They have dead birds falling from the skies (twice in the last week) in Arkansas. They have <a href="dead birds in Louisiana and Kentucky too. And in Chile. And now in Sweden.

Shortly before midnight on Tuesday, residents found 50 to 100 jackdaws on a street in Falköping southeast of Skövde. The incident echoed a number of unexplained incidents earlier this week across the southern US.

County veterinarian Robert ter Horst believes that the birds may have been literally scared to death by fireworks set off on Tuesday night. […]

ter Horst noted that he has also received some reports about pigeons, but the incident has happened too quickly to assume that it is related to the untimely demise of the jackdaws.

The site where the birds were found has now been blocked for a veterinary inspection of the birds. Emergency services had cordoned off the area earlier on Wednesday.

Oh and the Japanese are worried about dead birds falling, too:

Japanese bird sanctuaries, poultry farms and zoos went on high alert last month after several species of migratory birds in different regions were found dead of what appeared to be H5N1 avian influenza.

Fireworks have been blamed. Power lines have been blamed. Lightning and hail have been blamed. Stupid bird tricks have been blamed. Unexplained internal bleeding has been blamed. Bird flu or other diseases have been blamed. The Antichrist has been blamed. Nostradamus has been blamed. All we know is that the people picking these dead birds up wear toxic protection suits that look like this one:

Meanwhile, don’t drink the water if you live in Arkansas — or in Brazil, New Zealand or Maryland, either. Just ask all the dead fish:

The Daily News reports that Maryland is now looking into massive fish deaths in Chesapeake Bay.

Dawn Stoltzfus, director of communications with Maryland’s Department of the Environment, said “We are seeing small/juvenile menhaden, croaker, spot fish dead, in very large fish kills… The numbers are estimated in the hundreds of the thousands at this point.”

Additionally, the Parana Online [Brazil] reports that 100 tons of dead fish, mainly sardines, were found on the beaches of Paranagua, Brazil Sunday. They have also begun to appear on the coasts of Pontal do Pontal do Parana, Guaraquecaba, and Antonina.

Furthermore, a ‘carpet’ of dead snapper has appeared on a New Zealand beach, according to the New Zealand Herald. On Tuesday, the New Zealand’s Ministry of Fisheries announced an investigation into the hundreds of dead snapper that washed up at Little Bay and Waikawau Bay. Fishery officials deemed the fish unsafe to eat and are investigating the mass deaths.

A more recent report by the Baltimore Sun places the fish kill in the Chesapeake Bay as high as Two Million. So far no one has blamed the dead fish on fireworks, so that’s something for which the fireworks industry can take comfort.

Maybe God is angry with us and the End Times really are here. Get your Rapture Ready plans finalized. Tim Tebow, we hardly knew ye.

Or maybe its just a coincidence. I sure don’t know. But I would like to get a straight answer from someone who does know soon.