A U.S. senator from New York says the f-word on video. Politico, not quite realizing that New York is populated by New Yorkers, clutches pearls in horror.
Here’s a clue, morons. The gentle lady from New York was talking about the inability of her male colleagues in the Senate to decide whether it’s a good thing she’s working out so she won’t get porky or a bad thing because they like their women chubby. Apparently, there’s no shortage of people who badly need to be told to go fuck themselves.
That’s the story. The f-bomb is basically the Empire State anthem.
I gotta figure out what is causing all these extra edit links on the front-page. It’s the second time I’ve had this problem in the last week. I can’t find any HTML-related cause for it and it’s never happened before in nine years.
I thought it was my computer doing it.
I thought you were just giving us all an opportunity to participate in the final drafting of your posts.
I have seen this several times over the last few months. Found it very odd.
Weird. Was happening on ET too.
It’s such a weird story. I personally consider Sen Gillibrand to be attractive. I can’t figure it out. Is she actually a little chunky, or is the camera that makes her look pretty normal weight-wise? She’s no heavier than a lot of people. There are several women in congress that are heavier, and certainly a lot of guys (Peter King is not gonna be dancing in the Joffre any time soon). So what gives?
What gives? First of all, men seem to get a free pass for being heavier, unless they start moving into Chris Christie territory.
What about the other women in congress who are heavier? They may get a pass because at a certain point they are no longer considered a sex object, so then it doesn’t really matter how heavy they are.
It’s the ones like Senator Gillibrand who are close enough to “normal” weight to still be looked at as a sexual being who likely get this the most. And it’s sad to say, but I wonder if some of the clueless senators who made those comments didn’t think they were kind of flirting at the time.
They probably thought that they were being friendly. “Say, girl, you’re lookin’ good.” etc Basically an indoor version of a wolf-whistle. Inappropriate.
I work with a lot of women. No one says anything about any of this stuff. A couple years ago, a Ph.D. level guy (who was Chinese and thus not 100% about social customs) tried to comfort a worker, and gave her a hug. That got his butt fired (overkill IMHO). In academia, no one but NO ONE says anything about stuff. Except when folks are pregnant, you can express a certain amount of sympathy during the last trimester, but that needs to be done with a lot of care as well.
I liked the interview. I wished someone told Politico to fuck themselves. They don’t seem to pay attention to Charles Pierce.
I read the quote and thought right on! The well placed f word makes things interesting. Overuse of cuss words is a drag and indicates a limited vocabulary. But informed discussion mixed with salty language makes it real. I just read an interview with Frances McDormand, and she was not shy with the f words. She has always been a favorite of mine, but that bumped it up a couple notches.
Double standard alert !!!
Cheney tells a US senator to perform an impossible act on the floor of the senate, that makes him a tough, honest speaking kind of guy. Gilibrand, female senator tells an interviewer she had some sense of decorum and gets slammed. As usual, its ok if you are a republican
It’s worse than a double standard: Gillebrand was talking about the use of the word like a linguistics professor (if she were a linguistics professor nobody would or could conceivably object, any more than they could object to a doctor using the word “penis” in relevant context). Cheney, who long afterwards still took pride in his rudeness was using the word to intimidate a colleague. And being a dick.
There are plenty of linguistic pearl-clutchers upstate.
Not that it matters, if they find a lone f-bomb more offensive than institutionalized sexism.
Fuck ’em.
So apparently the “private” invade Iran lobby is actually ass deep in the intelligence community. What a surprise! Presumably if word got out, they’d have to kill Obama. Or Holder. Or both.
Nice of Kirsten Gillibrand to call out Dick Cheney and expose the clueless DC media for not getting it.
Everywhere else the last words of the national anthem are “Play ball.” But in New York…
I’m a native New Yorker and can honestly say that my fellow state residents are truly the most genteel people. Any statements to the contrary are just feeding the worst kinds of stereotypes. Please know that if you come to New York you will be treated with the utmost respect, especially on our many well maintained roadways.
Fuck yes. Hey, don’t fucking cut the line! This ain’t Joisy, after all…
well your highways are well-maintained, anyway.
That part was snark as well.
Everyone always think their own highways are the worst, but at least when traveling around upstate, New York’s highways are a pleasure compared to a lot of other places.
I think I speak for all of America when I say “What will Joe Scarborough have to say about this?”
On the one hand it might seem everything’s getting worse by the day, on the other hand…everything is definitely getting pettier by the second.
This is a little dig on Dick Cheney, no? Exact quote from him to Leahy on the Senate floor…
With that one refreshingly frank f-bomb, Kirsten Gillibrand moves into my list of preferred candidates for 2016.
It’s a very short list at this stage. Bernie and Kirsten and …