A little bird told me that if an alleged Black Muslim Kenyan Marxist Fascist DEMOCRAT was not President of the United States of America, and a Republican was, Senator Jim Demented Demint would not have said this:
“This whole idea that the President is the leader of our country is a mistake,” DeMint said during a speech to the Washington, DC chapter of the Federalist Society, according to Talking Points Memo. […]
… “I’ve lived in a community and I know where the leaders are and it’s not in Washington. And this pretense that he’s our nation’s leader… I’m not just talking about Obama, I’m talking about any President.”
“A candidate who goes out and makes all these promises about what he’s going to do in all areas of our society needs to be removed from consideration.”
That is all.
Sorry to OT, but Jack Welch(yes, that one!) felt the need to say this:
Needless to say .. a lot of people had very unkind words for him. Yes, we were shrill and a little vulgar. 😉
Don’t offend Jack’s tender sensibilities.
my, my….
sooo many dogwhistles….he just cain’t make himself say exactly what’s on his mind….
that he just can’t stand that uppity ni**er as President.
How very South Carolinean of him…..
I graduated from the same high school Jim DeMint attended about 10 years before he did. I can guess who his U.S. History teacher was just by his attitudes. If she’s still around (doubtful), she must be very proud of her little protege.
BTW, the high school was named for the guy who organized SC’s equivalent of the KKK (it was called the Red Shirts) and worked hard to get home rule. Thanks to Rutherford B. Hayes, this bearded privilege former slaveholder became the SC governor.
It’s Jim DeMint’s shtick to get him attention. Ignore him. He’s unlikely to even carry an Iowa caucus.
We have better things to focus on.
Which school?
I was dumped into a Christian all-white “academy” in Columbia, shortly after it was founded to cater to folks wishing to avoid desegregation. Needless to say, most of their lessons didn’t stick.
Wade Hampton, Greenville, SC
Ah yes, the segregation academies that sprung up in the 1970s and later got the moral veneer of “Christian” thanks to the networking efforts of the arch-segregationist Bob Jones University, also in Greenville. (In fact, visible from the high school)
Is it ’cause he’s black?
Except when he’s a traitor to his Christian white race.
His momma and grandma tried to raise him white, but….he went to liberal Harvard where he read Saul Alinsky and then the Rev. Jeremiah Wright turned him into a black Muslim…
…but he was always born-in-Kenya black and educated-in-an-Indonesian madrassa Muslim.
You listen to white Southerners and you can get mental whiplash, in the sprained one’s neck in a car accident sense. Although some of the local good ole boys act like they are not averse to the other sense of the word.
Thank you for this. I have indeed been north of the Mason Dixon Line too long.
A beautiful comment.