WW asked me last night if I still did my weather wizard thing and I said sure. I predicted it would be cold. Never seen why some people find it so hard to predict the weather. 😉
You are perfectly right WW. It takes a lot for a slackerly weather wizard to just predict the weather much less move it around. So much of the time when people need a weather wizard, we’re usually taking a nap. 😉
Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, dk was actually a great little community. I spent a hell of a lot of time there in ’03 & ’04. Election Night ’04 was a 12 hour session, as we saw the shenanigans unfold. Then came the clamp down; certain subjects became clearly verboten. Then came the pie thing, where Markos’ management style really shone. I was part of the Pie Exodus, though it took a while to find a home here at the pond
Now, I check out the front page at dk about once a month. It seems to be as much a community now as, say, the entire borough of Manhattan. The word ‘community’ doesn’t quite describe it. Maybe it’s a ‘brand’ ..
But hey, we made Markos a media star. Good for him.
I remember when I first went to dk that the pie wars were going on. I hate to admit it, but that’s one of the reasons I came back. I was amazed that people would talk to each other like that. I was even more amazed that some people would take it to such lengths as to finding out who others really were and then threatening them with all sorts of things.
Needless to say, I just go over to read every now and then. I agree with you also that it’s just a brand and not a community.
Fact is, though, that for a long time — believe it or not — discourse there resembled what we have here: not a lot of histrionics, mainly very thoughtful & informed commentary. Then, as far as I can tell, one community member in particular became a dKos Superstar, with a little cult all her own. Her routine was to be pissed off, simplistic & foul-mouthed. So that gave us all permission to be pissed off, simplistic & foul-mouthed. & viola! All the folks with secret desires to be either a) a dKos superstar or b) pissed off, simplistic & foul-mouthed were well primed for the pie wars, when their online behavior was encouraged by no less than the head honcho.
That’s what you waded into, FM. A great example of the worst in human nature exposed in the supposedly enlightened.
Yep I remember all of that. I only made one comment over there. Actually it was a question and someone tore into me calling me stupid and a few other things. That made up my mind to never comment and just to read.
Me thinks you’re veering off into a Zen Koan type question. To answer your query, it would take massive amounts of energy (thinking) to come to a conclusion. So I’ll do nothing, which is actually doing something since it took energy to come to this decision.
That said; if you’re about to nod off, would you nod off for me too? I could use it.
Off again I go
Into the wind & snow
To trudge into the road
& feed the hungry crow
From there I do the wash
And do the dishes too
And then I clean the kitty box
And dump the kitty poo
You’re right, sometimes communcation is considerably less than civil. And the trollratings fly. Sometimes it is like a popularity contest, like those high school days. I won’t stop going there but my posts tend to be very carefully worded.
What bugged me most about that little cult of personality was the dittohead vibe. Given a different set of sponsors these folks would’ve loved Rush Limbaugh (or, later, Glenn Beck). It was all very screwed up.
Just checked out the GOS site stats, for the heck of it. They’ve gone down quite a bit since the last time I checked, some time back. Like, by a factor of 10.
Also: if you check out the Kosepedia under ‘pie wars’, you’ll find out that many of us left not because of the initial ad, but because the ensuing controversy revealed a ‘frat boy atmosphere’ there.
So now we’ve moved from fraternity to high school? Not a promising trajectory.
I guess when they move to grade school they’ll be in direct competition with Fox.
My reaction exactly, Oh THAT GOS!! I migrated here during the pie wars, as said above, not because of the ad, it was just an ad, but because of the furor around it and the name calling. I check there pretty often, occasionally comment, but my problem with it is that it is so troll infested. a very large % of commenters are trolls of one kind or another.
I will admit I’ve never been in that cold of a climate.
It was not a common occurrence, but I have experienced the conditions where the two scales intersect a few times. One of those times was on a skiing trip; we’d take the train to a station in the high mountains and ski back home in a matter of about a week. On one of those trips, my friend and I did experience 40 below as we spent the night in a tent.
I think staying in the tent was probably a very good idea. As I’ve said before, I like cold weather, but most definitely I want to be in a warm house. That’s pretty cool about Finse being in the second Star Wars movie.
Once spring hits here I’ll already be complaining about how hot it is or how hot it’s going to be.
I hate it when things go wrong in the house. Being the worst home repair guy there is doesn’t help me out a lot either. Hope the water pipe issue isn’t too bad and that you get it fixed soon.
Thanks for good wishes, FM. In this case (ice in the pipes, most likely), a little heat will fix it.
As for experiencing a cold climate, come on up here to the Catskills some time. It may not actually reach -40, but at 15 below with a good gust of wind, you’ll get the idea. Which is probably sufficient.
I’d love to go up to the Catskills sometimes. If PCH or the lottery ever comes through, I’m packing up everything and setting out to just travel. Yes Andi, I would finally get out of Alabama and probably wouldn’t come back for a long long time. 🙂
Yep the temps are fine right now, but come summer time I’d much prefer your temps. But if I did have Scottie to beam me up, I’d definitely prefer the planet Risa.
Sometimes we’ve used a hair dryer to unfreeze the pipes under our kitchen sink. Thankfully, they didn’t freeze last night. On the up side, the temps are going up tomorrow.
Thanks for the hairdryer suggestion. I actually thought of it earlier, but I’d always rather have nature do it. Looks like it’s working, too. I just needed to make a fire. (In the wood stove.)
Olivia is from the frozen North. 5 degrees I would think would be beach weather for her. By the time it got to the teens, I would think she would be getting ready for a heat stroke.
It’s cold out there! Hope everyone is keeping warm this morning.
WW asked me last night if I still did my weather wizard thing and I said sure. I predicted it would be cold. Never seen why some people find it so hard to predict the weather. 😉
Truly amazing.
Well I don’t like to brag, but…… 🙂
Doing better than our local weather on the teevee, for sure. 🙂
Yep and I can predict pretty far into the future too. I predict this summer it will be hot. Hah! 🙂
As I recall, not only can a weather wizard make predictions; he can flip the weather too!
For example, a wizard in Alabama can send his weather to New York, while he sends New York weather to Florida, where they deserve it.
Erratum: weather wizards who are also master slackers will not bother.
Glad you added that erratum. 🙂
Hey, there are greater concerns than the weather, after all. Especially if you’re born to slack.
You are perfectly right WW. It takes a lot for a slackerly weather wizard to just predict the weather much less move it around. So much of the time when people need a weather wizard, we’re usually taking a nap. 😉
Sometimes (sometimes?) the GOS is like returning to high school.
Once was more than enough for me, thanks.
what ID said. GOS?
When they tell us, we can say, “Oh, that GOS”.
!!!lol. yes, we can say that!
Great Orange Satan, or dailykos. High school revisited at times.
Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, dk was actually a great little community. I spent a hell of a lot of time there in ’03 & ’04. Election Night ’04 was a 12 hour session, as we saw the shenanigans unfold. Then came the clamp down; certain subjects became clearly verboten. Then came the pie thing, where Markos’ management style really shone. I was part of the Pie Exodus, though it took a while to find a home here at the pond
Now, I check out the front page at dk about once a month. It seems to be as much a community now as, say, the entire borough of Manhattan. The word ‘community’ doesn’t quite describe it. Maybe it’s a ‘brand’ ..
But hey, we made Markos a media star. Good for him.
I remember when I first went to dk that the pie wars were going on. I hate to admit it, but that’s one of the reasons I came back. I was amazed that people would talk to each other like that. I was even more amazed that some people would take it to such lengths as to finding out who others really were and then threatening them with all sorts of things.
Needless to say, I just go over to read every now and then. I agree with you also that it’s just a brand and not a community.
O boy, talk about baptism by fire! I’m sorry.
Fact is, though, that for a long time — believe it or not — discourse there resembled what we have here: not a lot of histrionics, mainly very thoughtful & informed commentary. Then, as far as I can tell, one community member in particular became a dKos Superstar, with a little cult all her own. Her routine was to be pissed off, simplistic & foul-mouthed. So that gave us all permission to be pissed off, simplistic & foul-mouthed. & viola! All the folks with secret desires to be either a) a dKos superstar or b) pissed off, simplistic & foul-mouthed were well primed for the pie wars, when their online behavior was encouraged by no less than the head honcho.
That’s what you waded into, FM. A great example of the worst in human nature exposed in the supposedly enlightened.
omg! I am slacking off! !!
Must go. Later!
Yep I remember all of that. I only made one comment over there. Actually it was a question and someone tore into me calling me stupid and a few other things. That made up my mind to never comment and just to read.
omg! I am slacking off! !!
You make it sound as if it’s a bad thing. 😉
Query: is it possible to slack only minimally?
Probable answer: Maybe, but Nirvana remains out of reach.
Me thinks you’re veering off into a Zen Koan type question. To answer your query, it would take massive amounts of energy (thinking) to come to a conclusion. So I’ll do nothing, which is actually doing something since it took energy to come to this decision.
Damn I’m really tired now. 🙂
oh noze! Please forgive me!
That said; if you’re about to nod off, would you nod off for me too? I could use it.
Off again I go
Into the wind & snow
To trudge into the road
& feed the hungry crow
From there I do the wash
And do the dishes too
And then I clean the kitty box
And dump the kitty poo
Wonderful rhyme WW
Although trudging and dishes won’t do
just sit back and relax some
Forget about the kitty poo
Well that is until the kitty poo starts emitting an offensive odor. 🙂
I think it’s time for my pre-afternoon nap.
Well, the longer it sits
The drier it gits.
The drier it gits
The less it emits.
Thanks for the kind words, FM.
I know exactly who you mean.
You’re right, sometimes communcation is considerably less than civil. And the trollratings fly. Sometimes it is like a popularity contest, like those high school days. I won’t stop going there but my posts tend to be very carefully worded.
I won’t bother with going to comments at all, since I’m on dial-up.
What bugged me most about that little cult of personality was the dittohead vibe. Given a different set of sponsors these folks would’ve loved Rush Limbaugh (or, later, Glenn Beck). It was all very screwed up.
I usually don’t even expand the comments over there, and almost never make my own…what happened over there now?
Just checked out the GOS site stats, for the heck of it. They’ve gone down quite a bit since the last time I checked, some time back. Like, by a factor of 10.
Also: if you check out the Kosepedia under ‘pie wars’, you’ll find out that many of us left not because of the initial ad, but because the ensuing controversy revealed a ‘frat boy atmosphere’ there.
So now we’ve moved from fraternity to high school? Not a promising trajectory.
I guess when they move to grade school they’ll be in direct competition with Fox.
That might be just a bit advanced for the Faux viewers, another spot I don’t frequent. Too hard on the blood pressure.
Life’s too short, imho.
Oh that GOS;-)
I think maybe I had an account there once. Don’t go unless someone here links over there.
My reaction exactly, Oh THAT GOS!! I migrated here during the pie wars, as said above, not because of the ad, it was just an ad, but because of the furor around it and the name calling. I check there pretty often, occasionally comment, but my problem with it is that it is so troll infested. a very large % of commenters are trolls of one kind or another.
… about the little cascade being an icy sculpture. I went over yesterday and took this shot for you two.
click for larger
Morning Andi,
Maybe not a sculpture but still ice. We’re supposed to get up to 59 today. It’s getting back to the seasonal temps here.
Last night it was as cold here in Fahrenheit as it was in Celsius. 🙁
The dreaded -40 deg.
My sympathies, Olivia – though at that temperature it is usually so dry that you don’t necessarily feel too cold.
Hi Ask,
I will admit I’ve never been in that cold of a climate. I guess with the humidity it’s like in the Southwest where you don’t feel the heat as bad.
I will admit I’ve never been in that cold of a climate.
It was not a common occurrence, but I have experienced the conditions where the two scales intersect a few times. One of those times was on a skiing trip; we’d take the train to a station in the high mountains and ski back home in a matter of about a week. On one of those trips, my friend and I did experience 40 below as we spent the night in a tent.
..to a station in the high mountains..
Incidentally, the station in question was later the location for the ice planet Hoth in the second Star Wars movie.
I think staying in the tent was probably a very good idea. As I’ve said before, I like cold weather, but most definitely I want to be in a warm house. That’s pretty cool about Finse being in the second Star Wars movie.
Thanks ask.
It’s warmed up to -21ºC / -7ºF now and only getting warmer for the next few days.
Hi Olivia,
I’ll send you some of our warmth. Of course, with your temps I’m not sure it would help any.
Stay warm
Hi FM,
Good to see you back in customary shape with new/old computer.
Good to be back, thanks.
Hopefully this computer will last for awhile.
Hello ask!
What is “baby games” as in that baby games spammer?
I think ‘baby games’ are what you play when you don’t take precautions.
However, it seems the spam has been smited, so it’s impossible to check.
Happy Four Below, everyone!
Thanks FM 🙂
Good to see you, Miss O!
Sorry I’ve missed you.
OMG! I don’t think I could bear that. This single digit thing seems awful; that would be unimaginable.
I hope it warms up for you soon.
Thanks! Its a lovely scene, no matter the state of the matter.
We’ve got zero here, zero degrees. (It may be up to 6 now.) How could there be no degrees?!!
Morning Boran,
Maybe if there’s no degrees maybe you can make up your own. Just yell out the door and say, “I want it 70 degrees.” Yeah, see if that works. 🙂
Aha! The real secret of weather-wizardry revealed!
Morning WW,
Not saying that works all the time, but heh, it’s worth a try.
Hope you’re staying warm up there.
Warm enough, FM, thank you. I just keep telling myself: ‘soon it’ll be February, & then it’ll be March, & then it’ll be April ..’
This morning we’re actually dealing with water pipe issues. I’m hoping that when I heat up the downstairs part of the house it’ll work itself out.
‘Til later,
Once spring hits here I’ll already be complaining about how hot it is or how hot it’s going to be.
I hate it when things go wrong in the house. Being the worst home repair guy there is doesn’t help me out a lot either. Hope the water pipe issue isn’t too bad and that you get it fixed soon.
Take care and stay warm.
Thanks for good wishes, FM. In this case (ice in the pipes, most likely), a little heat will fix it.
As for experiencing a cold climate, come on up here to the Catskills some time. It may not actually reach -40, but at 15 below with a good gust of wind, you’ll get the idea. Which is probably sufficient.
OK — back to the chores!
I’d love to go up to the Catskills sometimes. If PCH or the lottery ever comes through, I’m packing up everything and setting out to just travel. Yes Andi, I would finally get out of Alabama and probably wouldn’t come back for a long long time. 🙂
As long as I’m here, you’re always welcome.
Right back at ya. 😉
Thank you! That’s very kind, FM. I must admit that your temperatures sound just fine to me.
Y’all beam me up, Scottie!
Yep the temps are fine right now, but come summer time I’d much prefer your temps. But if I did have Scottie to beam me up, I’d definitely prefer the planet Risa.
Sometimes we’ve used a hair dryer to unfreeze the pipes under our kitchen sink. Thankfully, they didn’t freeze last night. On the up side, the temps are going up tomorrow.
Yes! We’re headed back into the balmy 20s!
Thanks for the hairdryer suggestion. I actually thought of it earlier, but I’d always rather have nature do it. Looks like it’s working, too. I just needed to make a fire. (In the wood stove.)
Hmmm… you could try this: (°F – 32) x 5/9 = °C 😉
How has babycakes below avoided smiting??
I have permanently eradicated babycakes with my super-smiter. 🙂
We had 5 this morning…seems almost balmy compared to olivia’s weather. 🙂
Olivia is from the frozen North. 5 degrees I would think would be beach weather for her. By the time it got to the teens, I would think she would be getting ready for a heat stroke.
You guys are talkative. I guess Family Man has to make up for lost time…
Hiya SN,
Are you implying that I’m gabby? 😛
Now way I can four all this chatter … but I did enjoy reading it. 🙂