Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: Power.
Website(s) of the Week: Digital Photography Review … because you always really, really need to get another piece of equipment.
AndiF Power
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Power of Change
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The Power of a Tense Surface
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Powerful and Powering Desire
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olivia Power of/in nature
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Season’s turn |
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Waves |
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Suction |
Next Week’s Theme: Random
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Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Been experimenting with the new camera some more. I was really bored at the doctor’s office and took these through and of the window.
You can click on the pictures to get more detail.
What kind of camera is the new camera?
I am using a Nikon D3000. The only other camera I have had in the past was my cell phone or a really cheap digital camera with about 5 settings. LOL
Lucky you. I’d love to upgrade at this point but simply can’t afford it. This is your first dslr?
It is my first and also my first decent camera of any kind. LOL I got my back pay for my SDI and decided to invest in some nice things to keep me busy as I can not work.
Have fun exploring your new camera and if you have any questions, I’ll certainly try to answer them to the best of my abilities.
Thank you. I might have a lot of questions. LOL If you have any comments on the photos or suggestions, please share them.
I think the middle one works best — the window reflection is nice integrated with the view through the window.
Thank you!!!
Were the reflections in the middle and bottom images intended to be part of the shot or just a result of shooting through glass with backlight behind you?
I’ll add that I like how the middle shot came out, almost like a double exposure. The question still remains but it’s predicated on if a polarizer might be in your future.
A polarizer, though it can lower exposure times by, on average, two f-stops, can help boost the blues of skies, make clouds pop and can help remove reflections from glass and water surfaces as it scatters the light being reflected off surfaces.
When shooting scenes that include bodies of water or buildings, portraits of people who wear glasses, etc, using a polarizer can help diminsh or even entirely remove distracting reflections. Your D3000 probably has a 52mm thread size on your kit lens (if that’s what you’re using) and can be had in many varieties and prices.
Average run of the mill circular Hoyo polarizer will probably run you about $20 in-store, tad cheaper online and can be found in practically any camera shop.
This image here, though a merge of several images for an HDR image, involved the use of a polarizer to remove the reflections on the water’s surface, allowing a clearer view of the koi actually in the pond.
The reflections were intended. I am working on a series of reflection photos as I think they can be unique even though almost any photographer uses them LOL
Certainly! In building shots like this where the intention is to capture the reflections, I wouldn’t recommend a polarizer. There may be other filters that might help enhance the reflection by adding contrast but I’m personally not aware of them as I only have limited funds and haven’t had the opportunities to really explore them recently.
That said, I do want to get an ND filter soon and see how I can incorporate one of those into my shots to provide better exposure on foreground objects that are back-lit from bright or overcast sun.
Here’s an attempt by me of the same idea. It’s not the most interesting but same concept:
I’ve found some of the best building reflection shots I’ve seen are close-ups taken where two walls of the same building meet at perpendicular angles, creating a repeating mirror pattern where one side reflects the other side, thus giving the appearance of doubling the size of the adjacent portion of building.
I love the reflection!!! I have some others I have done of window washers. I was really bored at a bus stop. LOL
Love these shots. Living in Austin, I get the opportunity to take lots of shots of construction and crews either washing windows or finishing off buildings. I plan to spend a couple of days downtown just walking around taking all different types of shots next week. I am learning very quickly never to leave the house without the camera as you never know when that unusual shot will appear. LOL
Great to see you getting so much enjoyment out of it, RF. 🙂 I really like that second shot in the reflection series. Nicely done.
I thought this week was supposed to be Power.
Oops. Fixed.
It’s cool. I thought I had come upon Groundhog Day!
Well, I was told just a few days ago it was “Random”.
“Also, it’s the Random theme at the Flog this week. I think this guy should come toot his horn. :)”
Now you say it`s “Power”
I`ll just get some “Random Power” images together then.
::hangs head::
lol, when we mess up we do a good job of it … 😀
And that guy created a very powerful aura so I still think he should come toot his horn.
Just teasing.
No worries.
Here`s the
“Power of Music”
This gigantic container barge was being push/pulled by two tugs up the Delaware River.
The interpretation, from my perspective anyway, is multi-faceted. On the one hand you’ve got this gigantic vessel loaded with cargo that either doesn’t, or can’t operate in this section of the river under it’s own power and thus requires the use of two vastly smaller, yet still powerful tugs (off-image) to push/pull this floating beast upriver.
The next interpretation stems from the picture I took right before this but never posted of the little front tug with the chains & giant mooring lines attached to it’s rear chugging up river with this gargantuan attached, all while pulling a heavy wake.
And my third interpretation is that of this giant, underpowered water-bound chunk of metal being created entirely from the hands, mind and ingenuity of an animal the size of the man you can see on the bow.
Great shot!! and interpretation.
Chevy Power
Thermal Power
Electric Power
and in anticipation of warmer temps, a re-post from last year probably…
Flower Power :=)
Great Shots!! I really love the Kid Power one.
Did you click through to the kid-power one to see the actual title?
ROTFLMAO!!!! That is too great!!!
As there is almost nothing I like better in a photo than beautifully defined lines and edges, I am going to resist your adorable kid and fall truly, madly, deeply in love with Electric Power.
Thank you.
I took this shot sitting on the platform, where I often find myself Tues., Wed. & Thur. between 9a & 12p while my son attends school.
It’s only moderately cropped to remove some distracting elements of an adjacent car to the left and platform underneath. I toyed with this one a lot, trying both a b&w conversion and even running through the heavy processing gambit of tonemapping.
None of it really panned out well so starting from scratch again, I upped the contrast and clarity a little for tighter more defined lines, adjusted the exposure and temperature just a hair to balance the effects of the contrast adjustment, applied a light desaturization overall, and finished up with a sharpening or two.
It sounds like a lot but it’s all done in the RAW editor before the image actually enters Photoshop and takes a few moments to do.
Agree w/ Andi -that’s a fantastic shot.
Very nice set.
I believe we both posted some “Chevy Power”.
I can`t believe the “red” is so similar.
DPReview is a fantastic site and helped me narrow my picks when I got my first dslr.
I think what makes it so great is the thoroughness and clarity of the reviews.
(Stereoscope, view “large” or, “original”)
(Click to “large” or, “original”)
They’re all great Head, but the 3D one was just fantastic with the 3D effect. And isn’t there a side view of a guy sitting with his elbows on a table at the end of the houses on the right hand side?
(A hint for those attempting to view in 3D. I had my snout about 48″ back from the screen when I crossed my eyes to get the 3D view. For those with normal vision I’d suggest 36″ plus or minus.)
This stereoscopic is one of the best I can recall that you’ve done, Head.
Thank you.
I have dozens of them.
I usually intersperse a few here & there while I`m shooting.
I`m glad you like that one, & thanks for helping explain how to view it.
Many people try & get discouraged.
Other people try & when they do get to see it, are totally surprised.
I like the surprised ones.
Well that was a powerfully good (and fast) adjustment to the powerfully bad information you were given. And as always your powerfully wonderful family overpowers my ability to pick something else as a favorite.
Thanks, I can usually adjust pretty quickly to changing situations.
I tried to get the Stereoscope to work, but couldn’t … 🙁
The power of purple is so pretty. And love the straight view through the power of home.
You might try from further back, & at “large” or “original”.
See thru house: the power of Purple is at the Thru part.
Was afflicted with hyperkulturemia after this session.
Welcome back! And thanks for bringing us such a lovely bouquet.
Beautiful pictures! And a happy early Saturday morning to you!
Hi mm … good to see you. Beautiful photos.
Really nice composition with the vertical lines, the square boxes, and the diagonal lines on the asphalt.
It’s a misleading image.
I used the green board on the building as my guide, assuming with the being being built to code, the building itself would be a good indicator of level.
The downward slope of the parking lot and the bins on it tends to throw me off. I took three shots and in the other two, one was clearly skewed and the other was leveled by the bins and not the building.
I almost missed that and probably would’ve been unhappy with the end result. That said, I think I went a little far with the saturation but….eh…
Rescue power – Hot load

700 powerful pounds

Power center – Shake yer booty but good version

Fun, eclectic choices, ID but how come you didn’t go help that tiger take care of its itch — not very helpful of you. 😉
That was plenty close enough for me, especially just an hour or so before feeding time.
lol … those are great ID. It’s so neat to see how people interpret the themes.