I guess the reason that the Republicans are polling so well at the moment is almost entirely based on the pollsters estimate of likely differential turnout. That’s what Public Policy Polling’s Tom Jensen says anyway. If true, it gives me cause of optimism.
We can’t change the economy, but we can rile up our own base. And we have plenty to be riled about once we focus on the campaign. Frankly, I chose July 1st as the day to put aside differences (for the most part) and focus on the positive, and I think a lot of progressive organizers and activists are still lobbying the White House. If our opinion leaders are not focused on the upcoming campaign, we shouldn’t expect our rank-and-file to be focused on it either.
But, there is only so much we can do. We need help from the White House. That’s why I’ve been harping on the economy lately. We need a showdown with the Republicans in Congress, and we need it to be over the economy. We also need some sweeteners to put everyone in a good mood. So, appoint Elizabeth Warren. And then make the Republicans obstruct on the economy, and throw an almighty fit about it.
The Republicans will do the rest themselves as they pander to their crazy base in their effort to pull them all out of woodwork (and the loony bins) and get them to the polls. When our side sees the spectacle, they’ll be plenty motivated. Show some fight, pass out some goodies, and let’s get it on.
AP has a headline that Obama plans new economic aid package. After Labor Day, he’ll start talking about this and the economy.
I think it’s about timing. Why bother to get votes before Septemeber?
You may not be able to earn a whole lot of swing votes before Labor Day, but you sure as hell can lose them before then.
Unless this economic plan is serious as a heart attack (and all indications are it’s Republican Business-Friendly Tax Cuts(tm) and stuff) the base isn’t getting riled up about jack.
Because we’re talking about the BASE.
They are more clued and we need them motivated BEFORE people start paying attention so that when people DO start paying attention, the Base can be sent out to GOTV etc. from day 1.
That said, I think one way is to push the American Taliban line. Do you think the base, the base that has primaried Bennett and Murkowski, driven out Crist, put up Rand Paul and Sharon Angle wouldn’t be happy to ptu the screws to say, gays, or atheists, or brown people, or people who don’t hate brown people? Factually the Republcians ARE the spiritual brothers of the Taliban. And it’s not shame in saying that.
The GOP has demonized the left for generations and it’s proven effective. It’s about time for us to do the same and we have the advantage because we’re telling the truth.
Because you abandon the playing field to the opposition. Because you allow them to define and frame the issues and propagate the language and slogans. Because perceptions and opinions harden into concrete and become virtually unchangeable.
We did that last summer and the Democratic leadership is doing it again.
that stupid deficit commission isn’t making things any easier. I know you’re waiting to hear their recommendations, but it’s not helping democrats make the argument that the GOP wants to kill social security.
i do not think you’re going to get the help you need.
I have not heard a single person who isn’t already a serious political junkie so much as mention the Catfood Commission….it’s just not on the radar.
why is it called the Catfood Commission (polo pony again)?
The poor, elderly forced to eat catfood…
WAIT! IT GETS BETTER! 2 other members of the catfood commission:
CEO of Honeywell (a big defense contractor) thinks we need to cut salary & benefit for the military and not spend time looking for waste in defense contracts.
The head of a steal company that locked his workers out trying to bust the union.
This is the commission “our” “Democratic” President appointed? How would it have been worse if McCain had been elected?
Yeah – I am really fucking excited to contribute, work and vote for Dems this fall.
But given the fecklessness of DC Democrats, the grassroots regardless of ideology is going to have to work hard to pull the mule out of the ditch once again.
It’s not just the President, it’s the folks in Congress as well. Van Hollen is still snoozing.
My Democratic Base is for this, and I am going to get it to happen.
He has pissed away the 60 vote Senate. Now we need to blame the Republicans, 24/7/365 until Nov.
while I don’t disagree w/ you about fighting at all one of the things a leader needs is an army. You must remember the most reliable voters in the Democratic party are African Americans whom provide much of the urban wing of the army. The lack of troops in the exurbs and the countryside. So how t fill out the army.
I would advise you to recognize that the voters who voted in 44 are not registered Democrats. They are independent and belong to organizations that give campaign money to individuals not parties. I would suggest to you that you may have been better off if you had told these independents and liberals(they vote D but are also not registered D) to register to vote as D’s. If it’s not to late in many quarters to register to vote you have these people go register as D’s and vote in the mid terms when they traditionally disappear in the exurbs and countryside.
Your advice is sound but judging from my reading a sizable faction of the organizers and activists seems intent to remain pissed off at Obama and the Dems rather than Republicans. That group then sows disaffection among the base. I’ve come to the conclusion that much of the left is just not very good at playing politics–and that’s already granting all the necessary provisos about the relative lack of media access, etc. (I mean everybody who is on the left should be doing what you are doing and giving full attention to the Republicans for the election season.)
Concerning the other side of your post, we’ll see if Obama and the Dems come up with a coherent campaign theme that can cut through our right-wing dominated mediascape. I’m not optimistic. I can’t for the life of me figure out why they are so cautious. On the other hand, the worse the Dems’ prospects look, the more likely they are to be forced out of the cautious positioning that has so far characterized this election cycle. Let’s just hope they adopt sensible positions. I have a great fear that we’re going to start a debate with the Republicans on who is going to give the rich the biggest tax cut.