Are you ready to welcome Speaker Boehner to the Capital today? Do you have any choice words of encouragement or advice for the man? And wisdom that you want to impart? No?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
OK, I’ll shoot:
this would be a head/ass reference?
or the act of having sexual intercourse with yourself?
Boehner should thank Obama for being so willing to collaborate with them on everything from Wall Street getting away with and actually making profits off mass theft from the public, torture, Guantanamo, undocumented workers, tax cuts, bailouts, war, etc. Because if Obama wasn’t so keen and excited to make Republican-leaning compromise on any and everything on the mantra of “getting things done,” the Democratic base wouldn’t have been demoralized, insulted and angered, which caused them (us?) to stay at home en masse during the election.
If Boehner won’t do it, I will.
I thank you, Obama, for this Republican House due to your uselessly half-assed policies and aiding and abetting the Republican cause in all ways. Yeah, they’ll continue to call you the n-word (what do you think “socialist” really means?) behind your back, but at least you are “getting things done.” Now trash liberals some more because that’s all you’ve ever done in office effectively.
Not wisdom, but a question: