I guess the reason that the Republicans are polling so well at the moment is almost entirely based on the pollsters estimate of likely differential turnout. That’s what Public Policy Polling’s Tom Jensen says anyway. If true, it gives me cause of optimism.

We can’t change the economy, but we can rile up our own base. And we have plenty to be riled about once we focus on the campaign. Frankly, I chose July 1st as the day to put aside differences (for the most part) and focus on the positive, and I think a lot of progressive organizers and activists are still lobbying the White House. If our opinion leaders are not focused on the upcoming campaign, we shouldn’t expect our rank-and-file to be focused on it either.

But, there is only so much we can do. We need help from the White House. That’s why I’ve been harping on the economy lately. We need a showdown with the Republicans in Congress, and we need it to be over the economy. We also need some sweeteners to put everyone in a good mood. So, appoint Elizabeth Warren. And then make the Republicans obstruct on the economy, and throw an almighty fit about it.

The Republicans will do the rest themselves as they pander to their crazy base in their effort to pull them all out of woodwork (and the loony bins) and get them to the polls. When our side sees the spectacle, they’ll be plenty motivated. Show some fight, pass out some goodies, and let’s get it on.