taught and a narrative changed.
It’s way past time to retire the “filibuster proof” mythology, at least when it comes to Democrats. Does anyone still believe that if the Reps get 50 seats in the Senate, they’ll let a little thing like the filibuster stop them? Dems need to use the power they’ve got and quit relying on silly fables.
just don’t send him any of your money. Let the chips fall where they may.
Umm, a statement that is at once accurate and crude. A win/win.
He’s just an asshole who’s obviously trying to lose the next election. I don’t get this fool. If he and his other blue dog friends would just stay out of the news, give us procedural votes and vote against the final thing, they’d get re-elected just fine.
They just have to let their egos get the best of them, though, and must have power over the process. As Blanche Lincoln is learning, though, it’s not good to be one in this environment while sticking your head in the spotlight every fucking vote.
Christ. They make no sense. You keep your cushy seat and your corporate dollars; just act like no one knows who you are, like Daniel Akaka. Have you seen him anywhere? Nope. Hell, even Mark Pryor…when’s the last time he was in the news? If there were a Senator who I’d want to punch in the face, he’d be on the top shelf; and yet he hasn’t been much of a problem, so far as I can tell. It’s like they want to head to K-Street right away, and purposefully sabotage their own re-election by showing their corporate backers just how loyal they are. Or, as I stated earlier, the idea of power is too great. Meh, I’m out of the curve, I never understood why people crave power.
I’m rambling, and done.
…just to end the charade.
But first, let’s rip off Ben Nelson’s cheap toupee and set it on fire. You would think that, having been the head of the Nebraska insurance lobby before running for Senate, his buddies would have chipped in for a plausible hairpiece.
Ben Nelson plays both sides because of his ego, the money and he just is not very bright. I was back home in Nebraska over Christmas and every TV commercial was a 3rd party ad in favor or against Nelson voting their way for Health Care Reform. It was exhausting and after about 45 minutes watching TV, it left the average person confused (WTF is cloture?) and hating Ben Nelson. The whole Nebraska kickback debacle blew up in his face because he made the deal so public and Nebraskans of all political stripes loathed the way it shook down even though the state was getting extra money. A historic blizzard crippled Nebraska over Xmas so everyone was watching TV for the weather and Nelson’s deal for his yes vote was a top story. I was not surprised to see his poll numbers plummet and he is done politically in the state. If the sitting GOP Governor runs for Senate, he will crush him by at least 15 points.
The best thing for the Nebraska Democratic party would be for this fool to lose. Obama carried Omaha congressional district and he has a legit shot at competing for Lincoln’s district in 2012. Nelson’s awfulness and the unicameral in the state house makes it very difficult to make an argument for a real Democrat to win state wide or for Federal office.
I have no idea what Nelson is doing on this vote but throwing darts and trying to look more Republican to make up for the HCR vote. His political career is over and likely will end up just voting to line up his next gig as a lobbyist.
without lubricant.