Since December 13th, I haven’t had a full five day week of school. Here’s how I’ve been spending my snow days. Snow Days Photos
Since December 13th, I haven’t had a full five day week of school. Here’s how I’ve been spending my snow days. Snow Days Photos
It seems you’re using your time off quite productively. I especially liked the “appaloosa” bark in contrast with the snowy background in “Sycamore”>
Andi thinks that sycamores are where the idea of camouflage clothing came from.
Great pictures Jim. With the irony of “No Swimming”, I think I like that one best.
You guys are so lucky to get snow days. Down here we hardly have anything like that. Even though it’s not during school time, during the summer I think down here they should have, “It just too damn hot days.” Of course that could lead into weeks, but I’m all for that too.
We did have “too damn hot days” about 20 years ago. The building I teach in was built in 1965 and was designed to be air conditioned, but that was one of the things that was left out when the building got built. So when the school system moved the start of school to the middle of August, it meant we were in a hot building with limited ventilation in some of the hottest days of the year. A couple of years in the early 90s we had a heat wave — temps in the 100s during the day and not below 90 at night. The building got so hot it wasn’t safe to have school all day. They started sending us home in the afternoon just after lunch. It was so hot our school secretary had a heat stroke at school. The building is now air conditioned.
Yep I would say a heat stroke is a good indicator of “too damn hot.”
I guess I’m so used to central air down here that it always surprises me when I hear of people putting in their window air conditioners during the summer and then taking them out during the winter.
Not sure that sign is ironic. It may be directed at those Dutch polar bear club swimmers. Are there many Dutch ppl in your neighborhood?
I’m not sure. IndianaDem probably has a better knowledge of the county’s ethnic make up. Moonshiners used to operate in the hills and hollers, but I never heard about any of them making schnapps. 🙂
Probably more British Isles ancestry than anything, with a bit of Bohemian thrown in because of the art colony;-)
Love that leaf in the snow!
I finally got one to hold still for me. 🙂
Love the two snow cone pics. and Hoosier glacier is intriguing – also, I posted this comment this morning, but it’s not here? did some antagonist of the Hoosier glacier hide my comment?
The snow cone and the leaf in the snow are beech leaves. The young beech trees hold onto their leaves almost all winter. A few oak trees do too. I have no idea why. I love the look of beech leaves in the snow. I’ve taken a few hundred photos of them over the years, but I was really pleased with the snow cone.