Here’s how Haaretz tells it:
The left-wing activists on board a flotilla carrying aid to the Gaza Strip tried to lynch the Israel Navy commandos who stormed their Turkish-flagged ship early Monday, Israel Defense Forces sources told Haaretz.
The commandos, who intercepted the Turkish ferry Mavi Marmara after it ignored orders to turn back, said they encountered violent resistance from activists armed with sticks and knives. According to the soldiers, the activists threw one of their comrades from the upper deck to the lower after they boarded.
Activists attacked a commando with iron bars as he descended onto the ship from a helicopter, the army said. The IDF said its rules of engagement allowed troops to open fire in what it called a “life-threatening situation”.
The soldiers said they were forced to open fire after the activists struck one of their comrades in the head and trampled on him. A senior field commander ordered the soldiers then to respond with fire, a decision which the commandos said received full backing the military echelon.
At least 10 people were killed and several more wounded after the Israel Navy troops opened fire on the six-ship flotilla. Unofficial reports put the death toll at between 14 and 20.
I particularly enjoy the story about the peace activists throwing soldiers off the upper decks. That’s very creative. Of course, the entire point of this flotilla is to engage in non-violent direct action, so there is no way in hell that the activists used knives or iron bars or made any other violent moves. The Israelis just slaughtered them.
Update [2010-5-31 13:5:41 by BooMan]: There is some video that suggests there was resistance to Israeli commandos as they landed on at least one of the vessels. However, I don’t know the context of the video. For example, had people already been shot? So, the truth will have to await a thorough investigation. Regardless, the Israelis illegally boarded ships in international waters and killed many civilians.
Audrey Bomse, a spokesperson for the Free Gaza Movement, which is behind the convoy, told the BBC Israel’s actions were disproportionate.
“We were not going to pose any violent resistance. The only resistance that there might be would be passive resistance such as physically blocking the steering room, or blocking the engine room downstairs, so that they couldn’t get taken over. But that was just symbolic resistance.”
She said there was “absolutely no evidence of live fire”.
This is one of the stupidest things that Israel has ever done, and that is saying something.
“This is one of the stupidest things that Israel has ever done”
And Gideon Levy just wrote an article, before the incident, saying the same thing. Link later.
Gaza flotilla drives Israel into a sea of stupidity
Of course the peace flotilla will not bring peace, and it won’t even manage to reach the Gaza shore. The action plan has included dragging the ships to Ashdod port, but it has again dragged us to the shores of stupidity and wrongdoing
Gideon Levy/Haaretz
The Israeli propaganda machine has reached new highs its hopeless frenzy. It has distributed menus from Gaza restaurants, along with false information. It embarrassed itself by entering a futile public relations battle, which it might have been better off never starting. They want to maintain the ineffective, illegal and unethical siege on Gaza and not let the “peace flotilla” dock off the Gaza coast? There is nothing to explain, certainly not to a world that will never buy the web of explanations, lies and tactics.
Only in Israel do people still accept these tainted goods. Reminiscent of a pre-battle ritual from ancient times, the chorus cheered without asking questions. White uniformed soldiers got ready in our name. Spokesmen delivered their deceptive explanations in our name. The grotesque scene is at our expense. And virtually none of us have disturbed the performance.
The chorus has been singing songs of falsehood and lies. We are all in the chorus saying there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. We are all part of the chorus claiming the occupation of Gaza has ended, and that the flotilla is a violent attack on Israeli sovereignty – the cement is for building bunkers and the convoy is being funded by the Turkish Muslim Brotherhood. The Israeli siege of Gaza will topple Hamas and free Gilad Shalit. Foreign Ministry spokesman Yossi Levy, one of the most ridiculous of the propagandists, outdid himself when he unblinkingly proclaimed that the aid convoy headed toward Gaza was a violation of international law. Right. Exactly.
Here’s Antony Loewenstein’s take on the flotilla:
Gaza Flotilla sails into a positive outcome
Antony Lowenstein/blog
As the Israeli army approaches the Gaza Flotilla – great images, team, unarmed civilians versus Zionist soldiers in camo – it’s once again pitiful to see the ways in which Israel supporters are all about PR and spin (there’s no crisis in Gaza etc) rather than realising that this is a battle they will never win.
We’re now seeing protests about the flotilla in New York (against the Zionist supporting Max Brenner chocolate company).
Simply put, the world now knows far more about the reality in Gaza than before and about the brutish behaviour of the Israeli navy.
And what was the NYC beef with the flotilla?
Global flotilla hits NY chocolate shop
Alex Kane/Mondoweiss
Here’s the report from New York City Indymedia:
Israel has refused to allow chocolate and sweets, among many other commonplace items, into Gaza, claiming that they present a security threat. Max Brenner is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Strauss Group, Israel’s second-largest food conglomerate, and boasts on its web page of its support and “adoption” of the Golani and Givaati Brigades of the Israeli army. Both the Golani and the Givaati Brigades have historically been associated with numerous violations of human rights.
“We know the chocolate ban is not the most egregious human rights violation,” said banner-dropper Niomke Friedman. “But it illustrates the absurdity of Israel’s claim that the brutal siege on Gaza serves a legitimate security claim.”
The action was part of a wave of solidarity actions taking place around the US and throughout the world as the Free Gaza Coalition’s flotilla of eight boats bearing thousands of tons of eight and over 800 civilian sails toward Gaza. Israel’s defense minister Ehud Barak has stated that the Israeli navy will block entry, reinforcing Israel’s illegal blockade on Gaza’s waters.
As part of Israel’s brutal three-year long siege on Gaza, many basic items have been denied to Palestinians including canned fruit, jam, and chocolate.
During Israel’s recent massacre in Gaza, a Ha’aretz article reported that the Golani platoon operated “in the sector in which the [Israel Defence Force] has seen the toughest battles with Hamas, the eastern part of Gaza City”. They have also been implicated in massacres in the Jenin and Tul Karm refugee camps and the siege on Yasser Arafat’s Muqata compound in Ramallah.
The Israeli daily Haaretz has a report on the Max Brenner action. You can also view a video of the action here.
See the links for the links. Thanks.
Yes, stupidity.
The Israeli Government has gone quite berserk lately. The problem is that the western nations keep letting them get away with it.
More importantly, besides being stupid, it is very, very low and nasty.
Oh, come on. Don’t blow it out of proportion.
Too emotional, melodramatic for you? I’d call it immoral or unethical. Even worse than nasty.
Nasty, low, unethical, immoral, illegal, criminal…….and that’s just for starters.
Let’s see now. Israel commits piracy and murder, and you dub it “stupid” – politically stupid no doubt – and find “low and nasty” to be out of proportion? I find “low and nasty” to be far to kind. I further find that by calling it “stupid” you are sidestepping the essential truth that it was yet another typically brazen Israeli criminal act, and one that it will no doubt get away with just as it has gotten away with all its criminal behaviour.
When, oh, when will the chickens finally come home to roost?
Oui and shergald have entries on the topic – currently on the rec list.
Now let’s see if the White House can match this stupidity with its defense of Israel’s actions, and we know that it’s coming.
What is interesting is that Israel picked out the Turkish ship (think Islam, terror) rather than the Irish MS Rachel Corrie ship (think Mitchell, Christianity). In fact, the Wikipedia entry for the Turkish humanitarian org, IHH, has just been revised to claim that it is an international terrorist organization. They bullshit just never ends.
There seems to be a livestream coming from the Greek Ship to Gaza, but I cannot tell if it is playing earlier videos or is actually live. For a time, they were broadcasting the livestream from the Turkish IHH ship, Mavi Maramari, which was attacked. The latter’s signal was disrupted several times before the attack, now is off.
“This is one of the stupidest things that Israel has ever done, and that is saying something.”
Who’s going to do anything about it?
There has already been consequences:
It’ll blow over.
It’s why the US supported Ban-Ki Moon in the first place. A non-entity they could safely ignore. Well maybe he’ll be better on Korean issues.
Aren’t non-entities always in those positions? It’s the unwritten rule: only nations who haven’t pissed off any of the world powers may be in that position.
“Netanyahu’s office confirms that he has canceled Tuesday’s scheduled meeting in Washington with President Obama.“
You call THAT a “consequence”?! And Obama’s reaction to the cancellation was that “he understands”. OBAMA should have been the one to cancel any and all meetings with Netanyahu or anyone else from the Israeli government. Obama “understands”. And you call that a “consequence”.
And this: “The U.N. Security Council could meet as soon as today to address the issue…“…
And this: “U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon: “I am shocked by reports of killing of people in boats carrying supply to Gaza.“…
Some “consequences”. The U.N. Security Council meets, and does nothing. The U.N. Secretary General makes a meaningless statement, and nothing happens.
Yeah, the usual “consequences”.
Definitely. Stupid? Definitely.
But let’s also note the non-denial denial of the Free Gaza spokesperson in regard to the iron bar and knife attack. She claims there was only “passive” resistance but then says there was:
Emphasis mine.
“Live fire” was never alleged.
I was commenting on Booman’s excerpt only. In reading the NYT’s account I see that live fire was alleged by the Israelis.
Knife and iron bar? What would you expect after Israel started shooting people in cold blood? Do you think people would just stand idly by?
That might have been a reaction to news reports such as the ones I have been hearing all day that people were killed in an “exchange of gunfire”.
This was timed to occur just before the Israeli Prime Minister was to visit D.C.
I suspect that Israel, more specifically the Likkud and the Israeli military/intelligence may have wanted this to happen at this time. Weakening Democratic Administrations through their alliance with the Republican/military/intelligence alliance has happened before (see October Surprise and Iran-contra).
Wait to see reactions in the American media regarding what Obama does or doesn’t do over this. Somehow expect this will be twisted to hurt Democrats.
“This was timed to occur just before the Israeli Prime Minister was to visit D.C.“
You overlook the fact that the timing was not determined by the Israeli government, but by the Free Gaza movement that sponsored the flotilla just as they have sponsored all the previous ones. So no, it was not timed for any Israeli or U.S. political purpose.
Can anyone verify this assertion from the Washington Post:
Not yet, but I’m sure any video was confiscated by the IDF in order to spin it in Israel’s favor.
Either way, I wouldn’t doubt that they tried clubbing the IDF with iron bars. One problem, as stated by the organizer: these were civilians, they are the military. There’s simply NO comparison to be had, and no excuse to respond to “clubbing” with bullets. There are plenty of alternatives for the one of the most sophisticated military powers in the world.
They weren’t even in Israeli territory yet, let alone nearing the shores of Gaza. What business did they have boarding the ships in the first place? They warned them not to come any farther or they would respond the way they did. The demonstrators came farther, they responded. Simple as.
Is Fox News showing this footage? If not, then it doesn’t exist.
Here’s some footage. You can see some of the demonstrators hitting the IDF with iron bars around 20 seconds quite clearly:
But, but, but…
I updated the post to reflect that there was resistance on at least one of the ships. I will be surprised if they attacked first. But, I will retract my full statement if that proves to be the case.
Your eyesight is better than mine. I see what look like iron bars being swung but after looking at it several times I can’t tell who is doing the swinging of them.
They appear to be the diameter of rebar. And they don’t look like they would be that effective against well-armed troops but would be very effective against civilians.
It wasn’t clear to me either until around the 20 second mark. There you can see an IDF member holding his/her arm up to prevent being whacked.
Nonetheless, as you’ve stated, they wouldn’t be very effective against a military anyway. I suppose that’s why the IDF was “surprised” at how well they resisted. And in any case, as BooMan notes in his update, there’s no context, no authority to be had in boarding the ship in the first place, and in my opinion, no justification in responding to iron clubs with what appears to be assault rifles. I’m surprised they didn’t just torpedo the ship.
In international waters. Enforcing a blockage by arresting and deporting people is one thing. Then you can at least make the argument that murder was not your intent. Torpedoing a ship in international waters removes that ambiguity.
Meh, Israel has never had any problem in dealing with ambiguity lol.
Here’s an “official” video from the IDF, which gives slightly more context. Apparently they were armed with paint ball guns, and had pistols for “self-defense.”
Still, it looks like there was two plans:
1.) Illegally board the ship in international waters (hmm, what’s the word for this again? Right, piracy), and hope the people on that boat greet us with open arms.
2.) If they don’t agree that we are untouchable and instead treat us the way that any other illegal boarders/pirates would be treated, pop a few caps in their terrorist lovin’ asses.
It seems that plan B was executed when obviously no group would react kindly to being illegally boarded.
Grrr, forgot to embed the video lol:
From what I can see it is not at all clear who is swinging what at whom. Furthermore, we do not know the context. If it was activists who were swinging at Israeli commandos, it is entirely likely, given that they were under attack, that they were acting in direct self defense.
We don’t know the context, you’re correct. Even if I were to assume the worst for the activists, it’s not justified anyway.
No, it is not justified, you are right. And as someone else pointed out, the
cowardly Israeli piratesheroic Israeli commandos illegally boarded the ship in international waters, which would probably make any attempt to repel them an act of legitimate self defense..
The IDF has been releasing their footage of activists throwing stuff, using batons, slingshots with marbels and throwing commandos back to sea? IDF attack took place in international waters where the Law of the High Seas presides. I wonder how far the jurisdiction of the captain reaches in a case the vessel is attacked. Nevertheless, Israeli cabinet ministers and PM Netanyahu are claiming they acted in self-defence.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I just love it when criminals claim that they were acting in self-defense when they commit their crimes.
So what is Obama doing today?
White House still silent on attack, as far as I can tell. After just sucking up to Netanyahu, I can imagine the embarassment. Another quasi-slap in the face.
Not going to fault him (yet). His job is a 24 hour job, unfortunately, but he still is human (and it is a holiday, not even the Wall Streeters are working today). Not that I have much faith in any statements that he will give, if he gives one at all, but I will give some grace for the time being.
Slight tangent, but here’s a video of him being confronted for the first time in, well, ever? about this issue:
Also, Obama historically prefers to get the facts straight (which might take a while, given conflicting reports) before he makes public statements.
Hoping he’s going to show a bit of steel on this, though.
CHICAGO – President Barack Obama voiced “deep regret” over Monday’s deadly Israeli commando raids, and the White House said he and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed by phone to reschedule White House talks “at the first opportunity.”
In a statement issued by presidential aides in Chicago, where Obama and his family have been spending the Memorial Day weekend, the president was said to have “expressed the importance of learning all the facts and circumstances” surrounding the incident involving aid ships seeking access to the blockaded Gaza Strip.
“He said he understood the prime minister’s decision to return immediately to Israel to deal with today’s events,” the statement said. Netanyahu had been scheduled to meet with Obama Tuesday at the White House.
At the State Department, spokesman P.J. Crowley said, “We support expanding the flow of goods to the people of Gaza. But this must be done in a spirit of cooperation, not confrontation.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
“the president was said to have “expressed the importance of learning all the facts and circumstances” surrounding the incident…“
In other words, it is important to make sure to have all the Israeli talking points down before commenting.
Damn. Think Progress came out swinging. Good for them. I hope they don’t back down.
Done with Israel. They are as much a rogue nation as we are and should be treated as such.
I don’t care how much suffering was endured, no one gets a blank check.
The winger meme is already “If Obama offers anything less than 100% support for Israel here, he is done.”
In Cairo, where the League is based, the violence also inflamed public opinion on the streets.
“What do you expect from a state that even America fears and cannot stop or do anything to except use empty diplomatic words?” said Mohamed Morsi, a 45-year-old restaurant owner.
Thus it is obvious the Cairo Speech was just words. Israel is simply too powerful in this country.
As far as I’m concerned, Israel committed an act of piracy. They boarded a ship in international waters. That is a violation of maritime law.
If anyone on the Turkish ship took any act to repel the boarders, they were justified.
Nice DOS attack I just had. Wonder why.
Yeah, I saw that…
So, if Bush were president, what country would he attack over this?
he tends to like to attack countries with names starting with a vowel.