What’s the most important thing the Obama administration did today?
Announce agreement with Russia on nuclear disarmament treaty.
Announce new effort to stem foreclosure crisis.
Add Michelle Obama’s podcasts of live performances at the White House.
Put the White House visitor’s log online.
Now, watch a genius being a genius:
Too bad it cuts off. Around here, we like to call that Ballad of a Finn Man, but not if it applies to him.
What are you up to this weekend?
Podcasts, definitely the podcasts.
ding, ding, ding. we have a winnah!
probably doing taxes and moving snow around…we’ve had almost 3′ in the last week and it’s coming down again…oh my aching back.
and for your enjoyment, carlos and buddy
and a lady known as lisa e. from the bay area, that l’ve just been turned onto
good stuff, enjoy
I love buddy guy.
We have the Cesar Chavez March tomorrow here in Tucson. I’ll be there helping with water and info distribution.
I’ll be planting more of my garden this weekend, and cheering my team in the sweet 16 (Go Stanford!!!)
and this song’s been on my mind (too bad they took the best version down from youtube):
I’m thinking this weekend will be full of family visits (gotta keep those GPs happy) and some yard and/or house work.
Stemming foreclosures is good. But it’s the podcasts. Getting a chance to see James Earl Jones doing a reading of Othello at the White House – priceless.
Gotta get rolling on job applications this weekend.
Heard Kyl on the radio this afternoon actually sounding sane and reasonable about the new treaty. Amazing. Whole different tone than anything I’ve heard from a Republican in weeks. I think Repubs know they can’t obstruct this one.
The 41 repub Senators sent Obama a letter stating what they would not except, at all. Here we go, again.
There was a letter from GOP senators about recess appointments – did they write about the treaty as well?
the new effort about foreclosures better be more effective than the current one.
then painting the living room. First communion gathering coming up, momma’s to-do list needs mucho attention.
You owe me a ring, Boo. I’ll be home most of the weekend.
(Apologies in advance for this overly Serious Saturday addition to the Frivolous Friday thread.)
What’s most important (politically speaking) is that the White House seems to be shifting back to a strategy of advancing on multiple fronts simultaneously.
While the Washington commentariat is still digesting the passage of health care reform (and almost completely missing student loan reform), Obama’s moving on to:
*nuclear arms reduction,
*financial reform,
*a long-overdue new approach to the foreclosure crisis,
*preparing for recess appointments (thank-you Chief Justice Roberts for the assist), and
*continued transparency with the White House visitors log.
*starting the fall campaign early with spring leg of the Obama ’10 “Bring It On” tour of swing states (here’s Senators Snowe and Collins enjoy his visit to Maine next week).
This is all welcome news, particularly because the Republicans had such difficulty dealing with this strategy during the first few months of the administration.
But to answer your question Booman, podcasts alone would be cool enough. Podcasts with Michelle Obama…without question the most important thing the Obama administration did Friday.
Obama’s going to sign the reconciliation bill at a community college. đŸ™‚
I wonder if HuffPO and certain front pagers on Daily Kos will post this news front page. No I don’t wonder – they won’t. Their drama for the past year plus over the bailout is no different than the teabagger reaction to healthcare – ill informed and attacking the solution not the problem. It didn’t help that Matt Taibbi, with his caustic humor and crash course in bank finance helped worked them all into a lather like Glenn Beck.
I knew Obama was tackling the problem in the only way possible and now look — just a paltry 9 billion profit for the taxpayers from one bank. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36062775/ns/business-washington_post/