Michelle Cottle on Sarah Palin:

Of course, unlike other categories of the rich and famous, political celebs (especially populist firebrands) cannot risk being seen as remote or out of touch. But here’s where Palin’s embrace of new media saves the day. Her perky, quirky tweets and chatty Facebook items make her fans feel as though they have a direct line to her—despite the oft-voiced assumption that Palin (like so many pols) does not write most (if any) of her own Facebook posts. Such is the beauty of social networking: It allows a public figure to avoid direct interaction with the public while promoting the illusion of personal connection and involvement.

For some reason I actually believe that Palin writes her own tweets and Facebook updates. What could that reason be? Well, basically, I don’t think you can delegate the kind of empty-headed crap that is presented as her ideas on current events. Only Palin is capable of coming up with that stuff, and no minion could possibly hope to mimic it.