Make predictions, react to the results, crack wise about the talking heads, and generally pontificate to your heart’s content. It’s Super Tuesday. Political junkies are supposed to care!
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
The big picture?
Bet on it.
Now that’s settled…turn the goddamned TV off and go do something constructive.
Over and out…
No matter what happens.
Romney should have the nomination wrapped up tonight – looking at the math, he’ll be substantially far ahead in the delegate count, and unless he seriously stumbles, I don’t think anyone will be able to catch him.
The super PACs and the media driving a horse race narrative won’t allow it to die tonight, although if Romney wins Ohio, I suspect they won’t have a choice.
Rick Santorum really did have a chance a week or two ago, but he blew it. Rick Perry is going to get all of the attention for the scale of his pratfall, but Rick Santorum’s was just as big.
You know, in hindsight, saying that John F. Kennedy makes you want to puke isn’t a very good way to ingratiate yourself to older, Catholic voters.
Polling shows that the heart of his base is older evangelical Protestant voters. Among Catholics, not so much.
Among evangelicals, it’s been an article of faith for years that the separation of church and state is a fiction. That’s the audience Santorum was playing to. I think the Kennedy dis hurt him with people outside his base, but the contraception controversies (both the ones he initiated and those, like Limbaugh/Fluke, that just scared people wondering what a Santorum presidency would look like) have hurt more, because it’s been much less theoretical and more personal.
In particular, exit polls in Ohio are showing Santorum doing OK (about even with Romney) among married women Republicans, but getting hammered among unmarried women Republicans. Not much doubt where that comes from.
My prediction.
Low turnout.
Especially in Georgia and Virginia.
Ben Smith @BuzzFeedBen
Wait is it against Palin’s contract to appear on CNN? She was at a caucus in Alaska and CNN is actually covering it and Palin actually had an extended interview on CNN.
Even Greta Van Susteren tweeted “Gov Palin on CNN???”
Listening to Gingrich yammer on right now. You know, it’s not just that he’s dishonest through and through. It’s that he’s so damned smug about it!
He’s creating “large goals” at the moment. :eyeroll:
He’s trying to sell the American voter on believing that natural gas prices and oil/gasoline prices work the same way.
Conventional wisdom in primaries is normally awful in this election, but tonight the Very Serious People are right: Romney must win Ohio. If he loses it, Santorum gets a do-over from his missteps (he’s getting crushed among single women since his little contraception spats). Romney can’t win the Evangelicals, at all.
He’s approaching the worst possible scenario. If he loses Ohio, comes in third in Georgia, comes in third in Oklahoma, it’s the second worst possible thing to happen. Only thing worse would be the above plus coming in third in Tennessee.
If you act like it matters, i’ll act like I care
Apparently Santorum has walked away with the snake-handler vote in Tennessee.
The Southern Baptists had to choose between a serial “marriage” guy, a Mormon, a Catholic, and Ron Paul. The Papist won out.
I believe Rick Santorum is our man.
Lol, I’m sharing that lovely video.
so much win.
the bass playing dad is wicked gay for rick santorum. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…well, being gay that is.
There IS something deeply, clinically, psychologically, and pathologically wrong with being gay for rick santorum.
Santorum just won North Freaking Dakota. I think he won 12-8 or something.
Yep, that’s what happens when you line up 5000 votes or so in a state of 500,000 population.
NYT/Daily Kos show narrow Santorum lead in Ohio.
I think it’s going to slip away, but we might not know for sure until tomorrow.
Well, if it does, it won’t be by much. And who cares, either way the Romneybot3000 loses. look at the spending disparity. the Romneybot3000 spent WAAAAY more than Poopoofroth Dogphucker, and this is all he has to show? a dead heat?
Good times. Gooooooood times.
that video is kind of like watching Joel Osteen, not really sure what’s so fascinatingly awful about it
North Dakota has low turnout. With 40% of the precincts counted, the total vote over all candidates is 7300.
Virginia is running half of what it did in 2008. Of course, they only had half of the candidates – Romney and Paul. Paul getting 40% means that 20 to 30 points of that was folks who wouldn’t vote for a Mormon. Just from the counties that went strongly for Paul.
Political junkies are supposed to care!
What if I’m in recovery?
I’m off to bed I gots a job to go to, but I think Romney’s gonna pull this one out in OH.
I’ll leave ya’ll with the video of Martin Bashir calling Mitt Romney the “Prince Charles of the GOP”