Number One: Do you think the seven million dollars of your tax money that the Pentagon spends to sponsor a NASCAR Sprint Cup racecar actually helps military recruitment and is a good investment?
Number Two: Do you think the appropriate way to deal with a congresswoman who doesn’t think it is a good investment is to fax her office a message saying, “Yo, Slut Betty, shut Your Phucking Pie Hole! …without exception, Marxists are enemies of the Constitution…Death To All Marxists, Foreign And Domestic!”
That’s what someone did to Rep. Betty McCollum of Minnesota.
I know there is no accounting for nuts, and maybe this one has a point. I mean, it’s obvious that Karl Marx would have objected to public sponsorship of racecars. In his world, the state would own the racecar.
I’d write that asshole back and ask him if he wants to spend an extra $5,000 in taxes to support it. See what the idjit says.
For the record, I don’t think it’s a bad investment. It seems expensive until you think about what it costs to run television advertising. I have no problem cutting the appropriation if that is what Congress wants to do, but I don’t see it as an extravagant expenditure for the intended purpose.
It doesn’t matter that it doesn’t make sense. That’s not the point. As James Wolcott quoted in last month’s Vanity Fair,
The fool in question is just one more robotroop in a battle being fought for goals he’ll never even glimpse. Maybe our side needs to change our basic assumptions.
Man, I knew something was wrong. I gotta get my endocrine system checked out.
No you just need a tweet. There everything should be better in the morning.
NASCAR no, Formula One yes.
It seems that the same fax form (with a different personalized message) was sent to California legislator Leland Yee. The Kos diary about the coincidence is here:
OK Who’s Behind This? (Warning Offensive )
look at the audience. that’s their pool of possible military folks. the military sees it as money well spent.
Sponsoring a NASCAR race car is totally worth the cost if you’re trying to recruit the lower end of the intelligence spectrum to do something – like join the military and get shot at for something nobody understands. I think that is what they’re going for, so good for them.
Beavis and Butthead would sign up.
Beats the hell out of watching cars drive in circles all day hoping for them to crash, I guess.
I’m getting the strong feeling that you are not a racing fan….
I know it was only a tongue in cheek comment, but in Marx’s world, the state would not own the racecar. The pit crew would.