The same day that Rick Sanchez, a CNN Spanish language reporter located in Miami, was fired by the network after making controversial comments on a radio show, saying that Jon Stewart was a “bigot” and that CNN and the other networks are all run by Jewish people, the above video appeared on YouTube claiming a similar Jewish (read Israeli) “control” of the networks when it comes to reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
We are informed that “once you have watched this (video) all should be clear to you! Always question the MSM and why their news is being reported. There is always an agenda and there is always censorship and manipulation of your thoughts.”
Although I’d like to see a formally published study of the issue that goes beyond Mearshirmer and Walt’s classic, The Israel Lobby, all we have to go by today is common experience, what we get to see, and especially what we don’t get to see (censorship) about the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in particular.
Very well-done video.
Hey, sorry about you getting trolled again over at eurotrib. I’m (temporarily?) banned over there, otherwise I would help you out.
Banned at ET? It is surprising that Jerome would allow that to happen. On the other hand, the site seems to be run by a small clique, and they collectively troll my diaries usually on some trivial language or meta points. But it is a small collective over there with only about 1700 daily visits.
Good to see you back, anyway I had the impression you’ve been away for awhile.
Thanks for noticing, but yes I was away from my home sans computer for almost a month. And I missed coming to BT during that time.
NOT, indeed.
How about coverage of the killing of a Palestinian man yesterday, who traveled routinely from East to West Jerusalem every day for work, but for some reason, on his last trip, was murdered. Nothing.
Women on both sides of the conflict, working together:
Those Israeli and Palestinian women were brave in defying Israeli laws concerning the movement of Palestinians in Israel and East Jerusalem, proven by the death of a Palestinian man only a few days ago, who traveled from East to West Jerusalem for work.
Israelis are taught from childhood that “Arab” lives have little worth. That learning makes it easier to pull the trigger.