Early last week, I offered some initial thoughts on Ashley Judd after I watched her make an appearance at a women’s reproductive health conference at George Washington University. I tried to provide some constructive criticism, because I could see that she needs to improve as a politician if she is going to have any chance of beating Mitch McConnell. Note that I didn’t take a deterministic view that she cannot win because Kentucky is too conservative or because of things she has said, or because she lives in Tennessee or because she’s too Hollywood or too liberal or too female.
My assumption is that she can win. Nate Cohn is correct that it’s hard to imagine a Judd victory, but I think Molly Redden comes closer to the mark.
Any race is inevitably complicated by the hot-button issues of the moment, campaign-trail gaffes, and outside money. For now, Republicans are content to portray Judd as a stereotypical “Hollywood liberal”; if she declares her candidacy, the attacks ads will multiply and diversify. But on her best days, Judd does not settle for being a stock character. One can imagine her embracing her radicalism as just one piece of a more complicated whole: a true Kentuckian and feminist movie star whose liberalism is as fierce as her manners are charming. To make voters believe it, though, she’ll need to deliver the performance of a lifetime.
One thing I think you can throw out the window in looking at this potential McConnell-Judd race is the recent regional voting preferences of the state. If we ran some old white dude, those demographics would matter a lot. They’d have to go into Eastern Kentucky coal country and convince those folks that they’re the Second Coming of Joe Manchin, the junior senator and former governor from West Virginia. Ashley Judd doesn’t have to do that. She couldn’t do that. She has to go into that area and convince the women that the Republicans are a bunch of bullies who don’t act like gentlemen. She needs to explain how coal jobs can be converted to better jobs, just as tobacco jobs were in the 1990’s. Mitch McConnell doesn’t fight for coal miners; he fights for their employers. Judd can go into those communities and help make sure everyone who is eligible for health care subsidies gets the information they need and gets signed up. She can take the liberal case to them because she must if she wants to win.
That’s ultimately what makes this race so interesting. It won’t be a contest to see how conservative a Democrat has to be to get elected in a red state. And, because of that, we won’t see the same breakout in the electorate.
McConnell’s strategy is straightforward. He’ll use Judd’s own past statements and associations against her. He’ll say she’s a Hollywood radical and a carpetbagger who doesn’t respect down home Kentucky values. But he better watch out because this strategy is effectively asking Kentuckians to disown one of their brightest stars, and a lot of them are not going to feel like doing that at all. A lot of people will wind up voting for Judd for no other reason than that they don’t like how she’s been treated.
A December poll by Public Policy Polling found that McConnell is the most unpopular senator in the country. That will have some easy-to-predict consequences. Because he won’t be winning any popularity contest, he needs to nationalize the issues under discussion. While protecting coal can do double-duty here, most national issues won’t be specific to Kentucky, and it’s hard to know what issues will be dominant in Washington two years from now. Another consequence is that McConnell’s low approval numbers will drive up the cost of making personal attacks. A creepy and disliked old man being disrespectful to a beautiful and charming southern belle is not exactly in keeping with Kentucky manners.
When November 2014 finally rolls around, the president probably will still be unpopular in Kentucky, although the degree is uncertain. Ashley Judd can’t worry about that. She has to make the contest about Kentucky, not Washington. And not Africa, either. Not Hollywood. Or Scotland, where she lives part of the year.
She will have to change the electorate to win, but she can do that.
A lot of people will wind up voting for Judd for no other reason than that they don’t like how she’s been treated.
And some people will vote for her the same way some men voted for Sarah Palin, meaning sex appeal.
Might not be a good reason for working class white men to vote for Judd, but at least it’s a reason when there’s no reason for them to vote for McConnell.
Another thing to consider it this. I saw Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) interviewed on TV, and she was asked about Ashley Judd because she is currently one of her constituents. Maybe the whole family is, too, although that wasn’t mentioned. The Judd Family is popular enough in Blackburn’s district that she was unwilling to criticize her, and she called her a friend and said that she would be a strong candidate.
How does that transfer to Kentucky? I’m not sure, but I think it transfers at least a little. And that makes McConnell’s strategy problematic.
And as has been mentioned many times, Ashley Judd is also the most well known Kentucky Wildcats fan. Has been for a long time. That goes over well in a basketball-mad place like that.
I think a lot of people have overlooked just how popular her Family remains in Kentucky; the Judd name pulls weight in them thar hills…
my whole thing about Judd is the following:
if you can get YES to both those questions, then the DSCC should be ALL-IN.
and, I do mean ALL-IN for her candidacy.
I just wanna know if she’ll do the grunt work. …if she’s willing to do that, then we should of course support her.
I just wanna know if she’ll do the grunt work. …if she’s willing to do that, then we should of course support her.
If she runs .. doesn’t she have to? .. I mean .. it was the same thing when Al Franken ran .. people didn’t take him seriously .. or didn’t want him to run .. yet he did all the glad-handing and backyard BBQ’s and everything else to show how serious he was/is
Yes – I think what rikryah is asking is whether Judd will actually do those things. In other words, does she really have the drive/stamina/commitment it will take to win? To sit through all those chicken dinners? We don’t know the answer to that yet.
But I like BooMan’s optimism on this one.
If Turtle weren’t worried about her viability would he be so determined to put her down now?
There was even Howard Fineman tweeting that the WH isn’t impressed with her due to baggage (being treated for depression). I don’t think anybody in the WH said that but it is being pushed around on the right.
They are very afraid of her electability and they know KY politics better than I do.
RE:Coal and Eastern KY
I welcome Judd’s campaign, but she CANNOT go into the coal fields and pretend that there will be money for re-education, new training or new industry. Because we may be hillbillies and uneducated, but we ain’t dumb. There will be no money for any such thing without massive lawsuits against coal companies as there were against tobacco companies. That is where the money came (and still coming) from for new development in Southside VA and NC.
The way she can win in Eastern KY is to just go out there and say, “I’m a strong woman like you mothers, aunts, grandmothers who wouldn’t take crap from any man and I won’t take it from Mitch and his coal company thugs.” Use of words like “thug”, “bosses”, “barons”, etc… to elicite the memories of Mine Wars, Unionization, and the struggle for wages and SAFE working conditions that the miner’s wives/mothers fought for along with their men.
She will have to accept coal is with us for a while, but a sane energy policy would safely transition to better sources of energy. She would be a voice for such a policy.
I’m wondering if someone will primary out McConnell. I could see that getting ugly early.
He is apparently worried about that. Which is bizarre, because he’s been a hugely successful Senator and strategist for the right wing.
was wondering the same thing. will someone primary McConnell and out “nut” him so to speak.
If so, then it would be a far right nut vs Judd and IDK, but I totally see Judd winning that fight right?
If it hasn’t come out by now, I seriously doubt it is going to come out. I just can’t see any legitimate news site covering it, even if it is true.
In or out something is definitely going on and a seemingly coordinated attack against Judd pre-announcement was going on yesterday.
did anyone else see the segment on Hardball yesterday with Howard Fineman? if not ya’ll shoulda seen the crap Fineman was spewing.
the segment was about Ashley Judd. Fineman was reporting that the old school Dem establishment in KY DO NOT WANT Judd to run.
when Alex Wagner pointed out that if the Obama apparatus is behind Judd, then Judd who will be able to fundraise big and who has been a big, vocal and very articulate supporter of women’s rights and with the GOP’s stupidity when it comes to women’s issues, then McConnell should be scared.
So then Fineman said “the Obama people don’t want Judd either” and then when challenged by Tweety, he added some caveat about “well old school establishment” dems didn’t want her to run. Then when asked by Tweety, well who else they got and why not Judd, he said mentioned what his “sources” said and he mentioned Judd’s “mental issues”, her divorce, her liberalism, and then issues of her profession and Tweety was basically what are you talking about and Fineman said basically they were talking about her “nekkidness” in her films. He masked it in what his “sources” were saying, but if you saw the smirk on his face, you’d want to smack it off his face. It was disgusting.
Fineman began to try to backtrack from the statement both on the show and on twitter once challenged, but
one of his last tweets yesterday on the subject said “Fineman’s last tweet:
First of all, if there is one thing I’ve never thought about the “obama people” is that they’d ever be so stupid as to “source” anything like that to someone like Fineman especially against a female candidate and especially someone who was a BIG OfA and Obama supporter.
“old school establishment Dems” supported Nixon over McGovern. That was before they consciously recognized that their raison d’etre as Democrats was to destroy both the spirit and law of the New Deal.
The funny thing is .. I bet those same “old school KY Democrats” probably go home each night .. fire up the computer .. and well .. I’m sure most here can guess the rest .. and who else do they have that can really give The Turtle a fight? Beshear? Isn’t he the same clown who gave state money for that Creationism museum? What it comes down to is the same thing The Turtle faced when Rand Paul beat his hand-picked candidate in the primary. Both are, or have, face the prospect of losing their perceived power.
That unsourced Fineman tweet is precisely the kind that makes the emo-progs set their hair on fire and cry out, “Why does Obama hate progressives?”
Gotta check the GOS to see whose hair can light my way home.
Not to harp on the Judd thing, but George Clooney is also from Kentucky. Clooney is divorced w/no kids (as Judd will soon be). He’s shown his bottom in a movie or two. He also has liberal views and has been a liberal advocate as well. His political views align with Judd’s too.
Wanna bet how willing the establishment KY Dems would be to have George Clooney run for political office? It’s a double-freakin’ standard…PERIOD.
Which makes one wonder what kind of campaign dynamic is in play if Clooney makes the rounds to campaign for her in the state?