Eric Massa and Eliot Spitzer want to know why John Ensign and David Vitter are still in the U.S. Senate. William Jefferson wants to know why Ensign, at least, is not in prison.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Good questions. Why aren’t they?
I can see Spitzer saying that, but not Massa. Colossal gall, Massa.
We’re nation of what, exactly? I’d like to know, ‘coz it sure ain’t Laws…..Laws are bludgeons used against the poor and the non-Citizen. If you have the money and even a few connections (don’t have to be powerful, don’t have to be many), you’ll probably walk….
Kinda disappointing….
GOP politicians get a pass on scandals if they admit they sinned and make the appropriate gestures to appease the religious right. This is not a new trend and if you don’t understand this, you don’t understand the very powerful role the religious right plays in our political system.
Since their own party won’t ever turn on them (and instead, defends them), when the dems try to go after them alone it becomes a partisan witch hunt, which the village hates more than missing a cocktail party with both David Broder and George Will holding court.
This is ultimately about power. The religious right likes to play this role because it gives them incredible leverage in the party and over particular politicians that they’ve rehabilitated.
Ensign is more wealthy than those other guys, that’s why.
Money money money money money…up and down the line.
Saaaaayyyyy…while we’re at it, why is Charlie Rangel still in Congress?
Money money money money money…up and down the line.
And across the aisles, too.
Bet on it.
you gotta wait on Ensign…
there are a lot of avenues to prison for Ensign…watching Rachel Maddow has informed me of that…
he’s a rich, White guy…it takes longer for them to get to jail.
He’s only rich, it appears, because of daddy and mommy.
Mommy and Daddy paid off his HO and her family.
Let’s be careful here. Neither Massa nor Spitzer was indicted or tried for anything. These instances may or may not show that the press is biased against Democrats – riding John Edwards years after he last held office while mostly ignoring Ensign indicates maybe they do. But they may also show that Democrats panic about every little thing that shows up in the press, when all they need to do is stay calm, remove the diapers and weather the storm.