It’s not that secret Muslim President Obama, Devil-eyed Nancy Pelosi, “illegal aliens” or even left wing bloggers. No, serial liar right wing hero and media maven Andrew Breitbart has done us all a favor by identifying the most dangerous people in America, people he says are engaged in a war against their own country.
May I have the envelope please …
“It’s George Stephanopoulos. It’s Diane Sawyer. It’s Charlie Gibson, and, my God, it’s Katie Couric,” Breitbart said. “They are the problem.” […]
On Thursday, Breitbart criticized a wide range of national media outlets, including The New York Times and, for glorifying the left while disparaging the right.
“They always change their goal posts for the other side,” Breitbart said as attendees nodded.
Somewhere Chris Matthews is having a hissy fit for being left off the list.
But seriously, Politico glorifies liberals? Well, maybe when you view the world through a lens that says a Centrist President and a timid Democratic party in control of Congress and yet still unable to pass important legislation like the climate change bill or a large enough stimulus package amounts to the “greatest threat to our nation evah!”
More than one speaker described the United States as being at the verge of a make-or-break moment and urged attendees to support conservative candidates on the November ballot. “From the front lines, I’m telling you: We need your help. We are at risk of losing this country. We have 61 days,” [Virginia Thomas, wife of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and a conservative activist] said.
Yes only sixty-one days left before we all get our heads chopped off!
Maybe they are the most useless people in America.
I think Breitbart is jealous of circus clowns. Drudgico is favorable to Democrats? I almost fell out of my chair laughing at that one. I know facts don’t enter into Breitfart’s world, but he might want to check into who owns that rag.
Oh, yeah. It feels like the winter of 1860-61 out there. Really does…
It Takes a Nation of Morons To Hold Us Back.
I think it’s to a large extent ‘Greatest Generation’ envy.
These cretins can’t cope with the fact that because they’re not playing their part in a titanic Maninchaean struggle between good and evil, their lives are a hollow and pointless circuit of house-work-store-house, with children who despise them, bosses who hold them in contempt, and a car which while newish, is clearly inferior to the one in the next driveway in the cul-de-sac. Metro-boulot-dodo.
Movement conservatism, is for all but the people who clip coupons for a living, half-assed therapy for people who aren’t well-adjusted to reality.
If they’d read the occasional book, or go for a run, or buy an old Korean Strat clone on Craigslist and have their kid teach them how to play, our Constitution, our planet, and their cortisol levels would all profit immensely.
Voltaire was right: Il faut cultiver notre jardin
nothing wrong with clipping coupons
If they’re on bonds, and it’s your only form of exercise….
how did I miss that? maybe because I hurt my head last week falling off my polo pony.
Only one who equates bought and paid for opinions with factual analysis (well, I’m giving ’em a B for effort) could make such an argument.
I’m beginning to think that’s our problem, we keep throwing facts at the argument when all the other side wants is a spicy hate/fear sandwhich.
Brewers, umm, “prepared” debate remarks were truly priceless.