Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Next week is OUR big election night in Cali. I’m working the polls that day, mostly out of curiosity to see the process from the inside. It will be a VERY long day, however..!
Anyone else here doing any poll work? I’d be curious to swap notes, after..!
It’s probably not right of me to dance on the political grave of Artur Davis, but as his brother from another mother, Clay Davis, would say, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. He deserves it! I told one of his staffers following his no vote on HCR, he’s not going to get where he wants to be on the backs of his poor Black constituents.
It’s sad. I can’t think of any black politicians other than the president with more stellar credentials than Artur Davis, but Ron Sparks is actually the more progressive candidate. In fact, Sparks dropped out of the Senate race in 2008 because a black state Senator, Vivian Figures, was running, and he didn’t want to pit white against black in the primaries. He said that such a split would make it impossible to reunite in the general. He was right about that, even though Figures had no chance against Sessions.
For whatever reason, Sparks decided it was worth winning the gubernatorial nomination, even if it did split whites and blacks. Davis is so talented and qualified, and yet he decided to run as a DLC Democrat and got his ass handed to him. Maybe Kendrick Meek has time to learn something from this experience.
I kind of refuse to think about the Israel question. Not that the situation isn’t outrageous, but lord we have enough problems without worrying about a country with the population of a larger american city.
Anyway, I’m trying to understand this situation, which basically boils down to: we’ve ghettoized a poor and increasingly illiterate minority group, denied them the basics of social organization, confiscated and blockaded their land, bombarded and smashed the blighted concrete slums we let them live in, and yet somehow this immiserated people forms the matrix of a potential threat or vector which could destroy the ruling party? I mean, let’s suppose the flotilla was actually bringing supplies to build bunkers for Hamas or whatever. You’re telling me Israel is materially threatened by some piles of re-inforced concrete? What are we to conclude but that Israel is at war with the palestinian people themselves?
As for what the Israeli’s intended to do that night, I don’t necessarily think they planned on opening fire. They just expected to drop their commandos on the boat, maybe give the leaders a good slapping around, confiscate everything, etc. Basically, they expected the passengers to simply lay down and get fucked, metaphorically speaking, mostly.
Is it just me, or does Dale Peterson look an awful lot like Larry Hagman as JR Ewing? I wonder if he’s nearly as much fun on the job. You reckon he brings the rifle to the office?
Next week is OUR big election night in Cali. I’m working the polls that day, mostly out of curiosity to see the process from the inside. It will be a VERY long day, however..!
Anyone else here doing any poll work? I’d be curious to swap notes, after..!
So, who’s gonna win out there?
That Dale Peterson ad is a riot.
which one?
I don’t know about Dale .. but DLC hack Artur Davis is getting demolished in the AL Democratic primary for Governor
Dale’s going down. He’s in third place.
I meant the original Peterson spot. One of the all-time great political commercials of my time, lol.
It’s probably not right of me to dance on the political grave of Artur Davis, but as his brother from another mother, Clay Davis, would say, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. He deserves it! I told one of his staffers following his no vote on HCR, he’s not going to get where he wants to be on the backs of his poor Black constituents.
It’s sad. I can’t think of any black politicians other than the president with more stellar credentials than Artur Davis, but Ron Sparks is actually the more progressive candidate. In fact, Sparks dropped out of the Senate race in 2008 because a black state Senator, Vivian Figures, was running, and he didn’t want to pit white against black in the primaries. He said that such a split would make it impossible to reunite in the general. He was right about that, even though Figures had no chance against Sessions.
For whatever reason, Sparks decided it was worth winning the gubernatorial nomination, even if it did split whites and blacks. Davis is so talented and qualified, and yet he decided to run as a DLC Democrat and got his ass handed to him. Maybe Kendrick Meek has time to learn something from this experience.
Davis is so talented and qualified, and yet he decided to run as a DLC Democrat and got his ass handed to him.
You expected him to have an Al Gore/John Edwards “Come to Jesus” moment? It’s why we need to fight against the DLC. They are no good.
Later, Parker Griffith.
I kind of refuse to think about the Israel question. Not that the situation isn’t outrageous, but lord we have enough problems without worrying about a country with the population of a larger american city.
Anyway, I’m trying to understand this situation, which basically boils down to: we’ve ghettoized a poor and increasingly illiterate minority group, denied them the basics of social organization, confiscated and blockaded their land, bombarded and smashed the blighted concrete slums we let them live in, and yet somehow this immiserated people forms the matrix of a potential threat or vector which could destroy the ruling party? I mean, let’s suppose the flotilla was actually bringing supplies to build bunkers for Hamas or whatever. You’re telling me Israel is materially threatened by some piles of re-inforced concrete? What are we to conclude but that Israel is at war with the palestinian people themselves?
As for what the Israeli’s intended to do that night, I don’t necessarily think they planned on opening fire. They just expected to drop their commandos on the boat, maybe give the leaders a good slapping around, confiscate everything, etc. Basically, they expected the passengers to simply lay down and get fucked, metaphorically speaking, mostly.
Is it just me, or does Dale Peterson look an awful lot like Larry Hagman as JR Ewing? I wonder if he’s nearly as much fun on the job. You reckon he brings the rifle to the office?
I love the WTF “look” his horse gives him