I was thinking about emailing him — he might have access to that. If he doesn’t reply to the email, some people have his number and I could see if they want to check.
I wish we’d get a storm like you just got. We’ve only had a couple good ones this year. 3 feet of snow would be very welcome in Reno/Tahoe. And we’re always prepared for it. Apparently Vancouver, BC could use it before the Winter Olympics as well.
Wow, I always think of your area as having great snow. Are you closer to Reno or Tahoe? I lived up by Twin Bridges/Strawberry (on Hwy 50) back in the late 80s, and this week’s snows remind me of that winter.
I keep seeing the stories about Vancouver needing more snow. Who would have thought that could even happen?
I’m in Reno. It’s only about 4500 ft elevation here and we’re in a valley, so we don’t get nearly as much as they do a few thousand feet higher around Tahoe, Donner Pass, etc. but snow has been light this year. We’re not exactly in drought conditions but it seems like it should snow alot more than it has the last couple years. The ski resorts make snow these days but when I was younger and they didn’t do that yet, they usually got and maintained a good snowpack from November to March. All of the mountains around us are snow-covered and the skiing is fine but we should see regular large doses of snow down here as well.
Oh, I was thinking you might be more in the Truckee area. I’m sorry to hear that there’s so much less snow in that area as a whole than there used to be.
My computer started up this morning, so I decided before it stops on me to drop by and say hi.
It started snowing here around 2:00 am and is supposed to keep snowing until 6:00 pm today. This might be enough to make me pull out my camera and take pictures. That is if I have any batteries.
I hope everyone is doing good. George and I are good and still in the house. We have a new addition. My brother and sil brought home a Cocker Spaniel puppy. She’s as cute as can be, but George doesn’t like her too much. She’s so full of energy that when she comes up around George he starts barking and running away. Plus if he’s got any food she can get to she’ll eat every bit of it.
And it sounds like you’re in for a good bit of snow. We’ll be needing pictures, of course.
Poor George. I remember when we brought Phoebe (the Shih Tzu) home, Gracie was completely appalled at what we had done. She wouldn’t even look at the puppy for the first few weeks. Then she started playing with her when she thought we couldn’t see her, but if we looked their way, she’d stop and pretend she hadn’t been doing any such thing.
Today, they’re buddies, both trying to sleep under Finn’s swing whenever he’s in it.
I hope you enjoy your snow. If you dont get enough, I have extra,..
Sounds very exciting. I had my hair cut last week, and now it’s time for all the guys to get theirs cut.
I might venture out. CBtE has a delayed opening , but no bus (the district cancelled his bus because of the roads, but his school is mostly a boarding school so they’re open). I don’t really have much need to, though. We have plenty of food and everything, I already have my knitting projects for tonight’s Olympic opening ceremonies, and the baby is here…why leave? 😉
Of course, my mom is jonesing for a visit with the Finnster, so it could happen.
That sounds like a sweet dream!!! I have had a few wierd dreams I am still trying to deal with in the last few nights. Since they are so bizarre, I will not share.
I am doing great this morning. Not many plans for the day so I will take it easy.
I am really glad video cameras were not around when I was growing up and Mom did not have an 8mm film camera. She embarrasses me enough with stories. LOL
Good morning everybody! Good to “see” you Family Man! I’m off to attend a legislative report this morning. Hope they’re not doing too much damage up there in Indy this time around.
Have fun!!! I am skipping the SDEC(State Democratic Executive Meeting)today. I have been many times and there is absolutely nothing more boring except curling. LOL
Morning everyone!!! Sipping my coffee and looking forward to the Dayton 500 hundred this morning. I will watch Olympics afterward. Not a really exciting day planned but such is life. LOL
Happy Valentine’s Day CabinGirl, to you and your family! We went out last night to the new brew pub in our neighborhood. Saw some old friends and met some new ones.
Visiting. I met a man a really love and who is also my best friend. Not sure where it is going but I know the friendship will last a lifetime. I can accept that is that is what happens but am wishing for more. LOL
Oh, we have been caught in several, shall we say, compromising positions over the years, since we had so many kids running in and out of the house much of the time. There isn’t much they haven’t seen.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you too! Mine had a bad night as well. Our old cat apparently began yowling in the wee hours and wouldn’t be quiet until she got up to sit with her for awhile. Fortunately for me, I’m a little hard of hearing and a sound sleeper as well.
There’s definitely something going around. I still haven’t given my cold to Finn, though, so I’m happy.
Are you folks supposed to get some of tomorrow’s snowstorm? They’re predicting 2-10 inches here, and if we get 10, I don’t know where they’ll put it all.
I’m ready for spring too. I’m dying to go for a walk, but its too cold for the baby and the roads are messy enough that I’m afraid someone would hit us.
Good morning to all!!! Great picture as always Miss Andi!!! I wonder how many make up days they will paste on to the end of the year for Jim because of all the snow days. LOL
I miss FM.
Me too. I tried mentioning him over at my blog in the hopes that would make him show up but no luck.
I hope it’s just that his computer finally died and he hasn’t gotten anything else.
I hope so too. Any way we can find out?
I was thinking about emailing him — he might have access to that. If he doesn’t reply to the email, some people have his number and I could see if they want to check.
Doing great this am. I miss FM also. I hope everything is okay!!!
Always happy to hear good news for you, RF. The dogs say everything is okay for us too and I should get my butt in gear.
See ya later.
I’m so glad things have gotten better for you, RF!
My neighbor has already been to plow us out. What a good guy. I need to do something nice for him…any ideas?
I’ll have to post pictures of the snow. It’s thigh deep here – a first.
Monster cookies.
Have you made them yet?
Thanks everyone!!! I agree about the monster cookies or either a bat5ch of homemade chocolate chip muffins.
I think I might have everything here for the monster cookies…but it will deplete my peanut butter supply.
I wish we’d get a storm like you just got. We’ve only had a couple good ones this year. 3 feet of snow would be very welcome in Reno/Tahoe. And we’re always prepared for it. Apparently Vancouver, BC could use it before the Winter Olympics as well.
Wow, I always think of your area as having great snow. Are you closer to Reno or Tahoe? I lived up by Twin Bridges/Strawberry (on Hwy 50) back in the late 80s, and this week’s snows remind me of that winter.
I keep seeing the stories about Vancouver needing more snow. Who would have thought that could even happen?
I’m in Reno. It’s only about 4500 ft elevation here and we’re in a valley, so we don’t get nearly as much as they do a few thousand feet higher around Tahoe, Donner Pass, etc. but snow has been light this year. We’re not exactly in drought conditions but it seems like it should snow alot more than it has the last couple years. The ski resorts make snow these days but when I was younger and they didn’t do that yet, they usually got and maintained a good snowpack from November to March. All of the mountains around us are snow-covered and the skiing is fine but we should see regular large doses of snow down here as well.
Oh, I was thinking you might be more in the Truckee area. I’m sorry to hear that there’s so much less snow in that area as a whole than there used to be.
I am glad we don’t have snow in Austin. LOL I have been to Tahoe/Reno a few times. Use to go when I lived in SF. It is a beautiful area.
Too bad about Vancouver. But we never seem to lack for snow here in the northeast.
Good snowy morning everyone!
My computer started up this morning, so I decided before it stops on me to drop by and say hi.
It started snowing here around 2:00 am and is supposed to keep snowing until 6:00 pm today. This might be enough to make me pull out my camera and take pictures. That is if I have any batteries.
I hope everyone is doing good. George and I are good and still in the house. We have a new addition. My brother and sil brought home a Cocker Spaniel puppy. She’s as cute as can be, but George doesn’t like her too much. She’s so full of energy that when she comes up around George he starts barking and running away. Plus if he’s got any food she can get to she’ll eat every bit of it.
As I said, I hope everyone is fine and take care.
Family Man — we have been so missing you! I’m really glad to know you are okay.
I thought of you when I saw the forecast for the snow. I hope you get enough for some great photos.
And mazel tov on the puppy (and my sympathies to George).
Glad you’re here! 🙂
And it sounds like you’re in for a good bit of snow. We’ll be needing pictures, of course.
Poor George. I remember when we brought Phoebe (the Shih Tzu) home, Gracie was completely appalled at what we had done. She wouldn’t even look at the puppy for the first few weeks. Then she started playing with her when she thought we couldn’t see her, but if we looked their way, she’d stop and pretend she hadn’t been doing any such thing.
Today, they’re buddies, both trying to sleep under Finn’s swing whenever he’s in it.
I hope you enjoy your snow. If you dont get enough, I have extra,..
Morning CG.
I think we should all send our snow to FM. Think how happy we’d make him (not that we have anything like you got — whew).
After seeing what they had to do in Vancouver, I’m sure we could make it happen. 🙂
What are you up to today? I have someone home for the President’s day weekend…
Walking, working, and getting a haircut (that’s been canceled two times because of snow) — pretty exciting stuff, eh?
Are you venturing out into the
ArcticPennsylvania countryside?Sounds very exciting. I had my hair cut last week, and now it’s time for all the guys to get theirs cut.
I might venture out. CBtE has a delayed opening , but no bus (the district cancelled his bus because of the roads, but his school is mostly a boarding school so they’re open). I don’t really have much need to, though. We have plenty of food and everything, I already have my knitting projects for tonight’s Olympic opening ceremonies, and the baby is here…why leave? 😉
Of course, my mom is jonesing for a visit with the Finnster, so it could happen.
Well you could tell your mom that the road goes both ways and there’s nothing stopping her from coming there. 🙂
Good to hear from you!!! I hope George gets use to the puppy and you stay warm!!! Since I have reappeared, I am hoping to see you more often!!!
Today’s theme is Black or White or Black and White. Interpret the theme literally, symbolically, or like a shot from an old brownie camera.
Olivia will post the diary a little later this morning.
The very, very best thing about it is that when it’s over, it will be March!
I’m really, really, really ready for winter to be over so I can’t imagine how people in the east, especially in D.C. are dealing with it.
Me too! Good morning Andi. I sure do love that new cafe photo.
Thanks Alice. I was just happy to see some sun — we seem to have spent most of 2010 in gloom.
I had a dream last night that Finn was giggling. Pretty strange.
How is everyone this morning?
That sounds like a sweet dream!!! I have had a few wierd dreams I am still trying to deal with in the last few nights. Since they are so bizarre, I will not share.
I am doing great this morning. Not many plans for the day so I will take it easy.
Did your dreams involve the USA curling team?
NO thank goodness. LOL I would hate to dream of those mean ladies with brooms sweeping rocks away. LOL
Haha, you mock the curling guys, but they are the ones who let all middle aged, paunchy guys dream that they still have a shot at being an Olympian.
ROTFLMAO!!!! I would still rather watch Apollo Ohno in that tight uniform. LOL
Wouldn’t we all…
Baby giggles are the best thing in the world. And not too far off for you. 🙂
We will clearly have to post youtubes of that when it happens. 🙂
I guess I’m looking forward to that so much I’m dreaming abut it. This is fun, having a new baby after all these years.
I bet. I wish I could start over and do things better this time. Oh wells.
Judging by the way your kids have turned out, I’d say you did pretty good on the first try. 🙂
It is nice to be doing this with a few more years of experience under my belt, though.
I am really glad video cameras were not around when I was growing up and Mom did not have an 8mm film camera. She embarrasses me enough with stories. LOL
Good morning everybody! Good to “see” you Family Man! I’m off to attend a legislative report this morning. Hope they’re not doing too much damage up there in Indy this time around.
Have fun!!! I am skipping the SDEC(State Democratic Executive Meeting)today. I have been many times and there is absolutely nothing more boring except curling. LOL
Maybe they pass a law that makes Mitch the Itch the official state allergy.
Morning everyone!!! Sipping my coffee and looking forward to the Dayton 500 hundred this morning. I will watch Olympics afterward. Not a really exciting day planned but such is life. LOL
Just me and Finn up this morning…the big brothers are over at their dad’s, and Boo is still asleep.
I have pictures to share today..gonna upload them in a minute. I still have the sore throat/cold, but think it might be going away finally.
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone. 🙂 I think I’m baking a cake to celebrate.
Happy Valentine’s to you also!!! Sorry the sore throat is still bothering you.
You should make a Red Velvet cake.
OOh, I love red velvet cake. But I’m going to have to go with something dairy-free, I’m afraid.
I’m thinking Black Russian cake or apple cake, or both. 🙂
Happy Valentine’s Day CabinGirl, to you and your family! We went out last night to the new brew pub in our neighborhood. Saw some old friends and met some new ones.
Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!
Mine had a bad night’s sleep and went back to bed.
Happy Valentine’s tp you also!!! Mine is still sleeping. I am trying to stay quiet and not wake them up. LOL
..and not wake them up.
Are the Diva Dogs back with you?
I was hoping it was something more exciting than that.
Yes, RF, do you have a Valentine in residence?
Visiting. I met a man a really love and who is also my best friend. Not sure where it is going but I know the friendship will last a lifetime. I can accept that is that is what happens but am wishing for more. LOL
That’s exciting- enjoy! 🙂
Hope your wishes come true!
I wanted to share a Valentine’s quote for those not on facebook.
“Don’t talk to me about Valentine’s Day. At my age an affair of the heart is a bypass!” Joan Rivers. LOL
I’m not quite there yet, but am thinking about passing our copy of the Kama Sutra along to the kids before too long;-)
My kids would die if I passed anything like that down to them.
Oh, we have been caught in several, shall we say, compromising positions over the years, since we had so many kids running in and out of the house much of the time. There isn’t much they haven’t seen.
Well, you have to rest sometime. LOL
Happy Valentine’s Day to you too! Mine had a bad night as well. Our old cat apparently began yowling in the wee hours and wouldn’t be quiet until she got up to sit with her for awhile. Fortunately for me, I’m a little hard of hearing and a sound sleeper as well.
Oh, that yowling in the wee hours…I hope Mrs. ID gets a nice nap this morning.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I hope curly feels better when she gets back up. How are you this morning?
We’ve both had nasty colds the last week, I’m two days ahead of her and almost recovered.
There’s definitely something going around. I still haven’t given my cold to Finn, though, so I’m happy.
Are you folks supposed to get some of tomorrow’s snowstorm? They’re predicting 2-10 inches here, and if we get 10, I don’t know where they’ll put it all.
Good thing for Finn.
Monday looks uncertain, but it will hit here Tuesday it looks like. I’m ready for spring.
I’m ready for spring too. I’m dying to go for a walk, but its too cold for the baby and the roads are messy enough that I’m afraid someone would hit us.
Our forecast at the moment is for 5 – 7 inches by tomorrow night. Nothing on the radar yet, though.
Our forecast is sunny for the week with highs in the 50’s and 60’s. I think I like Austin weather. LOL
That sounds okay. The only Austin weather I ever experienced was in late July…it was like a free sauna. 🙂
Happy VD to all!
I don’t like the sound of that…
What, do you have something against Valentine’s Day? 😉
But not yet for Jim — school’s closed. At this rate, he’ll be going till the 4th of July. 🙁
click for larger
Isn’t this a holiday?
At least for us civil servants it is. 😉
Happy Presidents Day boran2!
Same to you ID!
Lucky you! I’ve been at work since 7:30 this morning. Good thing my office is here.
At least the commuting is cheap.
Yeah, but they seem determined to burn through my part-time hour allotment for the week in a day…
It’s not a state holiday in Indiana.
Ugh. We’re supposed to get more weather here tonight, too.
Bah! This is one of our regular holidays. I’m certain the commissioners would have given us the day off because of the snowy roads:(
Even the library has shut down for the day and they close about as often as IU cancels classes, which is seldom, if ever.
Great snow pictures, BTW!
So did you go into work? Because I can’t imagine there was much action today.
Nope, I stayed home and hung out with Mrs. ID for the day. You’re correct in that nothing much was moving today.
Good morning to all!!! Great picture as always Miss Andi!!! I wonder how many make up days they will paste on to the end of the year for Jim because of all the snow days. LOL
They only have two built-in make-up days and after that they have to make up everyday they’re off which is 5 days so far. 🙁
The ears have it!
It seems like about 99% of the pictures I have of Bebo have flying ears. I love ’em.
They are great ears.
The power’s just come back on. Down the hwy from me they were doing some blasting earlier today. Why do the think the two are connected?
Warmish day, so puppies have retired to the shady portions of house to wait out the heat. They’ll wake up around diner time.
Yep, at 5:38pm the dogs suddenly remembered that they were hungry and got up.
I hope you rewarded that great and amazing effort appropriately. 🙂