More of this, please.
Palin, the former vice presidential candidate, has not been shy about criticizing Obama’s policies and this week weighed in on his revamped nuclear strategy, saying it was like a child in a playground who says ‘punch me in the face, I’m not going to retaliate.’
“I really have no response to that. The last I checked, Sarah Palin is not much of an expert on nuclear issues,” Obama said in an interview with ABC News.
Pressed further on Republican criticism that his strategy restricts the use of nuclear weapons too much, Obama added:
“What I would say to them is, is that if the secretary of defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff are comfortable with it, I’m probably going to take my advice from them and not from Sarah Palin.”
I know some people think that the president is somewhat arrogant. That’s okay with me. I’m somewhat arrogant, too. You have to be to put your ideas out for ridicule every day. One person’s arrogance is another person’s self-confidence, so I don’t really see the validity in the critique. In any case, the proper response to a mosquito bite isn’t panic. You just squish the annoying bug. Well done.
When is a reporter going to have the guts to ask The Quittah from Wasilla if Ray-gun is a pansy-ass too? Since he advocated the same thing as Obama, basically.
I was thinking just the other day that its about time to have another pearl-clutching flap about how “uppity” Obama is getting.
If Palin gets the Republican nomination, can you imagine watching the debates between her and Obama? The “arrogance” theme will be front and centre, of course, with the pundits falling all over themselves talking about how darned plucky she is to run for president against such a smooth-talkin’ high roller.
I have faith. 🙂 Look how seriously Obama addressed Republican questions at the Republican House retreat and then the health care summit. He doesn’t let on that he thinks his opponent is an idiot.
Great stuff.
Michael Jordan was probably the most arrogant man to ever play basketball but nobody could say anything to him because he could back up every word. And then some.
Barrack Obama is the first Black POTUS, has a tall drink of Black Woman at his side and children that adore him.
I think this defines Sarah far more than it defines Barack.
I think the problem is that the arrogant label is thrown only at those who actually know what they are talking about.
The incompetent always feel put upon by the competent…
That’s a great response, and it’s even more fun to watch the clip of it. Kudos Mr. President!
Thanks, I needed this after just listening to NPR’s coverage of Newt and Lynne Cheney’s red meat feast at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference yesterday.
They gave another stellar performance from their alternate reality world. It’s like the years 2000 to 2008 have been wiped from the space-time continuum.
I’m going to be blunt and put it in terms folks might not like.
It’s one thing to know about White Privilege.
It’s something altogether different to have it shoved in your face in the persona of a patently unqualified, mediocre, piece of ignorance like Sarah Palin.
Yes, I have an attitude against the woman, and I’m not even President.
So, anytime our President can put down this woman, I cheer him.
He can be as arrogant as he wants towards her, doesn’t bother me a bit.
And to be blunt, I don’t consider it arrogance. He’s held his tongue on this patently unqualified woman for quite awhile, as the MSM continues to pretend that this heifer is qualified to do ANYTHING.
I keep on asking…
the answer to that question explains the level of contempt I have towards her.
Can a black man, especially one exceptionally intelligent and self-assured, ever defend himself against a white person, particularly an “attractive” white woman, and not be considered arrogant by most white people?
Oh, and if Sarah Palin were black, no one would be talking about her, except Pat Buchanan who would dismiss her as a sassy black gal.
How is it arrogant to tell the truth ? Sarah Palin is an ignorant person who couldn’t finish one term as governor of Alaska. The fact that George Step in poo poo feels the need to ask such a ridiculous question, says more about our American media than it says about Obama.
OK. Palin is an annoying little bug. Squish her all you like.
But don’t admit that you actually depend on the advice of people like Robert Gates and Mike Mullen.
They are the last people to whom you should listen. They are part and parcel of a U.S. defense/intelligence establishment that has consistently failed on every level for over 60 years.
The U.S. Paper Tiger Military/Intelligence Complex. It kills the wrong people, supports the wrong politicians and give the wrong advice when asked. It is owned by the very corporations the policies of which are driving this country into the dirt.
Obama would do better to hire one or two of the many high-ranking military men who have resigned in protest over the war crimes that have been committed by the U.S. since the late ’50s and then give them carte blanche to reorganize the whole shebang.
Of course I understand that he cannot do that because after all is said and done, they have the guns if y’get my drift…but still…credit them?
Credit people who let a system get so devolved that it produces and promotes creatures like the ass-kisser Petraeus?
We had guys like Petraeus in the Boy Scouts when I was a kid. Self-promoting assholes. You can smell their act a mile away. And as rotten as the Boy Scouts thing has become in the last 50 or 60 years?
That’s just the tip of the iceberg…or should I say foreskin?…compared to the rot inside of the U.S. military system.
Bet on it.
I mean…the Boy Scouts are a relatively easy target.
They’re rank amateurs; they can’t shoot back and their budget has not amounted to trillions of dollars over the past half century or so.
People like Gates and Mullen? I consider anyone who has not voluntarily stepped away from the military system of the United States since the truth about Vietnam became public knowledge and efforts to reform the system came to a complete halt…use the election of Ronald Reagan to mark that particular spot if you so desire… to be a war criminal.
Let’s not mince words. If this country collapsed as did Nazi Germany..and I am not saying that it will or even that I hope that it will because I do not; it would be a humanitarian nightmare and quite possibly the end of the entire world’s current economic system…but if it did the trials of Americans would dwarf those if the Nuremberg gang.
Bet on it.
S.E. Asia?
Central/Caribbean/South America?
The Middle East and the rest of the Islamic countries?
Let alone the human costs of 60 years of economic imperalism?
Only difference?
The U.S. used whole countries as concentration camps. Whole continents…Africa, South America…until resistance grew too powerful to continue the game. And even after that happened the US has fought a delaying tactic to continue its hegemony to the last possible tick of the (doomsday) clock and the last drip of human blood.
Politics is a bitch, ain’t it?
It makes strange bedfellows, too.
Bet on it.
Watch yo’ back, “Bama.