If you were Charlie Crist, what would you do?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’m assuming you wouldn’t answer John Cornyn’s phone call.
I read the article twice and didn’t see the Charlie Crist connection — what am I missing here? (sorry if it’s right in front of my face).
What does this have to do with Crist?
check the link BooMan.
did you give the wrong link? thought I was reading something from The Onion (maybe I was).
Perhaps Booman is suggesting that Crist, rather than having his whispered sexual preferences, is into beasts instead?
hmmm…from the link you’ve embedded, l’d have to say hope like hell there’re no photos or video tapes.
but if you’re referring to this, l’d assume he’s already decided to run as an independent.
Oops. Fixed now.
cillizza @ wapo breaks it down.
my money’s still on an independent run.
Change to Dem.
The best chance for us is him running as an indie.
I’d say “look, just because I’m a closeted gay man doesn’t mean I like to fuck dogs. I don’t care WHAT rick santorum says.”
man, now none of the snarky comments make sense anymore since you fixed the link.
I say, leave the original link/serious question, and then post a new one with the fixed link.
Maybe we should ask Rubio why he hasn’t bothered to deny traveling to Washington State to have sex with animals.
Go indie. Failing that, don’t run at all.
I believe he’s running as an Indie.
Poll hard to figure out the issues that only the hardcore conservatives care about and throw pie in their face. Also find the issues that are otherwise universally popular and do something high-profile that aligns you with these. If possible do this with one big news-cycle judo move. If not, do two moves a week/weekand a half apart. And then just when the fallout starts to drop out of the headlines, announce your run as an independent.
Run as an independent.
Assess the likelihood of a primary defeat and then go indie if need be. It’s no small wonder that the GOP fears this which will only erode their efficacy as a party of influence because it leaves a distilled and more extremist element as the party base. That, in turn, hurts the GOP.
To channel John Lennon, what if there were no parties?
Maybe that’s not such a bad thing…each candidate on their own merits.