I guess the St. Louis Cardinals are the new New England Patriots.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
It is amusing that patriots and Cardinals are both right wing criminal figures as well.
The Astros?!?!?!?!
Jayzoos, I could understand if it was the Dodgers or Giants or the Mets, or another good team – but the Astros?
They’ve had good teams like what, 2 to 4 times in their history?
It’s like trying to infiltrate Carly Fiorino’s website.
Unless you want to learn how NOT to run a company, why would you bother?
The Astros’ GM is the guy who built the Cardinals’ talent system. He’s turned the Houston system into one of the best in baseball.
Although he probably should have picked a new password when he left St. Louis.
Houston, we have a problem. There, I said it.
Oh please, tell us again how the Giants are as pure as the driven snow. I need a laugh.
I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
I’d be surprised if there isn’t a team around that hasn’t got a pile of dirt in the closet. But, geez, the Cardinals sure are inept at dirty work.
No word on Kevin Haslett’s AEI/NYT takedown of the Wells report? I mean, when Dow 36000 is making you look dumb…
as a Cubs fan, I’m basking in thier negative press and just like the Patriots wonder why they feel like they have to do it