Dana Milbank misses George W. Bush. He pines for him. Why? Because he checked his bullshit ideology at the door for once when faced with the total collapse of the economy. And, apparently, Milbank can’t find any other Republicans around who are willing to admit that following their ideology would have made matters worse.

I will say that Bush was obviously appalled by John McCain’s response to the economic crisis, and he was appalled enough by Sarah Palin to tell the Brits that he probably wouldn’t be voting for the Republican ticket. It’s quite possible he didn’t.

“I probably won’t even vote for the guy,” Bush told the group, according to two people present.“I had to endorse him. But I’d have endorsed Obama if they’d asked me.”

Even Bush knew that no one remotely responsible picks a running mate with Sarah Palin’s glaring lack of preparation. But, all Milbank’s pining really highlights is how the GOP responded to their failures by doubling down on their propaganda. Where’d they get the idea that this is the way to go?

“See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.”—President Bush, Greece, N.Y., May 24, 2005

WMD, 9/11, Saddam, mushroom cloud, WMD, 9/11, Saddam, mushroom cloud, WMD, 9/11, Saddam, mushroom cloud. Freedom!

What we’re seeing now is the same old crap. Don’t tax the job creators, socialism, deficit, Don’t tax the job creators, socialism, deficit, Don’t tax the job creators, socialism, deficit.

Bush weaponized the Stupid. McCain merely deployed it. If Milbank should be pining for anything, it should be The Time Before Stupid.