Just a reminder, because they are constantly needed, that Jewish-American opinion is not whatever AIPAC says it is.
J Street is deeply shocked and saddened by reports that at least 10 civilians have been killed and dozens more wounded (including Israeli soldiers) this morning as Israel intercepted a naval convoy bringing humanitarian supplies and construction materials to the Gaza Strip.
We express our condolences to the families of those killed and we wish the injured a full and speedy recovery. We hope that leaders on all sides will take immediate steps to ensure that this incident does not escalate into a broader round of violence – in Israel, in Gaza, or in the region.
There will undoubtedly be calls in the coming days for a UN investigation into today’s events. A credible, independent commission appointed by the Israeli government should provide the world with a full and complete report into the causes and circumstances surrounding the day’s events and establish responsibility for the violence and bloodshed.
This shocking outcome of an effort to bring humanitarian relief to the people of Gaza is in part a consequence of the ongoing, counterproductive Israeli blockade of Gaza. J Street has been and continues to be opposed to the blockade – believing that there are better ways to ensure Israel’s security and to prevent weapons smuggling than a complete closure of the Gaza Strip.
We do not know yet what the impact of today’s incident will be on the just-restarted peace process, on Israel’s relations with international community, or on the health of Arab-Jewish relations within Israel itself.
We do know, however, that today is one more nail in the coffin for hopes of ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict peacefully and diplomatically and for preserving Israel’s Jewish and democratic character. We urge President Obama and other international and regional leaders to take today’s terrible news as an opportunity to engage even more forcefully in immediate efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
That’s entirely correct. This should serve as a wakeup call for American politicians. The world is completely outraged as you can discover by reading any foreign news outlet. But the moment they have a second to breath, the world will turn that outrage against us. We cannot afford to let this conflict go on with our government flagrantly enabling Israel to commit outrageous and shocking acts. Friends don’t let friends do this to others or to themselves.
A credible, independent commission appointed by the Israeli government…
Um, yeah. Isn’t this like expecting the KKK to report on the “causes and circumstances surrounding” lynchings in “a credible, independent” fashion? Since this was essentially an act of piracy, wouldn’t the UN or the World Court be a more appropriate forum for testimony and judgment?
That was the first thing that hit me, too. J Street may not be AIPAC, but it can’t bring itself to call Israel on its crimes, either. Imagining that any internal investigation would be seen by anybody as credible or independent is pathetically out of touch with world opinion.
Well, they’re assuming acts in good faith and is democratic and humane.
…assuming Israel acts…
Exactly. J Street is nothing more than AIPAC with lipstick.
you ought to be more open-minded about J Street. They are helping to turn public opinion here in the United States and they’re are representing people who were badly lacking in representation before J Street came along.
All the Jews I know well enough to discuss such things with are strongly pro-Palestinian and believe Israel has no right to claim or occupy any territory beyond its original borders. J Street does not appear to represent them. It appears to represent those who want Israel to be nicer in the manner it enforces its several occupations.
“It appears to represent those who want Israel to be nicer in the manner it enforces its several occupations.“
Yeah, whatever.
Once again, yeah, whatever. As long as J Street insists that the best solution is for Israel to investigate its own crimes I won’t have a whole lot of use for it.
Its way over the top. What will the U.S. reaction be to piracy and murder? So far nothing. This happened in international waters. Why is Obama silent he should be condemning a state sponsored terrorist act!
CHICAGO – President Barack Obama voiced “deep regret” over Monday’s deadly Israeli commando raids, and the White House said he and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed by phone to reschedule White House talks “at the first opportunity.”
In a statement issued by presidential aides in Chicago, where Obama and his family have been spending the Memorial Day weekend, the president was said to have “expressed the importance of learning all the facts and circumstances” surrounding the incident involving aid ships seeking access to the blockaded Gaza Strip.
“He said he understood the prime minister’s decision to return immediately to Israel to deal with today’s events,” the statement said. Netanyahu had been scheduled to meet with Obama Tuesday at the White House.
At the State Department, spokesman P.J. Crowley said, “We support expanding the flow of goods to the people of Gaza. But this must be done in a spirit of cooperation, not confrontation.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I am waiting eagerly for Hillary Clinton to declare with a straight face that Israel’s latest criminal actions are “unhelpful”.
As anyone read what Turkey(once an Israel allie) says it will now do? We’ll see if this situation is what makes the powder keg explode. It has a chance.
Turkey withdraws ambassador as deadly Israeli raid on Gaza boats sparks protests, condemnation
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
NATO to meet Tuesday on Gaza flotilla raid by Israel-Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times
with the cell phone and video technology, the world has become a town and Barack Obama the mayor. This is crazy how many things he has going on. While the news reports say he is relaxing with his family, I very much doubt that is what’s happening in Chicago. What a huge difficult job but I have confidence he will handle these latest crisis well. It would make no sense for him to be making pronouncements at this early foggy stage.
The guy can’t catch a break. If it isn’t the oil spill, it’s something else.
Obama will do the right thing for the US.
Going off like a Roman candle would make the media very happy. They could spend the 24 hour news cycle tut tuting over the emo of the prez.
There was a severe thunderstorm where Obama was giving the Memorial Day speech.
Sad that such reminders are needed at all, but some, including individuals very close by, still make the “mistake”.
“A credible, independent commission appointed by the Israeli government should provide the world with a full and complete report…“
Once again, J Street proves that they simply cannot be taken seriously. Are they F***ing JOKING?!
I wondered the same thing thing when I saw it.