I am glad that Dana Milbank has dropped the last facade and come out and openly admitted his contempt for liberals. It had been a while since he was really fooling anyone. Yeah, I know he has a new book out that mocks Glenn Beck. But Milbank is a prep-school Eli with a Skull & Bones pedigree, and he just can’t let his elite status get taken for granted. Sooner or later he’s going to let you know that he thinks he’s smarter and better and more worthy than you. He’s certainly better than wops like Pete DeFazio.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
You gonna do a piece about this?
Nope. Not worthy of a bigger piece, although his retelling of history is comical in its erroneousness.
Funny. Reading through that column I realized the Obama administration has become the “establishment”.
I’m glad, too. His concern trolling was getting on my nerves, especially when he wrote that article about “What if Hillary was president?”
Mrs. Clinton had been President and made the same back-room deal with the Republicans that Obama made?
I wonder if Booman’s reaction would have borne any resemblance to the equanimity with which he has greeted Obama’s lay down.
Well, no, I really don’t have to wonder at all.
for liberals, he has only allied himself with Obama and Robert Gibbs and David Axelrod and…
OMG Hes a history shifter. He should come to one of my family’s holiday dinners. What is going on anymore?
Here is an AP piece on Yahoo (AP) that speaks to my fears on the Social Security taxcut.
Obama has completely freaked me out on this one. He expects the Republicans to come to their senses one day. I do not. They take a concession and use it as a hammer to destroy everything you hold dear. Then they go to church.
The Higher Broderism meme is certainly strong in that one, eh? Yes, Democrats only get credit when punching hippies. After all, those dirty hippies hate America, and Democrats show that they are serious adult-like persons when they punch them. On the other hand, Republicans only get credit when they punch hippies, too.
Seems like the basic story in the Higher Broderism side is that “bipartisanship involves punching hippies”.
Perhaps Obama will change “OFA” to “OHAP” (only hippies are punched).
now, if the rest of the Villagers would be as honest.
Fact Check. Just looking at Milbank’s Wikipedia entry I see that he is NOT a preppie: “He is a graduate of Sanford H. Calhoun High School in Merrick, New York.”
I scraped Milbank off the bottom of my shoe a couple of years ago. He’s a douche-bag.
I can’t say I care for DeFazio or Milbank. DeFazio has openly attacked Obama since he won. After the Midterms he demanded Speaker Pelosi step down because Americans didn’t like her??? He was on TV attacking the prez at least 3x last week saying Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing & praising Clinton & the way Clinton handled the Economy compared to Obama. The hate some in the House have for the prez is stark & stunning to watch. To see them coming out attacking the prez regularly. That seems to be a lot of Liberals’ hobby right now. Ignore the rethugs & eviscerate the prez. It’s not pretty to watch. I firmly believe on Tuesday when he said “my Democratic friends” he meant them. That’s who flew thru my mind immediately.
It was funny to see Obama bring in Clinton for an endorsement of the taxcuts. Sorta made me think it was special just for DeFazio; sorta stuck the shiv in & turned it. The press reported the meeting was scheduled a month ago, but I can dream…..