Or other social media? If you are and you see a story or diary you like make sure to use the site to Tweet about it or post it to your Facebook page, etc. Just use the buttons at the bottom of each diary or front page story (on your left).
The “other” button includes Myspace, Google Buzz and Blogger to name but a few. You also have a button to email your diary (or mine, hm?) if you like.
Major media outlets often don’t give a lot of coverage to progressive or liberal “stories” like the Madison WI protests over union rights so it’s up to us to fill the gap with social media. Please use all the exciting bells and whistles BooMan has added the site to spread the good word. And yes, you can like or tweet you own diary too.
Here’s my tweet of Booman’s story about the Dem legislators absconding so Union rights can’t be stolen away by a crazed Tea Party Governor.
I can never tell if people get annoyed at my updates or not, as I’ve had some defriend me over it (I think), I have had at least 10 people personally come to me in person to thank me for the news updates; they prefer my links over any news story.
And yes, BooMan Tribune, you make the updates a lot of the time.
Good to know. Thanks