This week has seen some pretty batshit crazy Jewish American right-wing groups attack the Jewish American groups that espouse humanitarian and peace seeking views, most notably J Street and Jewish Voices for Peace. Its seems the teabaggers are about to be shown up by what I hereby deem the Z-BAGGERS: Right wing batshit crazy right wing frothers who have declared open warfare on controlling the dialogue America is allowed to hear.
We saw it with the Goldstone Report, how this esteemed and fair investigator was called a “self-loathing Jew” for daring to provide a balanced conclusion that wrongs were committed by both sides during Operation Cast Lead. Z-Baggers insist that Israel not be held culpable for breaking International Laws, that they alone can use any means necessary without rebuke. They went so far as to say this report sought to leave Israel defenseless, rather than just insisting they follow International Laws on Engagement.
This weeks attacks make that look like child’s play.
Lets start with the most stunning. The ADL gave an Award to Rupert Murdoch, arguably one of the most loathsome Right-wingers on the Planet. The man whose Fox News gives platforms to actual Anti-semite racists like Glenn Beck. An Award. The only reason I can FATHOM the Z-Baggers would give Murdoch an award is to ensure his channels continue to present completely biased Pro-Zionist propaganda as news when it comes to Israel’s conflict with Palestine. Rupert is rich, and controls the American Media, so who better to suck up to when you want a one sided story told on the conflicts in the Middle East.
Rupert, not surprisingly, used his speech to attack the Left… something the ADL is becoming an expert on:
Today it seems that the most virulent strains come from the left. Often this new anti-Semitism dresses itself up as legitimate disagreement with Israel.
But wait! There’s much more. The ADL Z-Baggers had the audacity to name Jewish Voices for Peace on their top-ten enemies list. I shit you not.
I beg you to read through to the video at the end… where a hard-line right wing Z-bagging settler drives his car full throttle into children at a protest.
Abraham Foxman, Director ADL:
“While there are hundreds of groups that organize and participate in various anti-Israel activities, we have identified the largest and most well-coordinated anti-Israel groups,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. “These groups are not promoting peace, they are spreading propaganda to assault Israel’s legitimacy. We want to Americans to know who these groups are and what it is they really stand for, which is to delegitimize the Jewish state.”
The Top 10 Anti-Israel Groups, as identified by ADL, are:
· Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER)
· Al-Awda
· Council on American-Islamic Relations
· Friends of Sabeel-North America
· If Americans Knew
· International Solidarity Movement
· Jewish Voice for Peace
· Muslim American Society
· Students for Justice in Palestine
· US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Now, Foxman’s right-wing creds are numerous, his anti-peace and anti-humanitarian racist views go back to supporting Apartheid South Africa, lobbying against recognition of the Armenian Genocide, trying to bar Desmond Tutu from speaking at a University and trying to block the building of the Muslim Community Center, the so-called ground zero mosque.
This is indicative of the Foxman’s ADL:
In the 1980s, at a time when Israel maintained close ties with South Africa, the ADL went on the attack against Nelson Mandela’s African National Congress. As Sasha Polakow-Suransky reported in his recent book The Unspoken Alliance: Israel’s Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa, ADL National Director Nathan Perlmutter co-authored an article implying that the ANC was “totalitarian, anti-humane, anti-democratic, anti-Israel and anti-American.” The ADL sent spies into the American anti-apartheid movement, as well as other movements critical of right-wing American foreign policy. Eventually, the organization was surveilling much of the American left. In 1993, a California police raid on the offices of the ADL and one of its investigators yielded files on Greenpeace, the NAACP, Act Up, New Jewish Agenda, the Center for Investigative Reporting, and several Democratic politicians, among hundreds of others. The ADL eventually settled a class-action lawsuit brought by several of its targets.
I have to reiterate… Jewish Voices for Peace is an enemy of Israel, by being Left-wing peace activist Jews; so much that seeks to make Israel a fair, peaceful humanitarian State?
Holy fuck!!!!
This is JVP’s Mission Statement:
Jewish Voice for Peace members are inspired by Jewish tradition to work together for peace, social justice, equality, human rights, respect for international law, and a U.S. foreign policy based on these ideals.
JVP opposes anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim, and anti-Arab bigotry and oppression. JVP seeks an end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem; security and self-determination for Israelis and Palestinians; a just solution for Palestinian refugees based on principles established in international law; an end to violence against civilians; and peace and justice for all peoples of the Middle East.
Our Political Platform
Jewish Voice for Peace is a diverse and democratic community of activists inspired by Jewish tradition to work together for peace, social justice, and human rights. We support the aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians for security and self-determination.
We seek:
- A U.S. foreign policy based on promoting peace, democracy, human rights, and respect for international law
- An end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem
- A resolution of the Palestinian refugee problem consistent with international law and equity
- An end to all violence against civilians
- Peace among the peoples of the Middle East
We are among the many American Jews who say to the U.S. and Israeli governments: “Not in our names!”
JVP supports peace activists in Palestine and Israel, and works in broad coalition with other Jewish, Arab-American, faith-based, peace and social justice organizations.
Jewish Voice for Peace calls for a U.S. foreign policy that promotes democracy and human rights. The United States must stop supporting repressive policies in Israel and elsewhere. U.S. military aid to countries in the Middle East must be based on rigorous enforcement of the Arms Export Control and Foreign Assistance Acts, which mandate that military aid may be used for only defensive purposes within the recipient country’s borders, and that aid may not be delivered to countries that abuse human rights.
Under these guidelines, U.S. military aid to Israel must be suspended until the occupation ends, since the occupation itself is in violation of these guidelines. Military aid allows Israel to avoid making serious efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as conflicts with its other neighbors. It enables the occupation, contributes to the devastation of Palestinian society and fosters the increasing militarization of Israeli society.
JVP also calls for suspension of military aid to other human rights abusers and occupiers in the Middle East. This aid helps prop up autocratic and repressive regimes, promotes violations of human rights and international law, obstructs democratic movements, prolongs the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and fosters militarism and violence at home and abroad.
Israelis and Palestinians have the right to security, sovereignty, and self-determination within political entities of their own choosing.
Israel must end its occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, completely withdraw from these Occupied Territories and relinquish all its settlements, military outposts and by-pass roads.
Jerusalem has to be shared in a manner that reflects its spiritual, economic, and political importance to both Israelis and Palestinians, as well as to all Jews, Muslims and Christians.
The plight of Palestinian refugees needs to be resolved equitably and in a manner that promotes peace and is consistent with international law. Within the framework of an equitable agreement, the refugees
should have a role in determining their future, whether pursuing return, resettlement, or financial compensation. Israel should recognize its share of responsibility for the ongoing refugee crisis and for its resolution.The parties must equitably distribute water and other natural resources.
Diplomatic negotiations between the two parties must be held unconditionally. Countries other than the U.S. should be involved in peace negotiations. An international peacekeeping force should be established to protect all civilians.
All people of the Middle East deserve the right to democratic participation and equality within their societies, regardless of religion, ethnicity, culture, national origin, language, race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, or other status.
Israel must cease its use of military force against Palestinian civilians, including attacks involving American-supplied F-16s and Apache helicopters. Moreover, Israel must stop land seizures; destruction of homes, infrastructure, orchards and farms; arbitrary arrests and imprisonment; torture; assassinations; expulsions; curfews; travel restrictions; abuse at checkpoints; raids; collective punishment; and other violations of human rights.
Palestinians must stop suicide bombings and other attacks on Israeli civilians.
The international community must support Palestinian efforts to promote democracy and human rights, while understanding that this aim cannot be fully achieved under occupation.
Racism and bigotry cannot be tolerated, whether in the U.S. or abroad, whether against Arabs or against Jews.
Only right-wing fucktards like T-baggers or Z-baggers could demonize an agenda like ending wars, promoting peace, and humanitarian efforts. They have branded them enemy, and self-loathing Jew.
It only gets weirder….
While AIPAC’s funding remains private as is IRS code, someone amazingly leaked J-Street’s funding and is trying to discredit them because they accepted some funding from George Soros.
His crime, other than being a gazillionaire who played with the other gazillionaires (including Obama) in the hedge fund game and contributing to shitloads of mainstream causes in Israel? He dared once to speak truth. Soros criticized AIPAC’s influence on US foreign policy and condemned what he referred to as the organized Jewish community’s tendency to lump critics of Israel with anti-Semites. In that same article, he also wrote, “I am not a Zionist, nor am I am a practicing Jew, but I have a great deal of sympathy for my fellow Jews and a deep concern for the survival of Israel.” Soros was widely quoted as saying that US, Israeli and Jewish policies “contribute to manifestations of anti- Semitism,” adding that he was concerned about his own role, “because the new anti- Semitism holds that Jews rule the world.”
He was immediately branded at Self-loathing Jew by the Right-wing Z-baggers.
According to Karla Goldman, director of the Jewish communal leadership program at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, “the term `self-hating’ may be thrown around by those who believe that Israel should never be pressured or questioned in regard to its policies toward the Palestinians, in order to describe those who disagree with them.
THE `SELF-HATING JEW’ IS ONE of the organized Jewish community’s strongest condemnations and a very effective political tool, as Goldman notes.
Now, is it just me, or is it coincidence that every Liberal movement is under attack by the T-baggers before the mid-terms and that as the public dialogue is starting to feel empathy for the Palestinian plight, that the Z-baggers are finding reasons to attack any group that does not hold Israel as “right no matter what we do” as well?
AIPAC is clearly trying to eliminate any threat to its powerful Right-wing Lobby in Washington by smearing J-Street.
And AIPAC is now going after Israeli NGO’s trying to stop them from having a voice in Washington:
“We appreciate the work that you are doing in Israel,” the AIPAC guy told my friend. “We often give it as an example to the fact that Israel is indeed a thriving democracy. But you shouldn’t have opened a US office, and you shouldn’t be lobbying on the Hill.”
You can exist, they say, so we LOOK like we are a democracy… but do not try and actually represent yourself IN A DEMOCRACY.
As the Peace Talks progress, Israel has become under unwanted scrutiny, as it continues its land-grab while the Palestinians have agreed to recognize Israel if it defines its BORDERS… which Israel refuses to do.
You would think the Z-baggers would realize it is its own worst enemy, and that Peace Activists and Liberals are NOT what makes them look bad, it is THEIR OWN ACTIONS waking America up to the Fascist, Racist State they are becoming.
The last few weeks alone:
* They are demanding “Loyalty Oaths” to its citizens to declare Israel as a “Jewish State.” One has to think about what would happen if the US, with a 2% population of Jews, demanded they recognize the United States as a “Christian Country”? Yet, with a population of 20% Arabic people, they are demanding that those citizens must do this.
* Lieberman drafted a “Population Exchange” at the UN, speaking about removing Arabs to make Israel all-Jewish, and moving the Jews back from the lands they are stealing from Palestine.
* Bands of Roving Thugs from Settlements playing Militia to keep Arabs out of their towns
Milstein has recently published an interview [in Hebew] in the ultra-right-wing publication “Be’Sheva”, where he said: “Carmiel is a Jewish city, plain and simple. It was founded for the purpose of Judaizing the Galilee. In my opinion it is not proper for Arab families to live here. In recent years, there are attempts by our [Arab] neighbors in the Western Galilee villages to migrate into Carmiel, and we must not ignore this phenomenon.”
*Bil’in Peace Activist Rahmah gets imprisoned for a year, despite International Outcry
*Bedouin schoolgirls were banned from an Israeli school for the racist reason the mayor finds Bedouins to be sub-standard people.
In the past I have allowed Bedouin students to study at my school with a presumption that if I give them the best possible education they won’t later give birth to 20 children. We invested in them a lot of money. Some persevered and excelled, others failed, because they could not keep up with the pace and the different mentality.
* The video that say it all about the mindset of the Z-baggers who defend this vermin, with the usual lying canard that “Palestinians don’t love their kids, and ‘set them up’ to be killed for ‘effect’ … to make the Israelis look bad.”
I cannot even BELIEVE this shit.
AIPAC and the ADL would have America believe that “My country right or wrong” applies only to Israeli Jews, and that any Israeli, or American Jew that dares to criticize it is a “Self-Loathing Jew” or an “Enemy of their State” who must be silenced.
I’m sorry, you are losing the hearts and minds of not only the Left, but the WORLD not only by your grave injustices and appalling lack of humanity in travesties like raining illegal White Phosphorous on civilian populations or attacking Humanitarian Aid Flotillas illegally in International waters, murdering Peace Activists… but by every day actions that prove that Israel has become a rogue fascist, racist nation of thugs.
J-Street and Jewish Voices for Peace will win, in the end, for they have righteousness and humanity on their side.
Always and Forever…. Support Peace!
(and an aside – why won’t this site allow target = new in the links? That way the links don’t leave your site! )
Of J-Street For daring to recognize that there are two points of view in a History…
“There’s no reason that a Palestinian should think that there was justice in the creation of Israel. “
That EMPATHY is the first step toward a TRUE Peace!