Remember how Mayor Daley supposedly stole the election for JFK? Can you wait for the story about how Mayor Rahm is going to steal election for Obama? With ACORN? Assuming Rahm wins, of course.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
You mean there isn’t a story up like that yet?
Those slackers.
but this is the most jaw-dropping account of Washington deal-making that I’ve read, and haven’t seen it intelligently discussed yet.
Lieberman, an Independent who had endorsed John McCain for President, had deeply irritated his liberal colleagues by helping the Republicans weaken Obama’s health-care bill. Graham, a Republican, had a reputation as a Senate maverick–but not one who actually got things done.
I loved that last line. Lizza is an untrustworthy prick, but I’ll give him props for the one line.
Really? I’m not familiar with him. Why’s he untrustworthy (or a prick)?
He’s a backstabber and the like. Just ask Attackerman.
Rahm’s gonna have an uphill battle to win in Chicago.
Rahm mobilize volunteers? How so? You mean the remnants of the Daley machine?
That’s a quote from the linked article. I assummed it was referring to enough volunteers to get the petitions he’ll need signed but after that I think the article’s point was that Rahm’s going to have a battle on his hands.
Depending on what it is, getting petition signatures is not hard. Especially in a big city like Chicago. I’d be more worried about the residency requirement if I were him.
Yeah. I keep seeing national stories that assume it’s his for the taking. I don’t see any special following for him here. There’s no reason to think the Dem machine will make a big effort for him, labor and liberals either, and the AA and Latino blocs will be pushing their own candidates. Whoever wins will have to bring in a substantial following across ethnic lines. I don’t see Rahm doing that easily. And big ad budgets are not going to save him. Of course this is the first mayoral election in a generation, so nobody really knows how to play the game anymore, so it will be quite a show.
Karl Rove seems to have shit in the nest with the tea partiers. Maybe Rahm can get him to re-invent reality or something.
the most hilarious part of that entire quote is that Eddie Burke has 4.4 million bucks. I’ve been wondering for a long time how this guy, whose ward has had their entire demographics change radically, still wins by 70% each time.
I don’t get it.
Hell, if Rahm can’t steal the election for himself, how’s he gonna steal it for Obama? OF course, if he does win … Q.E.D.
don’t mean to be a smartass, but seriously, who is Rahm’s consituency?
please tell me.
I am a Chicagoan, and I want to understand.
I’m with you on this rikyrah. I live here and don’t know who his fan base would be either. However, I do think he would do a good job.
I’m going to miss Mayor Daley – he did a lot for this city – particularly in the past 10 years in beautifying it and bringing in tourism money without turning it into a ugly tourist city. The many new parks (and improved parks) and restoration of the riverfront and Wacker Drive and Lake Shore Drive and Lincoln Park by planting trees and flowers and walkways along the lake and other boulevards makes it a joy to show family and friends visiting the city.
While some rightfully bitched about the horrible car situation with high fees and fines it seemed his not too subtle ploy to get people to use public transportation (instead of paying the high parking rates) wasn’t bad for the city in the long term.
lol I don’t think anyone will have to steal the election for Obama in Chicago. However, anyone interested in figuring out how to help steal 3 games for the Twins from the wild card Yankees? Can’t say there would be as much money involved…
Gee, I can’t wait for Mayor Rahm to curse out a Ribicoff and unleash the Chicago PD for some good old-fashioned hippie-punching. Hoo boy.
Experts say Rahm Emanuel not a legal resident of city :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Election 2010
I’ve been expecting that Republican war on science would spillover into attacks on math — especially the fuzzy kind — but the original “Daley stole it for JFK” theory predated later forms of denialism.
And I’m sure that most of you already know this.
JFK – 303 electoral votes
Nixon – 219 electoral votes
(Byrd had 15 but we can ignore these)
Illinois – 27 electoral votes (*in 1960)
Switching Illinois to Nixon’s side, it’s hard to see how 276 (JFK) and 246 (Nixon) would have changed the outcome. Usually, Texas is also included in the conspiracy theory, which could have changed the outcome, but it denies the influence of LBJ on the Democratic ticket.
Admittedly, this is a segue, but I’ve looking at the area of motivated cognition/myth lately and what’s remarkable about the Paranoid Style is how frequently the same stories are recycled and come back into vogue. And that’s despite having dubious provenance originally. I’m sorta surprised that no one has accused Obama of contaminating their precious bodily juices.