We’re due for another 10-20 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow…glad I’m squeaking in a visit to the doctor tomorrow morning before it hits, cuz I still have this nasty sore throat.
The baby just slept for 4 hours straight, I think. And so did I. Woo-hoo.
We’re supposed to get rain starting tomorrow, and given the current sticky feel to the air, I’m thinking the forecast is accurate. We still need it, that’s for sure.
Understand about wanting the rain. Even after all the rain we have had lately I am not complaining. We finally have Lake Travis back at regular depth and still have another lake below normal level. The lakes are our main source of water and I will only be happy when they are all back at full status. LOL
I hope you get a nice soaking rain, then. CBtY is thinking that after today, he’ll get 6 days off in a row (2 snow days and then the president’s weekend). I almst cried at the thought of people being home all week.
Yeah we do too. We were teen central when the boys were in junior high. Here’s a quick scan of some evidence that usually resides on our refrigerator under a magnet.
They’re inside, probably hiding from the town cops and/or eating their way through the fridge.
Common early morning phone call, “Is my son there”?
That bottom pic looks familiar, but I love the 2 together. 🙂
CBtE is going through the whole separation thing lately, which involves a lot of “I can’t spend a snowstorm stuck here in this house with you,” Those of us who have to listen to it are growing weary… 🙂
We were supposed to get between 1-3 inches overnight but it looks more like a 1/2″. So we’ve barely added to our 5-6 inches. Since this is so much less than forecast, I wonder how much of the additional 2-4 inches predicted we’ll actually get.
Either way, we’re pikers compared to you all in East — and aren’t I glad.
Take care of Finn. Infants are vulnerable due to an immature immune system. Create a safe “bubble” around the infant by avoiding sick people. Always a difficult decision, but Finn needs this protection the first six months.
Last fall I struggled with my grandson (3.5 yrs) who had picked up the H1N1 virus at a children’s party and I cared for him until the fever and symptoms were gone. We were in quarantine for a few days with best hygiene and breathing masks.
We have good news from the doctor: the rapid strep test was negative, and it appears to be a virus that will run its course. So far, Finn doesn’t seem to have caught it, and we’re all washing our hands like crazy to make sure he doesn’t. Time to change the pillowcases and sheets again too…
I’m glad your grandson was okay. That must have been scary.
We’ll be snuggled up at home for a few more days this week, what with the next storm coming, so that will help avoid germs, I’m sure.
Mrs. ID and I have both had the chest crud for about a month now, she with off and on low fevers and me without. Our doc put her on an antibiotic last Mon. and by Fri. she was feeling great. I finally broke down and saw the doc yesterday and got a chest x-ray for good measure, since I had a TB exposure many years ago. Everything came back ok.
Hope the little guy continues to avoid whatever it is that latched onto you.
Yuck. Glad Mrs ID is feeling better now and that you’re okay.
The doctor had told us during a previous visit that he was likely to avoid most stuff, because breastfeeding would give him a head start on developing antibodies to whatever we got.
It was fun seeing the other little babies there today – lots of new little ones, smaller than our Finn was when he came. Very cute.
I have an appointment with my psychologist later today where she will set an appointment for me with my psychiatrist. This is to check on my med levels and also for me to discuss my life and make sure I am making progress. It will be the first appointment since I broke my ankle because of the distance and taking two buses and is much needed. LOL
Today should be clear but they are calling for more rain and possibly some snow or sleet later in the week. I hope we only get the rain.
Thanks!! I always plan on more time than needed for the buses. It takes 1.5 hours to get to her office by bus and missing one connection adds an extra 45 minutes. The bus system here is better than none but that is about it. LOL
Did the county offices close for the bad weather? Didn’t seem too had out in the county — the postal service lived up to motto and delivered the mail and Spicers, as always, was undaunted by unplowed roads and picked up the trash. But this morning the cold and blowing snow makes staying inside look like a great plan.
Nah, the staff was highly disappointed, too. I had taken taken Mon. off to visit the doc and try to rest away the chest crud. I think it worked because I’m feeling much better today.
As long as the sun is out, the temps aren’t colder than the upper 20s, and the wind isn’t blowing, I like having snow. Unfortunately, those three criteria don’t get met often enough.
Hi! we’ve only gotten 6 inches so far, but they are promising us more today. Little sleet/freezing rain action earlier this morning as well.
My office is ‘not closed’ today. They told everyone to pack up what they needed to work from home yesterday, and no one has to come in, although they aren’t officially closing.
Maybe a few more “not closed” days would help more employers get the benefits of letting workers telecommuting. I was never as productive working in an office — it’s amazing how much time is lost to schmoozing and worthless meetings.
This company has the best computer set up for working from home that I’ve ever had to work with. I can access everything through the VPN, see who’s working on what and when they finished with it, and track versions and changes in projects that way as well. A lot of folks who do what I do work from home on a regular basis. Which is part of why I took the job. 🙂
The advances in remote working have been really great for me. With remote desktop or citrix, I can get directly on customer sites and work or for those that are secure, they can use Webex to let me see what is going on.
OTOH, the dogs are pointing out there are great advances in local work as in getting up from my chair and putting on my snow gear.
One of the staff is already doing that part of the time and she loves it. I’m trying to get VPN access for one of our vendors also, since our office space is pretty sparse.
Finally checking in. The courts closed today for the snow. I’ve been home getting a jump on the Great Dining Room Floor. I’m putting in a floating floor and have now finished most of the prep work. It’s (mostly) downhill from here.
IDtY and I did one last summer for Mrs. ID’s office and it came out very nicely. She has gotten lots of compliments from clients and not one has accused her of upping her fees to pay for the flooring. I’ll bet yours looks great too.
Really, the only bad thing that happened was a few of the grooves that lock the flooring together were damaged in shipping and I cut the wrong end off on a couple more, forcing me to go buy one more box before we could finish. I suppose the down side of the whole project was packing up most of the office so we could get the flooring in, including dewiring the computer network. Over six months later we keep coming up with stuff we need and can’t find.
We’re due for another 10-20 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow…glad I’m squeaking in a visit to the doctor tomorrow morning before it hits, cuz I still have this nasty sore throat.
The baby just slept for 4 hours straight, I think. And so did I. Woo-hoo.
What are you all up to today?
We’re supposed to get rain starting tomorrow, and given the current sticky feel to the air, I’m thinking the forecast is accurate. We still need it, that’s for sure.
Hope you get it and everything gets nicely drenched (except the dogs).
Understand about wanting the rain. Even after all the rain we have had lately I am not complaining. We finally have Lake Travis back at regular depth and still have another lake below normal level. The lakes are our main source of water and I will only be happy when they are all back at full status. LOL
I hope you get a nice soaking rain, then. CBtY is thinking that after today, he’ll get 6 days off in a row (2 snow days and then the president’s weekend). I almst cried at the thought of people being home all week.
LOL My mom use to hate when we had so much time off but was thrilled she had coworkers with jeeps that picked her up for work. LOL
I can totally relate…I have to run the dishwasher twice a day when they’re home that long, and they’re like locusts, eating everything in sight.
Boy, I remember that with 3 teenage boys and the Nature Girl. Funny thing is that time goes by in an instant and I kind of miss it now.
Yeah we do too. We were teen central when the boys were in junior high. Here’s a quick scan of some evidence that usually resides on our refrigerator under a magnet.
They’re inside, probably hiding from the town cops and/or eating their way through the fridge.
Common early morning phone call, “Is my son there”?
That bottom pic looks familiar, but I love the 2 together. 🙂
CBtE is going through the whole separation thing lately, which involves a lot of “I can’t spend a snowstorm stuck here in this house with you,” Those of us who have to listen to it are growing weary… 🙂
Yeah, we grownups are sooooooooo boring;-)
We were supposed to get between 1-3 inches overnight but it looks more like a 1/2″. So we’ve barely added to our 5-6 inches. Since this is so much less than forecast, I wonder how much of the additional 2-4 inches predicted we’ll actually get.
Either way, we’re pikers compared to you all in East — and aren’t I glad.
Congrats on the sleep and little Finn sleeping more.
I’m glad he slept, but a little worried that he’s getting sick. CBtY has it now too.
Sorry CBty has the crud as well as you. I hope Finn avoids it all. Glad you have an early doctors appointment before more of the snow hits your area.
Take care of Finn. Infants are vulnerable due to an immature immune system. Create a safe “bubble” around the infant by avoiding sick people. Always a difficult decision, but Finn needs this protection the first six months.
Last fall I struggled with my grandson (3.5 yrs) who had picked up the H1N1 virus at a children’s party and I cared for him until the fever and symptoms were gone. We were in quarantine for a few days with best hygiene and breathing masks.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
We have good news from the doctor: the rapid strep test was negative, and it appears to be a virus that will run its course. So far, Finn doesn’t seem to have caught it, and we’re all washing our hands like crazy to make sure he doesn’t. Time to change the pillowcases and sheets again too…
I’m glad your grandson was okay. That must have been scary.
We’ll be snuggled up at home for a few more days this week, what with the next storm coming, so that will help avoid germs, I’m sure.
Mrs. ID and I have both had the chest crud for about a month now, she with off and on low fevers and me without. Our doc put her on an antibiotic last Mon. and by Fri. she was feeling great. I finally broke down and saw the doc yesterday and got a chest x-ray for good measure, since I had a TB exposure many years ago. Everything came back ok.
Hope the little guy continues to avoid whatever it is that latched onto you.
Yuck. Glad Mrs ID is feeling better now and that you’re okay.
The doctor had told us during a previous visit that he was likely to avoid most stuff, because breastfeeding would give him a head start on developing antibodies to whatever we got.
It was fun seeing the other little babies there today – lots of new little ones, smaller than our Finn was when he came. Very cute.
I second this!!!
I love it when they first start to notice the other little kids. “Hey, there’s one that’s my size!”
I have an appointment with my psychologist later today where she will set an appointment for me with my psychiatrist. This is to check on my med levels and also for me to discuss my life and make sure I am making progress. It will be the first appointment since I broke my ankle because of the distance and taking two buses and is much needed. LOL
Today should be clear but they are calling for more rain and possibly some snow or sleet later in the week. I hope we only get the rain.
I hope you only get rain too. Good luck with the appointment, and I hope the buses are running on time.
Thanks!! I always plan on more time than needed for the buses. It takes 1.5 hours to get to her office by bus and missing one connection adds an extra 45 minutes. The bus system here is better than none but that is about it. LOL
We may get 18 inches. I’m already getting ready to call in to work. Good luck at the doctor. Sleep is good!
Thanks. I’m sure you’re just crushed about missing work tomorrow… 😉
Gosh, what a shame. I can feel the disappointment all the way from here;-)
Did the county offices close for the bad weather? Didn’t seem too had out in the county — the postal service lived up to motto and delivered the mail and Spicers, as always, was undaunted by unplowed roads and picked up the trash. But this morning the cold and blowing snow makes staying inside look like a great plan.
Nah, the staff was highly disappointed, too. I had taken taken Mon. off to visit the doc and try to rest away the chest crud. I think it worked because I’m feeling much better today.
Hope everybody who had storms weathered them, have lots of food, plenty of warmth, and no need to go to work.
click for larger
Morning Miss Andi!!! I so appreciate the weather in Austin. LOL The pictures of the snow are beautiful but I am glad I am not in it.
As long as the sun is out, the temps aren’t colder than the upper 20s, and the wind isn’t blowing, I like having snow. Unfortunately, those three criteria don’t get met often enough.
Hi! we’ve only gotten 6 inches so far, but they are promising us more today. Little sleet/freezing rain action earlier this morning as well.
My office is ‘not closed’ today. They told everyone to pack up what they needed to work from home yesterday, and no one has to come in, although they aren’t officially closing.
Sounds like they are playing it safe which is very smart!!! 6 inches of snow would paralyze Austin. LOL
I was glad they did it. There’s no need for most of us to go in, and it really isn’t safe this morning.
Maybe a few more “not closed” days would help more employers get the benefits of letting workers telecommuting. I was never as productive working in an office — it’s amazing how much time is lost to schmoozing and worthless meetings.
This company has the best computer set up for working from home that I’ve ever had to work with. I can access everything through the VPN, see who’s working on what and when they finished with it, and track versions and changes in projects that way as well. A lot of folks who do what I do work from home on a regular basis. Which is part of why I took the job. 🙂
The advances in remote working have been really great for me. With remote desktop or citrix, I can get directly on customer sites and work or for those that are secure, they can use Webex to let me see what is going on.
OTOH, the dogs are pointing out there are great advances in local work as in getting up from my chair and putting on my snow gear.
See ya later.
One of the staff is already doing that part of the time and she loves it. I’m trying to get VPN access for one of our vendors also, since our office space is pretty sparse.
Have people work remotely just makes really good sense — saves time, money, and is good for the environment. Plus, the dogs like it way better. 🙂
Finally checking in. The courts closed today for the snow. I’ve been home getting a jump on the Great Dining Room Floor. I’m putting in a floating floor and have now finished most of the prep work. It’s (mostly) downhill from here.
Yay! Will there be pictures?
I guess so. 🙂
I suggest using a level.
Ha! It wouldn’t matter, nothing is level in this old house.
Is a floating floor like a magic carpet?
Yes, but easier to clean.
I bet you’re tempted to put the whole family on the floating floor and float to Aruba.
That sounds like a plan. I’ve gotta crank up the GPS.
IDtY and I did one last summer for Mrs. ID’s office and it came out very nicely. She has gotten lots of compliments from clients and not one has accused her of upping her fees to pay for the flooring. I’ll bet yours looks great too.
That’s a good parent/child project. I’ll actually start putting it in on Friday. Hopefully all will be well.
Really, the only bad thing that happened was a few of the grooves that lock the flooring together were damaged in shipping and I cut the wrong end off on a couple more, forcing me to go buy one more box before we could finish. I suppose the down side of the whole project was packing up most of the office so we could get the flooring in, including dewiring the computer network. Over six months later we keep coming up with stuff we need and can’t find.