Our RSS feeds are now fixed and include formatting. Any folks using the http://feeds.feedburner.com/boomantribune/Svpw or http://feeds.feedburner.com/boomantribune/SEQG feeds should pick up the change automatically, but those using the http://www.boomantribune.com/booman.rdf feed will need to change over to one of the first two. I hope you enjoy the change. Advertising should start running in the feeds soon, but right now you can enjoy it ad-free.
I’m curious regarding ads, does it benefit you, and/or the pond, if we click through the ads on the site? If so, maybe we could all try to click through at least once/visit.
It’s complicated.
Now, when it comes to the ads that pay by click, the more people click on them without doing the follow up (making a purchase, creating an account, signing a petition) the less I get paid per click, so it isn’t necessarily a good thing to just click on all the ads. However, if something interests you, it definitely helps me for you to make a purchase or sign up for something through the ads. Other ads are paying just per impression, so coming to the site helps without you doing anything else.
Is there any way to get the author in the feed?
I think if you subscribe, the author shows up.
Left margin ads are bleeding down into the comments (Firefox). And if you can figure out how to get Mike Pence off my home page, I’d be forever grateful;-)
Can’t do anything about Pence, but if you clean out your cache, or open and close Firefox, the bleeding problem should go away. If it doesn’t, let me know what version you are using.
Ah – I’d forgotten about flushing the cache. Problem solved, thanks! That A-hole pence still around, tho…
The bleeding problem should have gone away the other day. All I use is Firefox and it went away the other day when we all had that problem.
We’re trying to laugh about the fact that the rightwingers are helping support the site. 🙂
Let me know if you find any creative ways we can “help” Mr. Pence out. (/snark)
I love the updates to the feeds – thanks for making this one of the early updates that you did.
Would it be possible to get the post time in the feed? This is one of the few sites I subscribe to that doesn’t have that item. Thanks.