At least they aren’t calling it the War of Northern Aggression which is what Frank Luntz and Fox News would call it if it happened today.
A fight is brewing in Mississippi over a proposal to issue specialty license plates honoring Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, who was an early leader of the Ku Klux Klan.
The Mississippi Division of Sons of Confederate Veterans wants to sponsor a series of state-issued license plates to mark the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, which it calls the “War Between the States.” The group proposes a different design each year between now and 2015, with Forrest slated for 2014.
“Seriously?” state NAACP president Derrick Johnson said when he was told about the Forrest plate. “Wow.”
Yeah, why the hell not? If you already have a confederate flag on your vehicle, why not a state-issued license plate honoring one of the founding members of the Ku Klux Klan? What’s a few lynchings between friends?
The country is not getting healthier. But at least there is some opposition.
(shrug) Mississippi. ’nuff said.
And in b4 “it’s just as bad in the north!” lying.
Dude is from Tennessee. I mean, WTF?
They should find a wizard from their own state.
With a black president, you have to wonder if these developments aren’t just part of a belated attempt to play the “southern strategy card” again, the theme that got Reagan into office. It was pretty effective in the 70s, and even brought Democrats on board, if we recall the racist Reagan Democrats, who in Michigan at least really voted against Detroit (read lazy welfare dependent Blacks).
It’s not going to happen again, sorry.
People who get stuck in an ideology can’t do new things. They keep repeating what they did before, thinking it will work again.
shergald, with an African-American president, the demographic changes reflected in the recent census, and the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, it’s kind of a perfect storm for pushing racist buttons. (When Bill Clinton ran for president there was lots of talk about “bimbo eruptions”; I predict lots of “racist eruptions” over the next four years.)
I am cautiously hopeful that all these eruptions will both reflect and accelerate a changing dominant view of our history. It may be that by 2015 those who talk about “The War of Northern Aggression” and who say that “states’ rights” was the cause of the Civil War will be as discredited as those who say, for example, that Columbus’ 1492 expedition was an unadulterated good for humanity. (Compare 1892 observances of Columbus’ voyage with 1992 observances.)
Let ’em
Shows which cars to key 🙂
there’s the South…
and then there’s MISSISSIPPI.
why am I not surprised.
I had a friend who lived in Memphis TN for a couple of years (fortunately he has since escaped). Every time I drove to visit him, I’d pass the exit on I-40 for Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park, and it would creep me out a little.
Bedford Forrest was a war criminal. He executed black soldiers who surrendered.