It’s kind of mind-boggling, but Mark Halperin is actually right about something. Also, Chris Matthews and Charles Blow are wankers.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Dang! The last time I read something that Mark Halperin wrote that I liked was Winter’s Tale in 1983. So, basically, every 27 years he stumbles into being appealing… to readers like me.
I sent Charles Blow an email telling him Obama will act more outraged and angry at BP, the oil itself, Applebees (like James Carville) or whoever when he and the few Black columnists invited to appear on MSNBC will use their token appearances for anything more than to co-sign Joe Scarborough’s bashing of the President. I can’t be the only Black viewer who is exasperated by the tight-ass mask they wear on air–never willing to disagree or challenge Scarborough or move the conversation to issues that are important to people of color. If a little anger from Obama is due; a little defiance from them is due. At least stop looking scared to death that they are going to say something to upset Joe Scarborough, which ain’t hard to do, and get kicked off the colored guy’s rotation.
P.S.: Is Mike Barnicle, guilty of plagiarism, completely lacking in self-awareness to advise the President to “fake it”?
well said. Is it because they don’t want to appear stereotypical? I admit it is hard for black writers and pundits to get the respect they deserve if they support Obama’s agenda.
Halperin? A stopped watch and all that.
Matthews is still being really STUPID but not quite, today, as much a fool as when he spent several days screaming about “Why doesn’t a submarine just take a diver down there with a torch and FIX that hole?”.
Why his producer lets him talk about things that he is totally ignorant about, I don’t know.
Can’t stomach Scarborough!
I’ve never been able to figure out whether Matthews’s gross attacks of ignorance are real or his attempt to be “one of the folks”. He’s usually on the right side from my POV, but I can’t stand the perpetual shocked reaction every time one of his guests says something that everybody else already knows. And then whining about why some stupid fix isn’t being done because he barber told him it would obviously work. In a way he’s using the same shtick as Glenn Beck — the phony innocent persona.
I have decided that neither Matthews nor his producer do ANY research. It doesn’t take much research to discover that almost nothing Matthews was saying the last couple of weeks was correct! When you think that you can do a 1 hour political show 5 days a week with no research, it is time to retire you ego.