Some things just stick with you. I will never forget reading the following from one of Sean Quinn’s dispatches during the 2008 presidential election:
So a canvasser goes to a woman’s door in Washington, Pennsylvania. Knocks. Woman answers. Knocker asks who she’s planning to vote for. She isn’t sure, has to ask her husband who she’s voting for. Husband is off in another room watching some game. Canvasser hears him yell back, “We’re votin’ for the n***er!”
Woman turns back to canvasser, and says brightly and matter of factly: “We’re voting for the n***er.”
How can anyone forget something like that. It’s pure Archie and Edith Bunker, down to the smallest details. Things were so bad by October 2008 that even the Bunkers of the world were ready to give a black president a chance. But I don’t think he held their loyalty for very long. After years of uninterrupted disaster, these voters knew that they had to try something different, but Obama wasn’t part of their clan. He was too exotic. Too urban. Too intellectual. Too aloof. Too black.
I’ve been wondering where these voters stand on Hillary Clinton. I knew that there is a big set of people who are telling pollsters that they don’t approve of Obama’s performance in office but that they prefer Clinton to any likely Republican presidential candidate. I had a feeling that this group was made up of lower middle class white voters who don’t have a college degree, and that they are concentrated most heavily in rural areas, particularly in the South. Now, thanks to E.J. Dionne, my suspicions have been confirmed.
For starters, let’s look at the size of this set (from the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll):
Obama’s approval rating in the survey was just 41 percent, both with the general public and among registered voters. But in a hypothetical matchup with Jeb Bush for the 2016 presidential race, Clinton was favored by 53 percent of registered voters, Bush by 41 percent.
The roughly one-eighth of voters who disapprove of Obama but nonetheless support Clinton for 2016 may be the most important group in the electorate.
So, we’re talking about 12.5% of the electorate. That’s the size of the set that disapproves of Obama but plans to vote for Clinton anyway. Who are these people?
A comparison of those who back Clinton but disapprove of Obama with the group that is both pro-Clinton and pro-Obama suggests that the swing constituency is much more likely to be blue-collar and white — 71 percent of the mixed group are white, compared with only 57 percent of the pro-Obama, pro-Clinton group, and it is also somewhat more Latino. Whites without college degrees constitute 47 percent of the Hillary Difference Voters but only 30 percent of the pro-Clinton, pro-Obama group. In keeping with this, 62 percent of the Hillary Difference Voters have incomes of less than $50,000 annually.
So, Clinton has a greater appeal with potential Democratic voters who are less educated and less affluent, including among Latinos.
Ideologically, the swing group includes significantly fewer self-described liberals. Among the Hillary Difference Voters, only 29 percent call themselves liberal; among those who both favor Clinton and approve of Obama, 43 percent are liberals. Nearly a third of the mixed group are white evangelical Protestants compared with only 10 percent of those who react positively to both Democrats. Clinton also runs ahead of Obama’s approval rating among voters aged 30 to 49, among white Southerners and among independents, including those who say they lean Republican.
Clinton is more popular with less liberal Democrats, with white evangelicals, and with white Southerners. None of this a surprise to me, but it’s nice to see it confirmed.
Progressive political junkies may be scratching their heads over some of these results. After all, Obama was preferred to Clinton specifically because he promised a less hawkish foreign policy. While Obama has continued an aggressive foreign policy in some areas, no one knowledgable thinks that Clinton would have been less aggressive. Obama’s economic policies may be wanting, but we haven’t seen any return of the Democratic Leadership Council. Clintonian Democrats like Joe Lieberman, Evan Bayh, and Harold Ford are still decidedly on the outs. The party as a whole, including its congressional make-up, has moved far to the left of where it stood in 2000, and the Blue Dogs have been decimated. Why, then, is there such widespread enthusiasm for a Clinton restoration?
The answer is in these poll numbers. A large number of potential Democrats aren’t reachable for the president. They’re not reachable not because of his record but because of who he is. On most measurables, Obama’s record and positions should be more popular with these Democrats than Hillary’s, but that’s irrelevant. The Clintons may be Ivy League-educated, rich, and part of the national Establishment, but they still have their down-home Arkansas roots. Being from the South, having a more moderate reputation, and being “tough” on foreign policy have a certain attraction to some voters, at least, until you get into the specifics. But specifics have almost nothing to do with these poll results. This is a visceral thing. There’s about 12.5% of the population that thinks that Obama isn’t on their side but Hillary Clinton is. It’s partly racial, it’s partly regional, and it’s partly just a difference in their political brands. But it’s not based on anything substantive.
This is frustrating for progressives who want to win, but also want to move the party in a progressive, not regressive, direction.
But it’s hard to argue with poll numbers that show Hillary beating Jeb by 53%-41%. If those numbers held up and the two candidates split the undecideds, Hillary would get 57% of the vote. For comparison, Eisenhower was reelected in 1956 with 57.4% of the vote, and Ronald Reagan was reelected in 1984 with 58.4% of the vote. Ike lost only seven states that year, and in 1984 Reagan won every contest but Minnesota and the District of Columbia.
Can Hillary pull something like that off?
And, even if she can, can we trust her instincts on foreign policy?
>>can we trust her instincts on foreign policy?
can we trust her on ANY issue that progressives care about? I see that answer as a solid NO. She’d be less bad than a republican, and she would carefully calculate exactly how little less bad.
Well…yes, we can trust her.
We can trust her to act in the interests of the economic imperialist PermaGov, just as has Obama. She will camouflage her actions and tendencies a little differently than has he…after all, she is a different brand…but whether it’s Coke or Pepsi, it’s still not very good for you. The next question then appears to be:
Why…after massive information has been made readily available to consumers that chemical and sugar-laden soft drinks are really bad for one’s health…why do people choose to drink them? And the answer of course is advertising. Not just classic advertising but perhaps more importantly, the inclusion of those brands in otherwise supposedly non-advertising media. Soft drink brands and the like show up in any and all media. They are featured in movie and TV comedies and dramas, in quiz shows, in the stadiums where we go to watch our gladiators, on umbrellas above hot dog stands, in the windows of stores and restaurants that we pass as we walk down the street, on billboards, etc. They are cemented into our brains as part of parcel of everyday life by these actions. They are made necessary to the American way of life.
Back to Hillary Clinton.
Has she not been “branded” in exactly the same way? In the headlines of every newspaper and internet news aggregator? On every TV news show? Hell, she’s a one word brand, just as are Pepsi and Coke.
It’s not “Pepsi-Cola” or “Coca-Cola,” right? It’s “Pepsi” and “Coke.” Well, it’s not “Hillary Clinton,” either. It’s “Hillary.”
It’s not race that distorts the electorate.
It’s advertising.
The answer?
Of course, this will never happen. Media is a highly addictive drug. Get the population strung out on media and you can feed it whatever brands you want to feed it.
So it goes.
Like the old “Tastes great!!!”/”Less filling!!!” Miller Lite ads…Miller Lite, a chemically-laden brew which actually tastes like cold piss and takes up just as much room in one’s stomach as any other equivalent number of ounces of liquid…you can then create false controversies that have nothing whatsoever to do with the actual character of the product. Construct them to the audience’s already devolved tastes no matter what they may be and there you have it.
They don’t call advertising campaigns and political campaigns by the same last name fer nuthin’, folks. It’s the same piss, just different bottles.
Bet on it.
Miller. The
champagne…errrr, ahhhh…campaign of bottled beers.Politics. The campaign of bottled dears.
Bet on it.
And vote at your own peril.
Remember…two wrongs don’t make a right. And they don’t make a left, either.
Think on it.
AG, if Hillary and the President are Coke and Pepsi, Ron and Rand Paul are cyanide and ricin. One pair is worse than the other pair.
Two rights don’t make a left either, Arthur. All they achieve is to take you back the way you came. Wanna try throwing out a few more metaphors that don’t really mean anything?
Think about it!
What I wrote means nothing? To you, I guess. There is meaning in that post. You simply reject it.
Why yes, unlike you I do reject slavery, white supremacy and marital rape as the divinely ordained plan of things. And you know something, Arthur, I have no reason to regret my decision.
Can we trust her on foreign policy? Well, Bill didn’t get us in an quagmire. Hillary isn’t going to want a war because she knows how often they become unpopular. She’ll puff and preen about “being strong” because she wants the armchair warriors to like her, but it’s not in her political interest to get into a messy war and she’s not going to.
I think the foreign policy referred to is erasing Israel and the Ukraine.
This is a good, though sad, analysis of today’s political climate. Policies and the true ambitions of our politicians are rarely the determining factors in elections. Party allegiance and the overall narrative make the difference. Assuming there’s a Clinton nomination makes me think of the Dylan lyrics, “What price do I have to pay to get out of going through all these things twice?”
The price of waking the fuck up. (See my reply above.)
And voting for Rand Paul? Ha Ha Ha Ha ha Ha! Puking myself with laughter.
I think Arthur is talking about Rand Paul as the “fuck” who needs to be woken up. At least, that’s the theory that fits the facts of Rand Paul’s alternation of hypocrisy and willful ignorance on the key issues of the day.
“…can we trust her instincts on foreign policy?”
A dishonest question. There is no such thing as foreign policy. There is no one in Washington who could locate any given country on a globe. At a very deep level, none of them understand that there is such a place as “the rest of the world”. “Foreign policy” is a ritual consisting of the brandishing of talismans, each of which is exclusively an allegory for a domestic faction.
There is, there can be, no such thing as foreign policy in a nation that has fallen victim, as we have, to the fatal disease of faction.
I keep sayin:
If Hillary can hold it together, and keep the dem base motivated, wit the re-capture of the ‘racist Democrats’, the 2016 election could be a blow-out for the Democrats.
The GOP has gone so far off to the margins during the Kenyan President’s term, that when Obama is off the ballot, there will be this huge slingshot of racist whites who will move back to the Democrats.
You know, I always wondered just how many people in the American electorate simultaneously:
A.) Are aware that conservative orthodoxy would have them licking the boots of the soi disant overclass. That despite all the talk about God and American Strength and whatnot it’ll just lead them and their family under the bridge and into a cardboard box.
B.) Would rather knowingly lick the boots of the soi disant overclass than not have their inane cultural symbols and delusions sufficiently pandered to.
I’d like to think that this number wasn’t very large, but the Southern Strategy worked like a charm. So who knows.
Ah, but the trick is to persuade the poor, hateful, ignorant lunkheads that they are (or at least deserve to be) members of the overclass, if only Democrats weren’t “stealing” “their” money and “giving” it to “those” people.
Let’s remember here that the South loved them some New Deal redistribution, just as long as “those” people weren’t included.
But specifics have almost nothing to do with these poll results. This is a visceral thing. There’s about 12.5% of the population that thinks that Obama isn’t on their side but Hillary Clinton is. It’s partly racial, it’s partly regional, and it’s partly just a difference in their political brands. But it’s not based on anything substantive.
This is why Traditional America would be, left to their own devices, doomed to die a hideous yet self-inflicted death in the latrines of their Dickensian workhouses while desperately clinging to the delusion that they were the Greatest People Who Ever Walked The Earth (just because) And Thus This Shouldn’t Be Happening. Maybe they could comfort themselves in their final moments by pretending that they were sharing this final beer with their factory owners — who of course Looked Just Like Them And (pretended to) Believe Many of the Inane Symbols of Society.
I don’t trust her on domestic policy — y’know, banks and inequality? And yet I fucking well trust her on everything more than I trust any Republican on anything. (No, not even Rand Paul on foreign policy — not if he spent the weekend kissing Rupert Murdoch’s ass at the Kentucky Derby.) And there really isn’t a Democrat who can win in 2016 besides Hillary, given the piss-poor job Democrats do of promoting potential stars. So 2016 will either be the usual holding action (Hill wins) or the apocalypse (a Republican wins). For me the choice is clear.
You already know you can’t trust her on foreign policy.
If you can’t trust her on domestic policy, then why vote for her?
This is the ‘vote for Ralph Nader’ argument. It may feel good, but, in a winner take all election system, you really do have to go with the ‘lesser of evils’. If you don’t, the ‘greater of evils’ gets elected.
Better to fix the democrat party if you can. You have to get elected in the meantime. 8 years of W should have really cleared people’s heads on this.
It’s simple, really. Whatever else you can say about Al Gore, he would not have used 9/11 as an excuse to invade Iraq.
Who knows, maybe Jeb Bush really wouldn’t be all that different from Hillary Clinton, but I don’t think he’s going to get anywhere near the nomination anyway. I just don’t see how the base is going to forgive him for not hating Latinos. So who does that leave? Rand Paul? Ted Cruz? I wouldn’t trust those guys with my car keys, let alone any part of the government.
Besides, we’ll all have our chance to not vote for her in the primary. I’m not planning to. But in the general election, I will absolutely vote for any Democrat over any Republican.
Car keys?
I wouldn’t trust them to take out the garbage…
But I know she’s the lesser of two evils.
The thing that gets me is those who have been deriding Barack Obama since 2009, trying to sell me the bullshyt sandwich that Hillary Clinton would be more progressive than Obama, when President Obama spent his first term cleaning up shyt with origins in Bill Clinton’s tenure as President.
The idea that Hillary is more progressive than Obama is laughable.
The idea that Obama is progressive is laughable. And by the way, his 2008 primary position papers were all to the Right of HRC’s when they differed at all.
“The idea that Obama is progressive is laughable.”
He’s done more to bring progressives closer to their goals than any president since LBJ – and no, I don’t count Nixon signing the bills that the Democrats put in front of him, before you ask.
Look at Obama’s actual achievements in healthcare, gay rights, equal pay- and then talk about his “real” agenda.
That’s why. (See my reply above.)
Because I remember 2000….
And there really isn’t a Democrat who can win in 2016 besides Hillary, given the piss-poor job Democrats do of promoting potential stars.
I call BS on this whole sentence. Who the hell knew who Obama was in 2005(or what ever the equivalent is)? We don’t even know what the race might look like in 2016. Are you telling me that Brian Schweitzer or Elizabeth Warren couldn’t beat “Tailgunner” Ted Cruz, Chris Christie or the Jebster? What potential stars? The Castro brothers? Keith Ellison? Or do you prefer Andrew Cuomo?
Dick Durbin.
I wouldn’t put too much money on Schweitzer, who has a certain lack of charisma, winning a race against Jeb. In any case, one of the big questions here is what the various candidates have in the way of coattails. I see no evidence that the alternatives to HRC can match her potential in that area.
Incidentally, and for what it’s worth, I don’t think we should rush to assume that the cautious, calculating HRC of her New York Senator years is necessarily the end of her story. Gillibrand used to be definitely more towards the Blue Dog side of the spectrum – and she’s turned into quite an effective advocate for a variety of more progressive positions. Give HRC real power and some good Democrats to “make her do things” as FDR once said, and we might yet see Hilary “does not stay home and bake cookies like a good little housewife” Rodham emerge into the sunlight again.
It’s clear for me too.
I’m voting for Undead Zombie Eugene Debs.
And that’s only because Undead Zombie Henry Wallace isn’t running this time.
Will the fact that Hillary is a woman do any distorting?
E.J. touched on that.
So to put it linearly:
Support Obama/Support Clinton: 59% women
Don’t support Obama/Support Clinton: 63% women
Needless to say, if 63% of women actually vote for Clinton, it’s going to be a massive blowout. But 59% would translate to a decent win, too.
Sorry, I blew it on that.
The 63% isn’t the the percentage of women who support Hillary; it’s the percentage of the sample that supports both Hillary and Obama that is female.
Yes. It was your last sentence that I rec’d.
Bottom line, they wanna cling to that Whiteness.
bottom line.
We get the racists vote because Hillary ain’t a ni-CLANG!
And this purportedly gets them into “our” column.
I do truly and honestly wish we could win WITHOUT these assholes.
Racism doesn’t seem to be something that can be unlearned. It has to “die out”.
False. Racism (like homophobia) is ignorance. People can learn.
Who won in 2008 and 2012? We don’t need them; we need improved turnout. Obama won red Indiana in 2008. Forget about Cletus and Cooter, it’s time to make real progress.
You can.
By “we” you mean who? The DemocRats?
Yore friend…
Emily Litella
This was a serious response? I guess you really are trolling. All this time I thought you were a simple contrarian. That’s what I get for not paying attention.
Apparently the current Booman Trib definition of a troll is “Someone who effectively disagrees with you and cannot be put into a convenient media-defined box.” I resemble that remark.
The picture of Cruz…and that whole reply…was a joke.
You write:
Well then…pay attention!!!
I am not a “simple contrarian.” I would love to agree with the basic views of the so-called progressive left, except for one thing. They aren’t working. Bill Clinton sold the economy down the river with NAFTA; the DemRats rolled over when Bush II and the RatPublicans stole not one but two elections; the Bush II years firmly established the Permanent War state and Obama has continued with the selling of that economy to the .01%, the further progression of that Permanent War state (See the real story behind the Ukraine mess for his latest mistakes. Victoria Nuland??? The principal deputy national security adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney? Married to Robert Kagan, a neocon who pushed for the Iraq war? Please!!!) and the incredibly dangerous, incredibly rapid metastasizing of that state’s truly cancerous surveillance establishment.
Neither am I a troll, a flake or any other easily thrown around, non-personing media term. I have a number of valid points…the media control of the majority of United States citizens’ minds being my primary point, be it leftiness, centrishist or rightiness media…and I make them well. Do not be fooled by the spiteful, Dkos-style little minds who have recently come to this site to snipe at me from the safety of their little shelters. There’s more going on here than meets the eye. Bet on it.
Ol’ Will Shakespeare knew, centuries ago.
Bet on that as well.
“And therefore as a stranger give it welcome” is the real punchline here. It is hard to welcome things that seem strange, just as it is hard to welcome strangers with open arms. However the facts remain. This country is ever more rapidly tumbling towards some sort of serious breakdown. One or two more heavy blows…terrorist actions, economic collapses, environmental breakdowns, so-called “acts of God” like earthquakes, whatever…and we will be in the same state of collapse as was the U.S.S.R in the ’80s and early ’90s. The real basis of this ongoing collapse is the bloated military budget. We are going broke policing the world for NATO, to put it bluntly. No one in any real position of potential power in either party is addressing this issue with anything more than empty rhetoric, therefore I support those who do. The Paulists are pretty much all alone in this effort, and the media will make sure that they can do nothing in terms of achieving real power. However, just having someone publicly stand up and tell the truth about what is happening here…about the military, about the surveillance state and about the plutocracy that is really running things…is a valuable commodity. People are beginning to see the facts of the matter. Maybe if enough people do so we can avert that impending collapse. I pray that it be so.
Look around, Ben. The twitterish, sniping posts? Little minds. Think on it.
It’s 80% RACIAL.
Barack Obama killed fucking OSAMA BIN LADEN
and these mofos are more impressed with Hillary Clinton?
IF Hillary were President
And, yet 90% of Kossacks would support her if she won the nomination.
You still go there?
That is one nasty job you have.
In the voice of Joe Abercrombie:
“Say this for DailyKos – they made Arthur Gilroy soil himself and scurry out of town.”
No, they had to non-person me.
Can you really non-person a man with no personality of his own? How does one do that to a walking glibertarian propaganda sheet?
considering that NOT supporting the dem nominee is a banning offense at dKos how is that a surprise?
You still believe in the Osama bin Laden story? Particularly the ending? “Buried at sea,” etc?
I still hope that “Buried at Sea” means thrown live out of the helicopter hundreds of miles from land, ala Salvadoran Death squads.
AG, bin Laden truther?
I used to expect more of Arthur. Not any longer, regrettably. He’s become one of the lowest trolls imaginable. Regrettably, his decline continues.
Actually, I am not a “bin Laden truther.” Why? How? Because I am not even sure that he existed in the form we were media-fed. Double agent? Triple? Just a convenient person on whom to put a monster mask by the U.S. intelligence forces and their media satraps? All or none of the above?
Do you know how to tell when the media is lying?
When it is making a lot of noise about something.
Every time.
Actually, I am not a “bin Laden truther.”
And Nixon wasn’t a crook.
Nor were LBJ, Ford, Bush I and II, Clinton I or Obama.
The only preznit of the last 50+ years or so who might get a possible pass in the “crook” department was Jimmy Carter. All of the others clearly onspired on one level or another with the vast criminal conspiracy that we laughingly call “The United States Federal Government.”
Bet on it.
If you do not understand that, you understand nothing.
Arthur, you are unquestionably the expert when it comes to understanding nothing. You just need to be a little more honest when it comes to looking in the mirror.
To be fair, he has mastered several different HTML elements–bold and underline for instance.
The inevitable last resort of little minds.
P.S. Did you go to school at Dkos to learn that?
“Barack Obama killed fucking OSAMA BIN LADEN”
Republicans will tell you that SEALs Killed Osama when you say this.
Mind you, it’s not soo soo soo long ago that Republicans were insisting that we’d find Saddam’s WMD any day now.. well, give it another month.. or maybe another year… or perhaps he sneaked them over the border into…well some place that borders Iraq.
I’m not saying that. I literally mean that that is what Republicans say. With words I can’t reproduce the “foam at the mouth” attitude they have when they say it.
I never assumed you were saying it. I was agreeing with your point about the shifty dishonesty of the GOP.
Oh. I thought I was unclear.
YES. I get this from con acquaintances ALL THE TIME. As if Bush actually personally executed Saddam, or something… Just pisses me off.
Two quick comments:
“Can we trust her instincts on foreign policy?”
Can we trust her instincts on domestic policy?
Will I vote for her if she is the nominee?
Do we need to gain the house and keep the senate?
God help us if we get any more conservatives on the supreme court.
I find it a tough call so early. In my imagination I could see the potential big win in the presidential race especially if the economy strenghtens further and the jobs machine starts turning. A boost from consumer spending and everyone becomes more optimistic. Foreign policy has never been an election issue between parties, the advisers come from the same think tanks through the revolving door of the White House as we have experienced with President Obama.
The presidential race will be decided on domestic issues and I’m sure the Republicans will attempt another coup to get the media headlines. Obama did extremely well in 2012 running his campaign and keeping the Romney team back-footed.
Should the Democratic Party USA be content with the return of 12.5% of the Republican “stupid” with a background of racism and bigotry? There goes any hope for change and enlightenment for our grandchildren.
As rikyrah has stated in clear terms, with Hillary Clinton expect more overseas adventures. Israel, Likud and Netanyhau would welcome this change in leadership. A sad and sorry state of affairs. Obama will be missed.
Could outsider Paul Ryan get preference over Jeb Bush? I believe the race will be tougher for Ms Clinton.
McClatchy-Marist Poll. April 7-10, 2014. N=518 registered voters nationwide. Margin of error ± 4.3.
“If the 2016 presidential election were held today, whom would you support if the candidates are Hillary Clinton, the Democrat, and [see below], the Republican?”
Hillary Clinton (D) Paul Ryan (R) Unsure
% % %
4/7-10/14 51 43 5
2/4-9/14 52 44 4
12/3-5/13 56 40 4
7/15-18/13 53 37 9
It’s so depressing to see that no one can seem to think of anything better than Bill’s wife after all these years. Shes like the last man standing at the end of a siege but that doesn’t mean she will survive to tell the story. It’s really to depressing for words. A complete lack of imagination two and half years before the election—really something for tghe Kossacks to get excited about. This is her second round as the inevitable Democratic nominee and future president. When she loses to a Republican, remind me that you read it here first. Such a down and out miserable prospect. The US will have to survive without a woman president for a few more years. There probably won’t be another black president for another thousand years.
Why, there must be dozens of Democrats we haven’t heard of yet, who are as we speak calling on us to expropriate the expropriators, and planning to seize the commanding heights of the economy in the name of the workers.
Oh, who are they?
Exactly. Linus ain’t the only guy out in the pumpkin patch, waiting, waiting…
Yes, I got it the first time around. Whatever, it is pitiful that after more than 20 years the Clinton’s are still hogging the first row, as if they have anything special to offer.It’s depressing. No one else is in sight, not for a million miles in any direction…and still searching…
And those dozens are all guaranteed winners in the electoral collage too!
Tens of millions of progressive voters now sitting on the sidelines will flood the polls, provided the Democrats just nominate someone left enough.
These are the voters who will flip states like South Dakota, and Indiana, and Tennessee and Missouri, and usher in the American social democracy we’ve been waiting for since FDR’s death!
Tens of millions? Hundreds of millions, surely?!
Hillary Clinton is no Laura Bush. She’s not my first (or second) choice, but having having been a one term junior Senator (like Obama) and Secretary of State gives her political credentials beyond her “Hill and Bill” influence in the ’90s.
This makes me so happy that I am crying. At least one life that hasn’t been senselessly ruined.
I’m not surprised with these numbers. The $50,000 income is high enough to include a lot of small farmers, small business owners, and office managers who remember the Clinton economy. It would be interesting to see whether there are fewer in the Hillary Difference class and more in either the Obama and Hillary class or the Republican voter class as the income drops toward $15K.
Foreign policy is her problem, just not with voters to her right. It’s not an electoral problem. It’s a results problem. Likely economic policy is an equal problems in departure from reality but that departure will be very popular with the electorate that she is putting together.
Without a Congress tugging toward a progressive direction, a Hillary victory essentially moves the Democrats into the space occupied by Richard Nixon, who also won a big margin in 1972. That is, the Democrats fully become the pre-Reagan Republicans.
On foreign policy, she is in the direct line of the tradition of Harry Truman, the habadasher.
“The $50,000 income is high enough to include a lot of small farmers, small business owners, and office managers who remember the Clinton economy.”
When discussing the 2008 primaries with several people in a rural area, they stated they would vote for Hillary that November if she won the nomination. Otherwise, the Republican was getting their vote. When I asked why, their immediate response was how good business was during the 1990’s under Bill. I think there’s a good chance these people will still remember in 2016.
Americans are not great economic thinkers. If they took a course in High School they either forgot it or never understood it. But… Many Americans remember good times, lots of jobs and a roaring stock market when Bill was Prez. It’s a non sequitur but that’s how people’s minds work.
Probably Not and No.
To the generic Democratic trendline.
Why are so many progressives fixated on the political equivalent of reforging Anduril in regards to the hard workin’, rural, white,”fuck you boys” (and girls)?
Times change, FDR’s coalition is never coming back, and those populations are in relative and absolute decline. It isn’t just that damn Rush Limbaugh here kids. The need for rural labor in farming and resource extraction is gone, and with it, labor amenable voters.
Two points:
1) your first sentence is a classic Petitio Principii. I write that the trendline will not return because a) the 2012 trendline was artificially depressed and b) that the GOP has destroyed the conditions that would allow a return to the trendline.
You respond, “Nani nani, poo, poo.”
2) I’m doing analysis. I’m not arguing for Clinton’s campaign. I’m also not arguing that these “fuck you boys'” racial animosity be pandered to in order to win over their votes. I’m arguing that a significant percentage of the electorate disapproves of Obama for racial/regional/cultural/personality reasons and that they indicate that they will vote for Clinton. I believe them.
I guess, you don’t.