Sen. Cory Booker did what I expected him to do, which is to wait until it was too late to matter to make a decision on whether or not to endorse the nuclear deal with Iran, and then to endorse it. This makes the most political sense for him, which I’ll explain, but also shows that he’s covering his ass rather than showing leadership.
The path Sen. Booker chose is what I would have recommended to him as the wise one if he wanted to cause the least controversy and the fewest political risks. While there are some people who are genuinely pissed off that it took him so long to endorse the deal, the fact is that he did eventually endorse it and the deal will be implemented. There won’t be much traction in attacking him for delay when he picked the correct and winning side.
As for the sizable conservative Jewish community in New Jersey, they appreciate that he listened to their concerns and that he waited to see how it would shake out rather than giving any comfort to the supporters of the deal, including the president. They know he isn’t to blame for the deal going through and they know that his vote on this didn’t materially change a thing. So, while some of them might be bitterly disappointed, most of them will remember that Booker didn’t fight on the other side.
In my opinion, Booker was always going to support the deal but he had to contend with the fact that the other New Jersey senator, Bob Menendez, was an outspoken critic of the deal. It didn’t help to have Chuck Schumer across the Hudson River opposing the deal, too. In taking this low key approach, Booker avoided showing up his closest geographical colleagues in the Senate. It should be noted, as well, that Bob Casey of Pennsylvania and Chris Coons of Delaware also took their sweet time making a public declaration.
So, basically, the whole region kind of slow-footed the thing and for some reason Booker seemed to take the most heat for it.
Like I said, politically, this was the right play if your goal was risk aversion. But I don’t know that Booker really wants to get a reputation for playing it safe. This was a pretty high profile vote and political junkies are going to remind him of his lack of leadership for a long time.
This is a very big win for the President.
A BFD to quote Joe.
By political junkies, I assume you mean those people who are cognizant of most every jot and tidle of politics within a given area and are not paid observers of same (reporters, organizers, operatives and etc.).
By the above definition, political junkies are just that: junkies.
By extending a metaphor until it breaks the camel’s back: no pays any attention to junkies.
You think he wants to be on the 2016 ticket? I do. And for that he had to endorse the deal.
I was guessing it’s more about his relationship w Menendez especially since Menendez is on his way out;
If Hillary is the nominee, he’s not going to be on the ticket. So this is about 2024. Or at least having a chance in 2024.
I still think Hillary has a disease that flares up and is treated with steroids (probably prednisone). If that’s the case he could be seriously be considering 2020 as a possiblility.
Granted, its a longshot, but then if longshots didn’t come home on occasion, no one would bet.
Don’t know about a disease, but she does appear to have an issue with balance that she has handled by changing her gait.
I have no idea since I try to stay away from politics on TV these days. My only point was that I think Hillary’s running mate, should she be the Democratic nominee, will be either of the Castro brothers or someone else of similar stature, and from the South or West. Booker is too close geographically(New Jersey to New York).
Castro brothers? Nah. With Trump busily denying the R’s the Hispanic vote for the next 25 years, she doesn’t need an Hispanic.
My guess would be a down ticket democrat from Ohio or Wisconsin. Someone squeaky clean who wouldn’t leave the area bounded by the Mississippi, the Ohio and the Canadian border.
Sure he has had some gaffes but that is forgivable for a VP as long as the can shore up some of the ticket’s perceived weaknesses. Being from the west is a plus. As is his age (just 60).
Confirmation bias for my existing dislike of Booker.
Definitely the smart move. He had to endorse if he wanted a future with the party. Booker’s not the kind of guy who can count on the backing of a moderate constituency. He needs progressives to be on his good side. At the same time, he would have made enemies had he endorsed when his vote meant something. There was no winning so it made sense to play the hand not to lose. He’s lucky it didn’t come down to his vote but, if it had, he would have had no choice but to take the heat and vote in favor.
IDK, but I think the “playing is safe” reputation, is already set in for Booker.
Understood but it’s still a vote in favor of the agreement. Will most folks notice the timing?
I agree this inside baseball crap drives me crazy
Cowards are smart? Jesus H Christ. Have some conviction. Why should I care about progressive politics when the politicians cannot be bothered to stand up for what’s right?
He is gutless
The day Menendez came out against the deal I did something I don’t remember ever doing. I wrote Menendez to say he was still an embarrassment to my state and couldn’t get to jail fast enough, and I wrote Booker to tell him to get off his ass and show the leadership he showed as mayor. Riding snowplows in a blizzard and rescuing old ladies from fire and speaking the truth to power this was not. He’s been a patsy as senator and squandered a lot of special goodwill he had in the state. Same old same old.
yeah. I like my politicians to be of the self-immolation variety also.