Isn’t today a perfect day to continue to ignore Donald Trump?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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B-B-But he has NINE BILLION DOLLARS! He has stores that are worth more than Mitt Romney!
Jeez louise, Mr Birds Nest Hair, STFU! You are living proof that having money doesn’t make you smart or personable. You’re an obnoxious, braying ass and nobody wants you as President.
Sincerely, America
Yes but you just blew it.
Look at the bright side. Trump got Neil Young to publicly support Bernie Sanders.
Yes, besides which this is gonna be so much fun!
Oh, good. Bernie’s got northern Ontario locked up.
While NY is still a Canadian citizen, and will never give that up, I do wonder what his status in the US is. Is he a permanent resident? Does he have dual citizenship? No idea. For all the land he owns near Redwood City, CA, I hope he is able to vote here. Then again because he’s owned it since the early 70’s he probably pays next to nothing in property taxes on it given how screwed up CA still is in some ways. Even though the property must be worth tens of millions of dollars by now, thanks to the Silicon Valley tech explosion.
All I have to say is that my step dad sold a bike to Neil Young in 1974 from our bike shop in Santa Cruz CA called the bicycle trip. I think this gives him the right to vote.
It will be interesting to see if the cadre in the mainstream media will fete Trump’s maniacal and bombastic diatribes as some sort of realistic alternative to everyone else’s crazy rantings in the GOP circus. If he makes it up on that first debate stage, it will be a scene unlike anything in the annals of Presidential campaigning. One thing is for certain, he will win the contest for arrogance and narcissism.
Donald who?
Yeah 9 billion, but how much is he willing to spend? And of course with Trump it ain’t a liquid $9B, he’s got every red cent of that leveraged to the hilt already.
On the other hand, he’s going to make Perot look like a mini spoiler in comparison. Trump’s debate style is perfect for a 3 minute debate round, he’ll pack more lies about the Party candidates themselves than all of them combined can deflect.
Spend? He’s approaching this as a new revenue and net income opportunity. He has a lot of debts to pay off and running for POTUS seems to be one way to get it done.
Be interesting the first qtr to see what his fundraising looks like. With him telling everyone that he has these billions to self fund his campaign not sure why anyone would throw any coin his way.
You can ignore him but his hair demands attention.
Twenty-three and counting. Eleven of the twenty-three are unknown outside their homes. So, it’s really twelve and counting. Who wants to be number 13? (Scotty? Crispie? Piyush?)
Note: It was a Dirty Dozen in 2008. So, we can’t totally attribute this to Citizen’s United.
Twelve politicians who’ve held significant office plus Carson and Trump, who are celebrities, and Fiorina, who was an important (if disastrous) CEO and got nominated for the Senate. So 15 significant candidates.
At this rate it’ll be a mnemonic trick to be able to list them all.
it is funny to watch those who take him seriously, actually take him seriously.
The Donald has such good name recognition he will probably kick someone out of the top ten. He could go to Iowa…stubble around mumbling birth certificate….and win the state. The Donald is the candidate that will push Bush to the right unless Bush uses some of that money to silence him quick.
16 months of this shit.
I noticed that following the CBS evening news The Donald announcement was the lead story on Entertainment Tonight.
I think that pretty much says it all. Sheeeeese
Every clown car needs a chief clown.
Booman asks:
isn’t every day?
If so…why are you writing about him?
Good to see you back, Arthur. I had expected comments from you on some of the recent political/electoral theory threads.
“Theory”=Something people are trying to prove.
Everybody has their own theories. It’s crackerbarrel conversation on most levels.
“Fact”=Something that is completely provable.
For example…it is a “fact” that I am about to go out to work on this beautiful NYC summer day. It is also a fact that the NYC subways are breaking down at an unprecedented rate, so I will leave early and watch my MTA phone app for updates. It is also a fact that those updates are often a little late and thus I have my travel thing pretty well down in terms of giving myself sufficient lead time. Musicians who are late to gigs stop getting hired eventually.
Further fact(s): Booman Tribune…w/the exception of a very few posters, including you…is now a centrist website full of misinformational DemRat-centric theories that are not worth the digital energy that prints them. (I would hate to think that it is actually disinformation because I really respect Booman despite our differences. But sometimes I wonder…)
I don’t much like crackerbarrel theories, so I don’t spend much time debating them.
Keep up the good work. Somebody’s got to make sense here.
Raining here. We get the tail end of the Texas rain. Haven’t worked (voluntarily) since February. I like to work in the yard when it’s not to hot, but when it’s raining I spend the day on the computer. I should read more instead.
Hope you have a good time at your gigs. People should enjoy their work. And if you really believe in the Pauls (cannot understand why) then do your thing and don’t let “electability’ or ‘party loyalty’ dissuade you.
Here is what I believe:
I believe that anybody who offers even a moderately sane alternative to the PermaGov’s 1 percenter-driven race to the bottom of the barrel should be given a thorough hearing.
Who knows?
Maybe the sleeple might wake up.
Or not…
The dude is an elaborate troll. But do you realize what he is doing to the Republican party? If their was ever a billionaire plot to ruin the Republican party it’s Trump, not Soros.
He’s out there repeating boiler Republican id. And not in the soothing tones of David Brooks pining for feudalism, but in the pittbull with lipstick Sarah Palin style. Just he can form coherent sentences and has an IQ above a turnip.
And as long he’s saying it, he’s dragging the lot of them with him. He’d be amazing in debates and has a good shot at getting votes just to see what he says next. Think of the damage to the Republican party brand on a global scale!