Fourteen years after the 9/11 catastrophe, the Bush administration cover-up of why the terrorist attacks were carried out despite the White House, CIA and FBI being repeatedly warned of them still holds. Not only has the final word not come out about this malfeasance of enormous and arguably criminal proportions, hardly any word about it has.
The mainstream media has been complicitous in ignoring this cover-up and ancillary efforts to hide the truth, which is not to be confused with the rantings of so-called 9/11 Truthers but rather an effort to hide the serial negligence and incompetence that characterized the government response before, during and after the attacks. The Obama administration has shown no interest in trying to penetrate this veil of silence.
Fourteen years after 19 suicidal hijackers “pulled off a geopolitical magic trick of the first order,” as one pundit astutely put it, America is less vulnerable, but only if you take a narrow view.
Osama bin Laden had been denied his caliphate long before his assassination in May 2011, but Al Qaeda remains a dangerous if diminished force, and then there is ISIS. In the years since the attacks, the American national security state has grown immense and out of all proportion to what is realistically needed. Hundreds of thousands of innocents have died and nations have been destroyed. Then there was the Bush Torture Regime.
Pundits declared that Bin Laden’s death finally brought closure to the families of the 3,000 9/11 victims and the U.S. as a whole, but because of the continuing government cover-up and the news media’s complicity in it, that is a convenient if tragic fiction.
Go to Kiko’s House ( for an analysis of the 9/11 cover-up and its implications.
Thank you Shaun!!!
This…and parallel statements about the JFK, RFK, MLK Jr. and Malcom X assassinations, the real story behind Watergate and the real story behind Bill Clinton’s honey-trapping among many other spook-related subjects…need to by stated again and again and again and again until maybe enough people wake the fuck up to what has happened to this country to be able to change things.
The ongoing PermaGov coup continues to this day.
Bet on it.
P.S. I enjoyed that book you gave me. See you at the COTA festival this weekend? I’m w/the COTA band and also playing the Sun. mass and later with the COTA camp band…playing a tribute to Rick… as well.
I don’t understand what is missing or being covered up.
The Bush administration was incompetent from start to finish. They dismissed the warnings because they could not imagine the United States attacked. Hubris. Stupidity. Decisions made with the gut and truthiness instead of reality. Fitting the data to the decision instead of using the data to sort out the right choice.
Bush liked being the President but he did not understand how to govern. After Katrina, I think everybody knew how incompetent the administration was. Bush appointed Michael Brown to head FEMA and Brown thought the job involved sitting in his office. Do you think the other Bush appointments were any better?
Why was Bush incompetent? How does anyone answer that question? Leave it for the historians. The Bush regime would fit in quite neatly as a section of Barbara Tuchman’s “The March of Folly.”