I find this quite interesting.

A close associate tells Politico that Donald Trump plans to sign a loyalty pledge “that would bind him to endorse the Republican nominee, and would preclude a third-party run. Trump made the stunning decision, which he has long resisted, to avoid complications in getting listed on primary ballots, and to take away an attack line in the next debate.”

“So his decision to give it up is a sign that he increasingly wants to show his campaign is real and not a stunt. The colorful magnate is also trying to make that point by adding staff in key states, issuing position papers, and pursuing access to primary ballots throughout the country.”

Something like a month ago there was open speculation that the Republican Establishment would try to find some way of excluding Donald Trump from their first debate. Rick Perry called Trump a malignancy on conservatism. People were lining up to sever their business relationships with the real estate developer.

Flash forward to today and the Republican Establishment has extracted an oath from Trump to remain loyal to their party.

I know that the reason for this is to try to prevent him from running as a third party candidate, and they actually used their power to scare Trump into making this pledge out of fear that he’d be denied ballot access as in independent.

But the result is that they’ve bound him to their party by demanding that he stay a member.

So, never mind that thing about him being too racist to allow on the debate stage, or him being a cancer, or him being too toxic to do business with.

They’ve secured him as a captive member of their party now.

They own him.