“General David Petraeus, on a trip to Germany, refused to confirm directly a New York Times report, but said there had long been doubts about one alleged Taliban peace overture towards the Afghan government.

“There was scepticism about one of these all along and it may well be that scepticism was well-founded,” he told a press briefing following talks with German Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg.” – AFP

Well, don’t be coy, Gen. Petraeus – was the skepticism about the putative Mullah Akhtar Mohammed Mansour or not? If not, why mention it at all?

If so, give yourself an extra star for kind of / almost being on the case, and then retire – the only honorable thing you can do short of seppuku – for giving away money, time and lives on a dude you doubted was the real thing.