I don’t know why Sarah Palin loves the Bushes. They all think she’s trash. But, in a fight between Barbara Bush and Sarah Palin, I think I’d actually take Palin’s side. I can’t say Sarah’s exactly earned what she has, but she kind of half-worked for it. Barb never lifted a pinkie in her life. And she thinks the Astrodome is an awesome housing facility. And she can’t worry her beautiful mind with any of the carnage unleashed by her son. Yeah, I’ll take stupid over straight-up evil every single time.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Huh. In a fight between Barbara Bush and Sarah Palin, I would step aside and let them scratch each other’s eyes out.
Honestly, there is no lesser of these two evils. I suspect Mrs Bush has better lineage and nicer pearls, but when it comes to fighting dirty, they both could really roll in the mud. It might actually be fun to watch.
When it should be a time for strong women to step to the forefront, it’s discouraging to see Palin and Angle and their ilk as examples. They are so crazy that they give women in politics a bad name.
IMHO, Palin & Angle are examples because they’re so crazy. Whose examples are they, exactly?
Ask me, personally, to point to a woman of exemplary strength & their names wouldn’t even occur to me. They’re both tools.
Two pigs in a sty.
Yup. That aptly summarizes it.
Palin’s problem isn’t her lack of intelligence (intelligence is an over-rated quality), it’s the snide, sarcastic tone she uses while criticizing her political opponents.
Great political leaders demonstrate personal good will and respect towards their opponents, while still expressing divergent view points.
That’s why Marco Rubio will win the Presidency in 2016!
I don’t think “tone” is Palin’s biggest problem at all. I wish it were.
Tone counts…
I’m an evil radical right-winger who basically agrees with her political views…
But she should not be President…a person’s tone is reflective of their character.
a person’s tone is reflective of their character.
If that is the case, then it’s note about her tone at all. It’s about her character.
Good work…I should have “unpacked” my argument more thoroughly before posting.
I hope you are well.
Good fortune.
I hadn’t heard that stupidity immunizes against straight-up evil. Most philosophers would argue that voluntary stupidity is the mother of all evils. Palin has what she has because the Dirty Old Man fell for a bimbo. Pretty much the same with Barbara, really. Both are symptoms of America’s cultural dive to the bottom. Neither could get much worse than they already are, and thus make excellent standard-bearers for the Republican Party.
Sarah is just as evil but covers it with stupid.
They deserve each other.
The Hammer goes down.
Good. Now where’s the prosecution on Grover Norquist?
“The Hammer got nailed.”
“The Hammer in the Slammer.”
(Attribution to commenters elsewhere.)
Knucklehead…do not take joy in the downfall of others…even your enemies.
You’ll get some good Karma if you adhere to the above adage.
Liberty For All,
Did you not see the attribution.
I have never taken joy in the downfall of others, but I have also been at the other side of “justice for all”.
This man deserves the justice he gets.
I served my time, let him serve his, although I`d bet he has more money to escape his justice than all my poorer equals ever had, not withstanding the contrast in the crimes he committed versus those of only mine.
What he did to many many people (Native Americans, & the imported labor to …: Here, just read this, please.
He`s a pig of the highest order.
Speaking of Karma, maybe its time he learns what it means.
I also want to extend my best wishes to you in this holiday season.
I mean that!
The RNC has to be preparing either for a Palin nomination or for a way to decisively smear her — no more of this unhelpful, Barbara Bush/Peggy Noonan piddling around.
I read on Palingates (http://www.palingates.blogspot.com/- this is not the Mittens-Johnston link though, because I did not save it) some months back that Mittens bought up Levi Johsnston’s story as insurance and that is one reason Levi isn’t talking right now. This would not surprise me at all and it’s one reason I’m not worrying about a Palin candidacy. Seems obvious to me some repubs would like Sarah P as a puppet candidate since she is even less engaged than GWB was. Nevertheless there are limits to what the public will tolerate (and eventually the sexism kicks in and women are given less leeway than men – e.g., Vitter) and if Mittens wants to protect his candidacy this way, imo he will succeed. There is alot of there there. Sarah P is a pathological liar, which bespeaks serious mental problems imo.
Anyone hearing the woman speak (who isn’t blinded by her physically effervescence) understands immediately that she’s mentally ill. Not just dumb. Her thought processes are wack.
physically = physical
Barb Bush is another sad case. Her beautiful mind belongs in a zoo.
zoo, yes. but I have no sympathy for someone of her heartlessness. cold is a mild term, below Kelvin temp. imagine asking your son to drive you to the hospital when you have a miscarriage!!! can’t she afford a cab? your son!! how about her husband. maybe she blamed her husband for causing the problem, but then leave your son out of it! maybe she wanted to remind her son, “this should have been you”. maybe both and more!
“I think the majority of Americans don’t want to put up with the blue bloods. [..] The blue bloods who want to pick and choose their winners instead of allowing competition to pick and choose the winners.”
Same old question: cynical or crazy? Does she actually believe that money & influence are misplaced in American politics? Some kind of anomaly?
Holy crap & wow.
Hi Wilderness Wench.
Happy Holidays
As for Palin, I think she can see her US allies in North Korea from her house.
What an idiot.
We must also remember that that stupid imbecile, GW Bush was elected twice. How could that have even happened???
KH, I don’t believe GWB was elected even once. He was shooed in both times in a less than democratic (or even republican) process: once by the Supremes, once by the Ohio GOP. He did what he was sent in to do — most importantly, fixing the Supreme Court for the foreseeable future — & there was no reason to take the presidency again in ’08 when major crap was hitting the fan economically.
Such is the view from this misty mountain.
Thanks for your good wishes. Better times will come.
if the Bushes decide that Jeb should run in 2012, it will get very interesting quite fast as the Bushes take out Caribou Barbie.
Yes, good point. ducks in a barrel – see my comment upthread.
Sarah Palin won’t nuke North Korea because we’re allies.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Good to see you!