Obama has named General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt to essentially replace Paul Volcker and chair his new Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. The commenters at The Hill think this indicates that the president is a fascist. General Electric owns MSNBC, so this is all a big conspiracy.

I think people like Atrios (and me) mentioned a hundred dozen times that the mandate would be unpopular, especially without a public option. It’s no surprise to us that the Republicans are focused on that issue like a laser.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry says there is an emergency in his state. He must sign a Voter ID law within the next 60 days. Otherwise, minorities might have a fair share of the vote, and we can’t have that. So, what elections are happening in Texas in 60 days?

TBogg also chimed in on Michelle Obama’s killing spree.

The Republicans elected a bunch of real losers to govern different states around the country. Floridians will live to regret their choice. So will Mainers, Ohioans, Pennsylvanians, and so on.

Some people are crazy.

Between Minneapolis, Charlotte, Cleveland, and St. Louis, where do you think the Democrats should hold their convention in 2012?

What’s on your mind?