Oh, my goodness. What can be worse than tables and graphs that back your factual claims? Mr. Starbursts is offended.
Vox Obama is the only rational guy in town. Vox Obama is a non-ideological devotee of facts. Vox Obama speaks in dulcet tones. Vox Obama has data sliding beside his face to prove his points! (MSNBC should integrate this feature into its coverage of next year’s State of the Union address.)
Vox called the video clips of its interviews “films.” They had dramatic cut-aways and soothing music, as well as cute gizmos and other supporting material flashing on the screen to illustrate the wisdom and correctness of everything Obama said.
Why didn’t President Obama’s ad-makers hire these guys? The videos could have been produced by a naively progressive Leni Riefenstahl, provided she believed in the totemic power of tables and graphs (always supportive, of course — a hint of disagreement might ruin the effect).
I’m just guessing here because “Ezra” and “Klein” are names associated with a particular religious group, but the comparison to Leni Riefenstahl might have been just a tad offensive, don’t you think?
I mean, hey, okay, go ahead and call the president “a grubby politician.” It’s what you get paid to do. But however deep you try to bury the point, we saw how you compared him to Hitler.
And, wtf.?!?!?!?!?!
This assclown, who worships at the altar of Ronald Reagan and the ‘cult of personality’ around him, and the many hagiographies about him, says this about President Obama?
Man, talk about clue-free.
Oh well, after all, this is the ‘MORAN!!!” who saw starbursts and had a hard-on when he first saw Sarah “The Whore of Babblin’-on” Palin – so, what can you expect from an ardent fan-boy!
He certainly seems to know who Leni Riefenstahl was; perhaps we are glimpsing the origin of his ‘starburst’ obsessions with reactionary women. Paging Ayn Rand…
So now the Left isn’t allowed to have news packaged the way that appeals to us? I am so pleased that this upsets them. I revel in their discomfort. I totally loved the way Vox handled that media. It was edgy and compelling. Let the dinosaurs have their gun-toting, castrating screeching. We’ll have our dulcet tones and graphs. After all, if we’re going to be ghettoized in our news consumption, we might as well get what we want.
The Hitler thing, the Hitler fixation. When you look at the younger Adolf in the very early Weimar Republic years, round about 1923, pre Bier Hall Pusch, he hams it for the cameras. He’s a total goomer who gets starstruck by the new fangled contraption. Then, by the early 30’s, talk about jaded, he can’t even be bothered that the cameras are rolling, and catching his every move. He walks right by them, phoning in his feeble half Zieg Heil annoyed validation of the camera’s presence. Interesting that Mr. Starbursts has a giant sized man crush on Bill O’Reilly, and some sort of My Favorite Pony fetish for the Sarah Entity®, because to me, they’re still in that early 1920’s Adolf mugging for the camera, country bumpkin stage of their full fascist development.
“Sieg” not “Zieg”. “Sieg” in German means either “peace” or “victory”. An interesting conflation of meanings, no?
No lengthy comment here- I’m just here to say that Lowry has thoroughly convinced me that he is a very horrible person, even in comparison with others in his reprehensible political movement. FTG and the Starburst Girl he so fanatically supported.
The other question would be what Lowry sees in a series of charts and tables, however elegantly designed, that makes him react like that. I think it’s his math anxiety.
I just saw one of them a day or two ago (can’t remember the topic) but they were excellent. I don’t know if they’d work for any politician answering questions, but with Obama’s low-key, matter-of-fact “style” in a one-on-one context, the little overlay animated graphs that illustrated Obama’s points were very, very well done. Vox (Klein and his crew there) have introduced a fantastic new way to convey information described. Excellent too that it’s consistent with the overall thrust of Vox–to make complex topics understandable.