Update [2010-5-3 7:7:13 by Steven D]: The FBI traced the stolen license plates of the failed Times Square car bomb to this junk dealer in Connecticut:
Junkyard owner Wayne LeBlanc didn’t catch the news on Saturday night because he was busy watching “Old Yeller” with his grandkids.
So he was shocked when FBI agents with flashlights knocked on his door at 3 a.m. to tell him that the license plate on a vehicle filled with explosives parked in Times Square came from a truck in his junkyard. […]
Investigators said they were skeptical of LeBlanc’s tale that he knew nothing about how a license plate from a car in his shop wound up linked to a car bomb in Times Square.
“Repair shops know they will get hammered if a plate goes missing from a car they are responsible for. The shop, the plate and the owner of the Pathfinder are all very much under investigation,” a law enforcement source said.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Second Update [2010-5-3 7:7:13 by Steven D]: Police released surveillance video, Here is a copy of a portion of that surveillance tape that the AP posted to You Tube:
The man seen changing taking off a long sleeve shirt to reveal a light red colored short sleeved shirt underneath is the purported suspect. The video is grainy, but one thing is clear: this guy clearly suffers from male pattern baldness and doesn’t appear to have much if any grey hair. That let’s me off the hook at least.
Third Update [2010-5-3 7:29:18 by Steven D]: More connections to Connecticut:
Law enforcement officials reportedly interviewed someone in this Highland Avenue house in Bridgeport today as part of the investigation into the explosives-filled sports utility vehicle found in New York City’s Times Square on Saturday night.
It appears the license plates on the SUV in Times Square — which was crudely put together and discovered before any explosion took place — may have come from another vehicle with a connection to the house, although there is no indication any local individuals were involved in the terrorism incident.
And a “New York police official told CNN” the owner of the Nissan pathfinder involved in the flawed and failed bomb attempt “lives in the tristate area of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.”
My money’s on Connecticut again. Clearly we have White male Taliban cells infesting that unfortunate state. Maybe they’re all former “disgruntled” Bear Stearns or Lehman Brothers employees? Hey, my conspiracy theory is as good as that of anyone else.
I know that the Taliban have claimed credit for the amateur hour bomb car at Times Square. Hey, whether they are responsible or not, they’ll get Americans all worried about those funny Muslims again, and who knows what further devilry could come from that? Maybe we’ll invade Pakistan?
But there’s something a little off in this whole “The Muslims are Coming! The Muslims are Coming!” meme. Take a gander at this excerpt from a MsNBC report regarding the attempted “act of terrorism” on what the video surveillance tapes at Times Square revealed to see where I’m headed with this one:
NEW YORK – Police investigating a failed car bomb left in Times Square have videotape of a possible suspect shedding clothing in an alley and putting it in a bag, Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Sunday.
The surveillance video shows a white man in his 40s taking off one shirt, revealing another underneath.
Let’s be clear. Our media doesn’t describe typically “swarthy” Middle Eastern looking gentlemen (or Latin Americans either for that matter) as white. “White” is a term generally reserved for people who look like me: men with a Northern European heritage. Maybe the occasional Eastern Euro or Italian American makes the white category in the media, but not often. And whatever Pakistanis are, white isn’t a term the US media is likely to employ to describe their appearance
So either the Pakistani Taliban have been making great inroads in the recruiting efforts among white American or European males (does sound a little dubious doesn’t it?) or the Taliban is just trying to grab a little free PR, perhaps to buck up their “jihadis” and other assorted “collateral damage” (i.e., innocent civilians unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity when one of our robots bombs drops out of the skies on their heads) back home whom our Military’s drones keep blowing to smithereens.
So I can understand why the Taliban back in Pakistan is making this claim …
The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility. In a one-minute video, the group said the attack ws [sic] in revenge for the death of its leader Baitullah Mehsud and the recent killings of the top leaders of al-Qaida in Iraq.
… but the local authorities in NY aren’t buying it:
[Police Commissioner] Kelly said there was no evidence to support the Pakistani Taliban’s claim. Mayor Michael Bloomberg said there’s no evidence the attack was linked to al-Qaida or any other large terrorist organization.
Just for the record, Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano hasn’t ruled out that this was a potential “terrorist act” but she also said it didn’t show a high level of sophistication either.
Napolitano told ABC News there was no evidence the incident in Times Square was “anything other than a one-off” and that the bomb “doesn’t look like it is a very sophisticated one.”
What else was odd about this “dangerous threat?” Well, the fact that the vehicle was left in an alley between 44th and 45th Streets, with its keys still in the ignition, motor still running and its flashers on. As if someone wanted it to be noticed, and notices quickly. Which it was:
Two street vendors flagged down a mounted police officer after they noticed smoke from the Pathfinder, which had been parked haphazardly at the curb with its engine running and its flashers on.
And it was a haphazardly made bomb in a car filled with propane, gasoline, fertilizer (Ah yes, the whiff of Tim McVeigh rises again) and firecrackers:
[T]he materials found in the Nissan Pathfinder — gasoline, propane, firecrackers and simple alarm clocks — also included eight bags of a granular substance, later determined to be nonexplosive grade of fertilizer, inside a 55-inch-tall metal gun locker.
Non-explosive fertilizer? Doesn’t sound like a well trained Taliban soldier or Al Qaida terrorist to me. Sounds like some lone loon (and I don’t mean the kind currently getting soaked with oil along the Gulf Coast). Someone who didn’t have a very good idea about how to make an improvised explosive device, or much of a plan on how to set it off, much less escape being seen. I mean Times Square is one of the most highly video monitored places in the country, not to mention all the tourists walking around videotaping their trip to the Big Apple:
Kelly said officers were on their way to a Pennsylvania town to talk to a tourist who also might have recorded the suspect on his video camera.
Right wing bloggers are convinced that Viacom, the owner of Comedy Central (which censored a recent South Park episode about Muhammed) was the target of this clearly Muslim extremist jihadist attack, because Viacom has offices at 1515 Broadway near where the “bomb car” was parked.
Just for kicks, here are some of the other businesses located at 1515 Broadway:
Nokia Theater
Dunkin Donuts
CBS Radio
The Minskoff Theater
NY Gas Group
Brinson Patrick Securities Corporation
Icon Parking Systems
SL Green Management
US Labor Department
Screen Actors Guild
Tishman Construction Co. (Jt. builder of new Jets/Giants Stadium)
AAA Towing
SkytelOh and
Bank of America
Yeah, the “target” had to be Viacom. Though why the “bomber” didn’t park directly outside Comedy Central located up the street at 1775 Broadway is a little odd, don’t you think? After all it was Viacom that kept the controversial South Park episode from airing. But what do I know about the mind of a Muslim Islamofascist terrorist. I’m just some white guy. Kinda like the suspected bomber. Hmmm …
Still, I’m sure whatever the investigation of this incident ultimately reveals and whoever the manhunt for this idiot ends up arresting, it will be bad news for that Muslim loving, Kenyan born usurper President Obama.*
* That it will be good news for John McCain goes without saying.
was a citation in a NYTimes article about this thing being a diversionary tactic:
which was changed from the earlier version which was:
How it went from a specific phone, at a specific intersection, to having been dusted for prints to “no record of that call” is beyond me.
Someone said too much to the press that’s why. Cops don’t like to reveal all their information so they don’t get a lot of people falsely confessing to the crime (yes that does happen quite frequently– The Taliban being one of the false confessors in my view — though usually its a mentally disturbed person). Someone at the NYPD probably called in a favor at the Times to get them to change the article.
I guess.
That’s my guess, too. The NY Times story Steven linked to is very interesting for the amount of detail it provides about the investigation. Origin of the SUV and another vehicle’s plates, tracing where the vehicle entered NYC, video footage from toll plazas etc. Looks like there is a pretty strong prospect that the culprit will be identified and caught. If the police & FBI got any prints from the telephone, they probably don’t want the suspect to know they are that close to an identification.
My other guess is that it’s not the Taliban but some lone loon with a grievance. I’d say that Icon Parking Systems, AAA Towing, and the Screen Actors Guild are just as likely targets as Viacom. Oh, and Steven D is definitely worth investigation as a self-confessed white man 😉
I smell Homeland Security.
Aside from the interesting report from stand strong, I would say “Teabagger, For Sure.”
Could be nothing for all I know. It’s not uncommon for editors to change articles to keep them updated but I think those changes should be noted via footnotes of some sort.
Local news around here in Philly regularly update articles but indicate what’s an update.
1775 broadway is pretty far away, at 57th St. there is actual parking around there and iirc a fairly noticeable CBS logo is on one of the buildings near there.
(Wikipedia) – Qari Hussain Ahmad Mehsud (Pashto/Urdu: قارى حسین احمد) is a top lieutenant in the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the organizer of the group’s suicide bombing squads. He is a cousin of Hakimullah Mehsud.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I guess the Times Square bomb wasn’t made to his specifications.
Bought at Thomas Anthony / Manis Auto Sales
2126 Boston Ave.
Bridgeport CT 06610
Located On Route 1, Bridgeport/Stratford Line
False license plates from a junked Ford F150 pickup truck at Kramers Auto Recycling 11 Old South Avenue in Stratford, Connecticut. I guess they recycle license plates too!
NEW YORK (CBS) ― Police released the surveillance video late Sunday night. It shows a man looking around, then removing a dark shirt to reveal a lighter one underneath.
“We’re currently examining video that shows a white male in his 40s in Shubert Alley, looking back in the direction of West 45th. He was also shedding a dark colored shirt, revealing a red one underneath.”
Police had already identified the registered owner of the 1993 Nissan Pathfinder — which didn’t have an easily visible vehicle identification number and had license plates from another car — and were looking to interview him. Police also were searching more video, believed to be in the possession of a Pennsylvania tourist, of the man in the alley.
Police released a photograph of the SUV, a dark-colored Nissan Pathfinder, as it crossed an intersection at 6:28 p.m. Saturday. A vendor pointed the SUV out to an officer about two minutes later.
The license plate found on the vehicle did not belong to the SUV; police said it came from a car found in a repair shop in Connecticut.
Duane Jackson, a 58-year-old handbag vendor from Buchanan, N.Y., said he noticed the car and wondered who had left it there in a no-standing zone.
Jackson said he looked in the car and saw keys in the ignition with 19 or 20 keys on a ring. He said he alerted a passing mounted police officer.
Times Square vendors Lance Horton, Duane Jackson alerted cops to Times Square car bomb
(CT Post) – The Connecticut license plate on the explosives-packed Nissan Pathfinder was found to have been taken from a Ford pickup truck recently sent for repair to Kramer’s Used Auto Parts on Old South Avenue in Stratford. Several sources said a vehicle identification number found on a replacement part on the Pathfinder was also from a vehicle last tracked to Kramer’s.
Federal, New York state and New York City investigators went to the Norwalk home of
NormanWayne LeBlanc shortly after 3 a.m. Sunday, a police source said, adding that LeBlanc, whose family has owned Kramer’s and other area auto parts businesses, then took the investigators to the Stratford junkyard.Vehicle’s license plate led FBI to Wayne LeBlanc’s junkyard
The license plate was traced back to a different vehicle that was awaiting repairs in Stratford, Conn., where FBI agents and the local police awoke the owner of the repair shop at 3 a.m. Sunday.
The shop owner, Wayne LeBlanc, who runs Kramer’s Used Auto Parts, said authorities seized a black Ford F150 pickup.
“We’re trying to help them identify who took the plates,” he said.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I guess I beat you by 34 seconds?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Yes, you are quicker on the draw than I am. I will now feign my prolonged death scene.
Yeah, Viacom makes no sense…I mean, they DID censor the episode.
Seems more likely targets would be the US Labor Department, Bank of America, or generic “Times Square” for the symbolic factor.
I’m really interested to find out the “who” and the “why” behind this.
US Labor dept or else generic Times Square is my guess.
“The Simpsons” episode that showed last night was about the only place in town where there weren’t surveillance cameras. Maybe the smoking car was a promotion by Fox. Or a promotion by surveillance camera companies.
Remember the motto: “Keep ’em nervous. It keeps ’em in line.”
From the website: Connecticut Survivalist Alliance (CSA)
NY: Bomb not by Taliban Says Police Chief Raymond Kelly – http://bit.ly/9oM5EE – Still looking to shift blame to Tea Party Movement!
CSA soldier: The pre-mature condemnation of Hutaree
I guess this party is under surveillance, at least they are a bit paranoid of government interference.
VIDEO: The Revolution Begins – Μολών Λaβέ !
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Something pointed out is that right wingers usually go after symbols of authority (government) or what they don’t particularly like (abortion clinics/staff) and this didn’t seem to be either of those things.
Teabaggers are off the hook. Suspect is of Pakistani descent and was arrested at JFK airport. So link to video claim by Pakistani terror group Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is more likely. Similarity to London car bombing attempt is not accidental.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."