In her recent article Chomsky: The Crazed Republicans will Sweep Midterms about Noam Chomsky’s dire predictions regarding the coming elections in the United States of Omertica Diane G. wrote:

It is amazing how people want to blame the Politicians and the Government, (in some ways correctly) and yet reserve no anger for the Wall Street and Financial Goliaths who are truly to blame.

Diane and Mr. Chomsky are both wrong.

It is not “amazing”.

The corporations run the media and the media run the “people.” Including those who are somehow mystified at the misplaced blame inherent in this state of affairs.

I watched MSNBC’s so-called documentary about Timothy McVeigh last night, and I have never witnessed a more masterful overall piece of hypno-disinformation.

Read on.

Unless of course you are too busy responding to hypnomedia advertising to be able to distinguish the woods from the fake trees.



***Disclaimer. This is not a “pro-McVeigh” article. It is an anti-hypnomedia article. If you cannot discern the difference between the two, I suggest you go climb that fake tree above. Bring microwave protection, because you are already fairly badly poisoned.

Permit me to deconstruct the MSNBC doc.


First of all, the hundreds of images of “McVeigh” used computer-generated facsimiles of his face superimposed on the body of an actor. Now…this is not necessarily a bad idea, but the images that were chosen made him look like a character out of a bad slasher film. Interestingly enough, there appear to be no still images of this computer face available anywhere on the net (Too easy to see the negative intent when not part of a well-produced hypnomedia event? I think so.), but there are plenty to be seen in various available vids. Go to  about 1:10 of this one to see the horror face.

Then look at McVeigh’s face in the flesh.


I have traveled through the hard streets of NYC and many other relatively dangerous places in the world for going on 45 years with thousands of dollars worth of musical instruments hanging off of my shoulder without encountering very much real trouble, and the main contributing reason for that fact is that I am very observant regarding bad actors around me. Had the real Timothy McVeigh walked onto a subway in which I was traveling at 1 AM in New York City I would have counted him as a possible ally had anything unpleasant gone down. Had the face that MSNBC used walked into the same subway I would have seriously considered changing cars at the next stop. For real. This is no small matter in a “documentary.” It is subliminal editorializing at the highest level. Computer imaging is no longer a primitive art. They could just as easily have made him look like a young, white Obama than presenting him as a close relative to the slasher from the “Friday The 13th” series.

But of course…they didn’t.

Now on to the “facts” in the case.

Ain’t none.

Not really.

Not in this doc there weren’t.

Not beyond a simple “He’s guilty!!!” verdict.

There are so many unexplained and/or glossed-over parts to what happened. I will mention just a few.

1-How did McVeigh finance his months and months of casing federal buildings and his acquisition and storage of the bomb materials? Please. Without a job and with little or no saved money? Please. Gasoline, food and motels alone would have broken his bank, and add to that 7000 pounds of materials, rented storage spaces and a truck? C’mon. Not even a mention in this doc. You’ve heard of the magic bullet? He must’ve had a magic wallet. Please.

2-There are so many holes in McVeigh’s essentially “lone bomber” (w/two reluctant helpers) story that I do not know where to begin. Try this site just for starters. “Elohim City”, “Andreas Strassmeir” and “Carol Howe”…none of which were mentioned in the doc unless I missed something…are interesting leads. Round up the usual suspects? Not in this doc they didn’t.

3-Why did he try so hard to get caught? I mean…really. He was as methodical and practical as it is possible to be right up until the explosion, and then he drove away in a car w/no license plates? Naaaaahhhhh…this is not a “mistake”, it’s a sure-thing attempt to be arrested.

There is so much more that is missing from the doc. I’ll go no further. But I will say this…he essentially committed suicide by allowing himself to be arrested that day. Why? It sounds like mind control to me. Lee Harvey McVeigh? Yup.

And this isn’t even the heavy part of the hypno-disinfo load.

The real payload is in the ads.

Bet on it.

Here we have this nastily tabloided-up, relatively badly produced (Inexpensively produced, at the very least.) hit piece on a supposed lone mass murderer. Ten minutes or less at a time we see him…his freaked-up image, anyway…with commentary by low-level reporter and law enforcement types and a voice-over that is supposed to be McVeigh’s. Could be. Could not be. Could only partially be. Given the treatment of his image, I go for the third of those options, myself.

And in between every segment of the doc?

Lavishly produced ads for all of the things that make being a middle class American worth living. The corporate version thereof, naturally

Ineffective and poisonous pharmaceuticals by the satchelful.

Credit card scams.

Insurance scams.

Cars that must be bought on credit.

Etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

All in glorious living color/HiDef (If you have been hyped into laying out the bucks for that scam.) fucking dream TV images.


You got yer bad guy and yer ad guy.

One looks like Freddie Kruger on a good day and the other looks like Reverend Ike’s “Have it now with ice cream on top!!!” spiel.


Guess which one is going to have a bigger impact upon the post-dinner sleeple crowd.


And y’all watch MSNBC with some sort of trust!!!???

Wake the fuck up.

McVeigh might have been some kind of Manchurian Candidate, a total sociopath, an Oswald-like patsy, a revolutionary hero or a Frankenstein-like combinaton of all of the above and more. It doesn’t actually make much difference what he “was.” After all…he is dead at the present time. The only thing that matters now is how he is subliminally presented to the American people.

And this is just one brick in the growing hypnomedia/mind control edifice with which we are being presented in the (almost) United States of Omertica today.

Wake the fuck up.





This really is the only way.

Take that structure down.

One mind at a time.

Step away from the TV with your mind(s)in the air!!!

Before it is too late.

