For a few dollars more, a few billion per year.
Afghanistan costs [
$5.7 billion per month.]
Obama would rather kill or maim a dozen and a half innocent Afghan civilians per day than help millions of the weakest Americans survive life-threatening thermoregulatory challenges during a savage winter in ever harder times. This fits his profile as a “compassionate conservative.”
The good news is that when people freeze to death in their homes, you can just carry them out like luggage, even while they’re shagged in ice.
One must have a mind of winter. One must have been cold a long time…not to think of any misery in the sound of the wind.
If I’d wanted a republican president and congress, I’d have voted that way. I mean seriously – WTF? Next we’ll be hearing that death panels might actually be a pretty good way to reduce the deficit?
The only thing worse than mid-western winters is mid-western summers. Only half kidding. I was living in Bloomington some years ago when authorities were literally carrying frozen poor and old people from their Chicago homes.
I have friends working in the Community Action Program here and in Bloomington. They administer much of the funding for help with utilities in the winter months and they are already short. Happens every winter.
from the huffpo article:
“And while it had been reported that the Recovery Act helped move LIHEAP funding from that FY08 level to more than $8 billion, the source said that was not the case. There was no LIHEAP funding in the stimulus, rather, there were funds for weatherization programs”
Not sure if the above is correct. I volunteer with a non-profit, and I’m 99.9% sure that the Recovery Act did indeed include funds for rent/mortgage and utility bills.