Funeral of Bil’in peace activist Jawaher Abu Rahmah.
Jawaher Abu Rahmah, subsequent to inhaling tear gas at the weekly Bil’in (Palestine) protest of Israel’s wall (which cuts the villagers off from their farm lands), was evacuated to a Ramallah hospital. She died of asphyxiation and poisoning the following morning. Abu Rahmah is the sister of Bassem Abu Rahmah who was also killed by a tear gas canister during a peaceful protest in Bil’in on April 17th, 2010.
Approximately twenty five Israeli protesters gathered in front of the residence of American ambassador to Israel, James B. Cunningham.
The protesters `returned’ loads of spent tear gas canisters collected in the West Bank village of Bil’in in protest of the murder of Bil’in’s Jawaher Abu Rahmah. The demonstrators also made noise throughout the Ambassador’s neighborhood informing residents of how American military aid to Israel is being used to kill unarmed and nonviolent demonstrators in the West Bank. They chanted, “one, two, three, four stop the occupation stop the war. Five, six, seven, eight end the funding (US) end the hate.”
The issue here is not only US funding of Israel’s occupation and colonization, but the supply of weapons used to subjugate the Palestinians whose lands are being confiscated, as in Bil’in.
Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat called the tear-gas killing a `war crime.’
Here’s a report of the incident from Ahmed Moor, a participant:
About a thousand of us showed up – Palestinians, Israelis and internationals – to protest the apartheid barrier in the village. The Israeli army knew we were coming so flying checkpoints were thrown up on the main road into town. Most of us hiked around the apartheid abscesses and made it to the village where I was surprised (not really) to see Salaam Fayyad. I assume he applied in advance for an entry permit.
The march got underway after the Old Guard finished posturing for the cameras. We advanced about fifty or sixty meters when Fayyad abruptly stopped, shook a few hands, and bowed out. I heard a few jokes and sniggers as we marched on.
It wasn’t long before the Jewish People’s Liberation Army began to gas people. Sorry: It wasn’t long before the Israeli Defense Forces employed riot dispersal methods.
The Israelis used two types of gas canisters. The first, which you can see in this short video I took (below), is a fist-sized bulbous rubber projectile. It begins to dispense gas in air, causing it to spin wildly and change directions before it hits the ground. Its trajectory is very hard to predict.
The second type of canister is the more deadly kind – the kind that killed Bassem Abu Rahmah in 2009. It’s also used liberally by the young supremacists in uniform. Yesterday the steel canisters, about fifty percent larger than a neat stack of quarters, were fired directly at protesters. Their trajectory is more or less straight, but they come at you much faster.
And the gas. Well, `tear gas’ is a bad name for it. It feels like a million blue shards of glass tearing at your alveoli and shredding your eyes. You can’t see and double over, trying not to breathe. Acid tears are streaming down your face, but the overwhelming sensation is of being bombarded and suffocated. You’re ensconced in darkness and your thoughts are disrupted – you only want to get away. And every breath tears at your insides; vicious animals live in your lungs. I’d rather not breathe than take one more anguished, searing, charred breath. Then, you don’t have a choice; you can’t breathe. You’re struggling to run and are overcome by dizziness. Other people help you escape.
Only Jawaher Abu Rahmah didn’t escape. She protested, dignified and unwavering for hours. She refused to yield and for that she died. She was 36 and was killed for peacefully protesting The Jewish People’s Right to Self-Determination in Palestine. Her body now rests in the cold, red earth they deify.
We exchanged a few words of encouragement before I snapped her picture, when she was still someone’s mother.
And the source of these deadly tear gas grenades?
The teargas grenades that killed Jawaher Abu Rahmah were most likely `made in the USA’
Those rubber teargas grenades (rubber so they bounce along spreading the gas rather than get stuck in one place) are “Made in USA.” I believe that the 40mm teargas shells are also made in USA.
This is one of the tear gas grenades thrown at us by the Israeli Army at a demonstration against the Apartheid Wall outside the West Bank village of Bil’in. It is made by the Defense Technology Corporation of America, headquartered in Casper, Wyoming –
Thanks to Mondoweiss for the coverage and material for this tragic story about peace activism in Palestine.
Lots of luck with this!
More from Mondoweiss:
American-made teargas was also fired in occupied East Jerusalem
by Philip Weiss
January 2, 201
Protest in Tel Aviv:
Comment from another site:
Forward: Israeli army doctors warned in `03 that CS gas in high concentrations could kill
by Philip Weiss
Still more information from Mondoweiss:
Skeptical `Washington Post’ report on teargassing death is written by reporter said to have served in Israeli army
Philip Weiss
The problem with having American reporters who are Jewish reporting on Israel-Palestine, is not that they are Jewish, but that their reporting is tinged with a right wing Zionist perspective, and their reporting tends to support that viewpoint.
Isn’t there a left wing American Jewish reporter available to newspapers like the NYT and WaPo?